St. Cuthbert
Intermediate Deity
Age: 30,000 years
Aliases: St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Good tendencies)
Allies: Hieronius, Rao, Pelor
Enemies: Iuz, Nerull, Vecna, Pholtus (rival)
Home Plane: Peaceable Kingdoms of Arcadia
Pantheon: Oerdian
Portfolios: Law, Revenge, Wisdom
Relatives: None known.
Cuthbert’s followers tell that he was once a mortal man, who ascended to divinity; if this is true, it happened before living memory, and his former people are long since forgotten. He is said to occasionally lend his mace to followers on important quests, and even to have hidden it once for safekeeping on a world with no magic.
Harsh and intolerant of evil, St. Cuthbert believes that rules should be followed for the rules’ own sake. He has good relations with most lawful, nonevil deities, but his rivalry with Pholtus is legendary (probably because the two gods have more in common than either would like to admit). He sits in his Basilica passing judgment upon law-breakers, watching over his faithful, and directing the spread of his faith, rarely leaving his realm unless a great duty calls him.
Manifestation of St. Cuthbert
Intermediate Deity of Law, Retribution, and Wisdom
Fighter-30/Cleric-35/Church Inquisitor-10
Medium Outsider (Lawful)
Hit Dice: 75d20 + 1,125 (2,625 hit points)
Initiative: +27; attackers act last in that round(+11 Dex, +12 divine, +4 Improved Init.)
Speed: 90 ft., fly 90 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 106 (+42 armor, +12 deflection, +11 Dex, +12 divine, +18 natural, +1 Weapon Supremacy), touch 46, flat-footed 95
Base Attack/Grapple: +43 (+63)/+71
Attack: Mace of St. Cuthbert +103 melee (72+3d6 holy + 3d6 lawful + 1 negative level to evil + 1 negative level to chaotic/17-20/x4) or spell +71 melee touch or spell +66 ranged touch
Full Attack: Mace of St. Cuthbert +103/+103/+103/+103 melee
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Detect evil, discern lies, divine aura (850 ft., DC 46) force shapechange, learn the truth, pierce illusion, turn undead (15/day)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 30/chaotic and epic and silver, divine immunities, godly realm, immortality, immune to charms, immune to compulsion, immune to possession, pierce disguise, regeneration 37, spell resistance 97
Saves: Fort +115, Ref +103, Will +144
Abilities: Str 42, Dex 32, Con 40, Int 38, Wis 104, Cha 34
Skills: Class skills +58+ability mod; cross-class skills +35+ability mod
Feats: (8/8, 11/11 Fighter) Alertness, Combat Expertise*, Divine Might, Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Greater Weapon Focus (heavy mace)*, Greater Weapon Specialization (heavy mace)*, Improved Critical (heavy mace)*, Improved Critical Multiplier (heavy mace)*, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder*, Maximize Spell, Melee Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning)*, Power Attack*, Quicken Spell, Subduing Strike, Weapon Focus (heavy mace)*, Weapon Specialization (heavy mace)*, Weapon Supremacy (heavy mace)*
Epic Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity x8, Dire Charge*, Divine Guidance*, Epic Spellcasting*, Epic Weapon Focus (heavy mace)*, Epic Weapon Specialization (heavy mace)*, Greater Critical (heavy mace)*, Greater Critical Multiplier (heavy mace)*, Heavy Armor Mastery, Improved Power Attack, Light Armor Mastery, Light Eradication, Medium Armor Mastery, Metamagic Freedom, Planar Turning*, Positive Energy Aura*, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Soothsayer, Spell Stowaway (
heal)*, Subtle Body, Tenacious Body (19/19, 5/5 Fighter, 5/5 Cleric)
Divine Abilities: (12)
Anyfeat x2: St. Cuthbert has two additional feats, which can be changed at will as a free action, to any feats for which he qualifies. These feats are not included in the list above.
Divine Immensity x2 (Su): St. Cuthbert can change his size between Tiny and Huge as a free action at will.
Divine Spellcaster (Su): St. Cuthbert’s spell slots per day are doubled.
Obviate (Su): All creatures within St. Cuthbert’s divine aura can see through illusions as if they possessed
true seeing.
Perfect Weapon Focus (Ex): St. Cuthbert uses his full BAB for iterative attacks with a heavy mace.
Perfect Weapon Specialization (Ex): St. Cuthbert always deals maximum damage with a heavy mace.
