Post-Apocalyptic Art Thread

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Mutant Lord

Freaky mutants for a new book cover

Got a ton of new art to show off in the next month, so let's get started with some color work....

This was the cover illustration for a manual of monsters. Quite a bright scene for something as dark as a post-apocalyptic world! The original art started as a 8.5 x 11" pencil drawing and then scanned at 300dpi and digitally painted in Photoshop. Enjoy

Mutant Lord

4 PA grayscale Scenes involving mutant monsters

So tonight we are presenting four post apocalyptic art scenes. Each of these is a grayscale digital illustration that shows characters interacting with mutant critters. Clearly, folks, no good is going to come of these meetings


Mutant Lord

Abhorras, Giant Badgers and Battle Apes - oh my!

And some more post apocalyptic art, these next few posts will showcase mutant creatures from the new book and are all rendered as digital grayscale paintings over a 300 dpi scanned pencil drawing. Took for friggin' ever! WM


Assorted Abhorra your excavators might meet in and around the ruins.

Bone Eater Badger

Battle Ape, Chimp, wild specimen

Battle Ape, Gorilla, Mutated wild specimen

Battle Ape, Cybernetic Gorilla

Battle Ape, Cybernetic chimp

Thanks for viewing folks.
Are you an artist? Do you have some post-apocalyptic art you can add to this thread?

Mutant Lord

Beneath the Spire cover art

The above cover art was done in photoshop over an 8x11" graphite drawing. Used for the cover of a Pay What You Want adventure in The Mutant Epoch's One Day Digs 3 & 4 set. I loved working on this one, especially the female cyborg's red braids and blue ribbons. This was a quicker illustration than other covers, but I am happy with how it turned out. Thoughts?

Oh, here is the link to the PDF if you want to look at the demo and see more art from the project

Have a great weekend!

Mutant Lord

Cover art for Tunnels & Skulls

Tunnels & Skulls, written by Brandon Goeringer, and involves an assortment of adventure hooks, a random sewer tunnel generator, two grid sheets for your own sewer network maps, a random encounter table, d100 treasure table plus an all new creature (pictured on the cover).
You can learn more about these Pay What You Want adventures on the collection's own webpage:

I'll be loading a ton of mutant creatures in this thread shortly so stay tuned.

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Mutant Lord

more post-apocalyptic monsters

Oh, it's been awhile since I Posted more PA art here. Here are more grayscale paintings of deviants, freaks, and foul critters from Mutant Bestiary One.


Great Armadillo

Blade Tail

Blood Mole

Bog Lurker

Brain Hound

Bug Crits, assorted

Bug Crit Egg Queen

Mutant Lord

Cover Art: The Flesh Weavers

Hi all,
Tried something different with this cover for our 8th book. Didn't want to show what the nasty creatures from this module looked like so I hinted at it charging at a group of excavator PCs, blurring the creature as it moves headlong at the team. I went with a bit more of a cartoony look to the characters, too. Thoughts?


You can see the complete cover with the type and whatnot here:

Voidrunner's Codex

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