Spell Reflection (Ex): Any spell that fails to penetrate St. Cuthbert’s spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster.
Superior Critical (Ex): St. Cuthbert’s heavy mace threatens a critical on a roll of 17-20.
True Seeing (Su): St. Cuthbert can use
true seeing as the spell, at will.
Uncanny Weapon Focus (Ex): St. Cuthbert uses the normal BAB progression for all his levels, rather than Epic Attack Bonus.
Cosmic Abilities: (2; fill one artifact slot)
Abrogate (Su): St. Cuthbert can select one enemy within his divine aura, and nullify that foe’s greatest ability. This either reduces its highest ability score to 10, or prevents use of one of its divine, cosmic etc. abilities.
Extra Portfolio: St. Cuthbert has the Wisdom portfolio in addition to the normal two.
Environment: St. Cuthbert’s Basilica, Arcadia
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 90
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Good tendencies)
Level Adjustment: +60
Treasure (artifacts): Armor of Law, Mace of St. Cuthbert, Saint’s Chapeaux
Treasure (non-Epic): +5 holy axiomatic disruption club
You see a tall, armored man with white hair and mustache, carrying a mace. A battered, crumpled hat sits on his head, seeming out of place with his polished mail and stern demeanor. He looks at you, and you suddenly feel the urge to confess every crime you’ve ever thought of committing.
St. Cuthbert enters combat rarely, but he has not forgotten how to fight since his days as a mortal crusader. He enters battle mostly to punish a law-breaking deity, or leads the occasional crusade into a den of evil, such as Avernus. He prefers using his spells and divine abilities to enhance his melee prowess, but is fully capable of standing and blasting his foes from a distance if the situation calls for it.
Detect Evil (Sp): St. Cuthbert may use this spell at will.
Discern Lies (Sp): St. Cuthbert may use this spell three times per day.
Divine Traits (Intermediate Deity):
—Divine bonus: +12 to armor class, attack rolls, checks (ability checks, skill checks); difficulty class for any special abilities, initiative, saving throws, and spell resistance.
—Divine senses; 10x superior to a human’s.
—Godly Realm; St. Cuthbert’s Basilica is approximately 4,500 miles in diameter.
—Grant spells of any level to clerics.
—Immortality; St. Cuthbert does not age and cannot die of old age. He does not require air, food, drink, or sleep to survive.
—Maven; max ranks in all class skills, half ranks in cross-class skills.
Force Shapechange (Su): St. Cuthbert can force a creature into its natural form. He makes a melee touch attack, followed by a dispel check if it is successful. This ability undoes
alter self, polymorph, shapechange, and alternate form abilities, whether they are extraordinary, spell-like, or supernatural in nature. The affected creature cannot change form again for 1d6 rounds. This ability can be used at will.
Immunities: St. Cuthbert is unaffected by natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. He can still be affected by magical cold, magical disease, magical fire etc. His levels in Church Inquisitor also grant him immunity to all charm and compulsion effects, and to any spell or effect that would displace or replace his life force (such as
magic jar or a ghost’s malevolence ability.
Law Portfolio traits (Intermediate):
Transmutation immunity (Ex): St. Cuthbert is immune to transmutation-based attacks.
Scion of Law (Ex): St. Cuthbert has a +12 competence bonus to attacks, damage, and AC when in a lawfully-aligned locale.
Improved Summoning (Su): Lawful-aligned creatures summoned by St. Cuthbert have 50% more hit dice than usual.
Taint of Law (Su): Healing spells and effects are only 50% effective against damage dealt by St. Cuthbert, unless cast in a Chaotic-aligned locale.
Uncanny Axiomatic Mastery (Su): St. Cuthbert may use any of the following attacks once per round (if he uses a standard action and free action effect, or multiple free action effects, in the same round, the damage for each is divided by the number used). These attacks deal axiomatic damage.
• Beam (Ray): standard action, ranged touch attack, 75d8 damage, range 3400 ft.
• Blast: standard action, heal 37d8 damage (DC 71 Reflex for half), range 3400 ft., 210 ft. radius burst
• Blood: any foe who strikes St. Cuthbert in melee suffers 18d8 damage (DC 74 Reflex negates).
• Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds St. Cuthbert can breathe either a 210 ft.-long cone or a 850 ft.-long line that deals 75d8 damage (DC 74 Reflex for half) as a standard action.
• Hand: As a standard action St. Cuthbert can make a touch attack that deals 112d8 damage.
• Immolation: When slain, all appropriate creatures within an 850 ft. radius of St. Cuthbert take 112d8 damage (DC 74 Reflex negates).
• Storm: All enemies within a 850 ft. radius of St. Cuthbert take 18d8 damage (DC 71 Reflex negates).
• Strike: Any creature struck by St. Cuthbert in melee suffers an additional 18d8 damage.
• Wrath (Gaze): deals 37d8 damage (DC 71 Reflex negates), 210 ft.
Hostile Environment (Ex): St. Cuthbert takes a -12 penalty on all die rolls when in a Chaotic-aligned locale.
Anarchic Vulnerability (Ex): St. Cuthbert takes an additional 50% damage from anarchic attacks.
Learn the Truth (Su): Three times per day, St. Cuthbert can force a creature that has lied to him to speak the truth. He must touch the creature, and force it to make a DC (20 + Cha mod) Will save; failure indicates that it must speak the true version of the lie it previously told. This is a mind-affecting, compulsion effect.
Pierce Disguise (Ex): St. Cuthbert has a +4 competence bonus on Spot checks against the Disguise skill.
Pierce Illusions (Su): Whenever St. Cuthbert perceives an illusion or disguise spell of any sort, he immediately gains a Will save to see through it. He need not interact with or touch it in any way; this ability is automatic.
Retribution Portfolio traits (Intermediate):
Hatred (Ex): St. Cuthbert gains a +12 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks, and on weapon damage rolls, against Chaotic Outsiders.
Spirit of Punishment (Ex): St. Cuthbert gains a +12 competence bonus to attacks, damage, and AC against creatures that have broken a law (as defined by him) in the last 24 hours.
Bloodstrike (Ex): St. Cuthbert can willingly take up to 75 points of damage, to add the same number as a bonus on melee damage rolls that round.
Uncanny Bane Mastery (Su): St. Cuthbert use any of the following attacks once per round (if he uses a standard action and free action effect, or multiple free action effects, in the same round, the damage for each is divided by the number used). These affect individuals who have broken a law in the past 24 hours.
• Beam (Ray): standard action, ranged touch attack, 75d12 damage, range 3400 ft.
• Blast: standard action, heal 37d12 damage (DC 83 Reflex for half), range 3400 ft., 210 ft. radius burst
• Blood: any foe who strikes St. Cuthbert in melee suffers 18d12 damage (DC 74 Reflex negates).
• Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds St. Cuthbert can breathe either a 210 ft.-long cone or a 850 ft.-long line that deals 75d12 damage (DC 86 Reflex for half) as a standard action.
• Hand: As a standard action St. Cuthbert can make a touch attack that deals 112d12 damage.
• Immolation: When slain, all appropriate creatures within an 850 ft. radius of St. Cuthbert take 112d12 damage (DC 86 Reflex negates).
• Storm: All enemies within a 850 ft. radius of St. Cuthbert take 18d12 damage (DC 83 Reflex negates).
• Strike: Any creature struck by St. Cuthbert in melee suffers an additional 18d12 damage.
• Wrath (Gaze): deals 37d12 damage (DC 83 Reflex negates), 210 ft.
Pig’s Splendor (Ex): St. Cuthbert has a -12 competence penalty to Charisma.
Blinded by Judgment (Ex): St. Cuthbert has a -12 competence penalty on saving throws versus enchantment spells and effects.
Spell-like Abilities: Caster level 87. At will –
augury, banishment, bear’s endurance, calm emotions, commune, dictum, discern lies, discern location, dispel chaos, dream, etherealness, fire shield, foresight, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, hold monster, magic circle against chaos, magic jar, mark of justice, mass owl’s wisdom, moment of prescience, order’s wrath, owl’s wisdom, protection from chaos, sending, shield of faith, shield of law, speak with dead, spell turning, storm of vengeance, summon monster IX (lawful creatures only),
tongues, true seeing, vision. 12/day –
Spellcasting: As a 45th level cleric, with access to the Inquisition, Law, Revenge, and Wisdom domains. Caster level 87, save DC 81+spell level. St. Cuthbert casts Law spells at +1 CL, and has a +4 bonus on dispel checks. Spells per day (0-9 level): 6/22+1/22+1/22+1/21+1/21+1/19+1/19+1/18+1/18+1
Epic Spellcasting: St. Cuthbert can cast seven Epic spells per day, with a save DC of 91, and a maximum Spellcraft DC of 92. Epic spells known:
Damnation, Epic Repulsion, Greater Mass Heal, Greater Ruin (no xp cost),
Nailed to the Sky (no xp cost), Silver Dragon Knight[/i] (no ritual),
Superb Dispelling (+60).
Wisdom Portfolio traits (Intermediate):
Shield of Wisdom (Ex): St. Cuthbert is immune to Wisdom damage and drain.
Scion of Wisdom (Ex): St. Cuthbert gains a +12 competence bonus to Wisdom.
Wise Brethren (Su): Creatures summoned by St. Cuthbert gain a +12 bonus to Wisdom.
Uncanny Withering (Wis) Mastery (Su): St. Cuthbert may use any of the following attacks once per round (if he uses a standard action and free action effect, or multiple free action effects, in the same round, the damage for each is divided by the number used.
• Beam (Ray): standard action, ranged touch attack, 25 Wisdom damage, range 3400 ft.
• Blast: standard action, 12 Wisdom damage (DC 83 Reflex for half), range 3400 ft., 210 ft. radius burst
• Blood: any foe who strikes St. Cuthbert in melee suffers 6 Wisdom damage (DC 86 Reflex negates).
• Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds St. Cuthbert can breathe either a 210 ft.-long cone or a 850 ft.-long line that deals 25 Wisdom damage (DC 86 Reflex for half) as a standard action.
• Hand: As a standard action St. Cuthbert can make a touch attack that deals 37 Wisdom damage.
• Immolation: When slain, all appropriate creatures within an 850 ft. radius of St. Cuthbert take 37 Wisdom damage (DC 86 Reflex negates).
• Storm: All enemies within a 850 ft. radius of St. Cuthbert take 6 Wisdom damage (DC 83 Reflex negates).
• Strike: Any creature struck by St. Cuthbert in melee suffers an additional 6 Wisdom damage.
• Wrath (Gaze): deals 12 Wisdom damage (DC 83 Reflex negates), 210 ft.
Pig’s Splendor (Ex): St. Cuthbert has a -12 competence penalty to Charisma.
Ring of Truth (Ex): St. Cuthbert is incapable of telling a lie.
Armor of Law: (+67) This
+34 heavy fortification glittering full plate is crafted of orichalcum alloy, doubling its base armor bonus and increasing its weight sixty-four fold. It also adds the Chaotic and Silver factors to his damage reduction, and gives him Regeneration 37; while wearing the armor, he takes lethal damage from chaotic and acid attacks.
Mace of St. Cuthbert: The striking head and wooden haft of this
+24 holy power axiomatic power heavy mace are inlaid with orichalcum, doubling its base damage and increasing its weight sixty-four fold. It grants its wielder the Greater Positive Energy Beam divine ability (dealing 37d4 damage in St. Cuthbert’s hands), which can be used once per round as a free action, rather than standard. However, the mace can never be used to deal damage to a Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good creature, either in melee or with the beam.
Saint’s Chapeaux: (+67) Though it appears to be nothing more than a crumpled hat, this powerful artifact is one of the Saint’s most prized possessions. It doubles his Wisdom score (+36), and grants him the Self-Hypnosis (+6), Unknowing Soul (+6), Unknowing Spirit (+6), and Seventh Sense (+12) divine abilities, and the Permanent Emanation (
detect chaos) feat.
Ability score breakdown
Str 14, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 14 (base, 76 points)
Str 38, Dex 32, Con 36, Int 36, Wis 40, Cha 38 (Intermediate Deity)
Str 42, Dex 32, Con 40, Int 38, Wis 40, Cha 46 (Levels, +18 total)
Str 42, Dex 32, Con 40, Int 38, Wis 52, Cha 34 (Wisdom portfolio)
Str 42, Dex 32, Con 40, Int 38, Wis 104, Cha 34 (Artifact)
The Church Inquisitor PrC is from Complete Divine.
The mace was done by Mercucio’s method; the same bonus as non-weapon artifacts, with the weapon abilities multiplied by 1.4 to get the final bonus.
I assumed Fighter6/Cleric14 at 20th level for BAB and saves.
Charisma set the save DCs for his blasts, storms and wraths, and Constitution for bloods, immolations, and breaths.