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Project Daedalus (Issue 3)


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"It could have waited," Sarah says quietly, adjusting her ball cap. "But if you have time, we need to have a conversation." She looks over her shoulder at Nikki, then back to Tyler. "Alone?"

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“Great. I know I said last week that it’d be a while before the team is formed, but due to the events of the past week, it’s getting pushed ahead. You’re to report to Freedom Plaza tomorrow morning at 9:00. Both of our teams will be sharing headquarters until yours is finished being built,” Eagle says.

“As for Miguel,” she says, clearing her throat, “I called him, just after I first called you. He answered the phone, thinking it was a good idea to be funny. I wasn’t impressed, so I thought I’d prove a point that sometimes you need to be serious and not joke around all the time. It…backfired. I told him he didn’t make the team and was being deported. I was going to tell him I wasn’t serious, but he didn’t give me a chance. He told me what he thought of that and hung up before I could get a word in, and now his phone is turned off.

“And you don’t need to say it, I know that was a bad decision. But that doesn’t matter now, I’m more concerned with where he is and what he’s doing. I told him he was to report to a police station where he was to be held until deportation, and I just finished speaking with NYPD to keep an eye out at the precincts for him, but I doubt he listened to me in that regard. If you see him, explain what happened and tell him to call me, the phone will be able to recall my number.”

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Tyler says. “Jensen has another class, we can go to the office.” He sees Nikki. “Morning, Nikki.”

“Morning,” she replies with a smile.

He leads you back to the offices and into Jensen’s office closing the door behind him. “So, what’s so important you came all the way down here to see me? Is everything okay?” He gets a concerned look on his face. “You didn’t get your job back, did you?”

Jennifer arches her eyebrow suspiciously. “So is there actually ‘an old friend’ or is this your way getting me to go out on a date with you?” She smiles, “I’m only kidding. I need to be careful doing that, people aren’t used it, it seems. I look forward to seeing you again, Misha. See you tonight.”

“You won’t be signing anything today. We want you to know what your getting into, who you’ll be teaming with, where you’ll live, and so forth, before we have you sign any contracts.” Walsh grabs a packet from his desk and offers it to you. “I will give you this, however, a first-class ticket to New York City. The areodyne leaves tonight, we’ve arranged for accommodations for tonight in New York. You are to be at Freedom Plaza tomorrow at 9:00 AM sharp.”

He stands once more, offering his hand. “I’m sure you have much to do today, I’ll let you go to do it. Good luck, Miss Laroux.”

“It’s a deal,” Alita says. “I’m sure I can behave myself around Tyrone’s mom,” she adds with a grin.

At your suggestion, her eyes grow wide, as does her smile. You both make a dash for the turnstile. You clear that, hearing a couple people yelling behind you and slide into the train just as the doors are slipping closed. As the train pulls away, you spot the two subway workers that chased after you. They don’t seem to see either of you through the windows as the train pulls away.

“Wow, this is laying low?” Alita says with a giggle.

“I’m sure they don’t want you to be naked on the news, either. But I don’t know of any material that stretches quite that much. We caught a glimpse of you moving the car. No offense, but you are absolutely huge in that form,” Dunn says.

“And didn’t you say you change into a wolf, too?” Daniels adds. “Something like that would probably hard for you to change into that form. My advice would be to stay in your wolf-girl form for the news cameras, and change back when you have your privacy.”

“Okay, I’ll try to contact her,” Winters says. “I’m sure you’ll probably have a better chance of getting a hold of your Tyrone than I will. I don’t have his contact information with me.”

You think maybe you could swing him another email or IM if he’s online right now, or maybe give him a call, he gave you his number.

Shimmering Samurai
OOC: Correct me if I’m wrong, but that song doesn’t sound Japanese… :)

“Here we are,” Order says.

“Thanks for the ride, Svetlana,” Kensei says, leaning over to give the blonde elite a kiss. “See you in a few days.”

“Thank you for lunch. See you. Good luck, Kiro,” she says to you, as you and Kensei get out of the car in front of the terminal.

“Screaming Eagle already purchased your ticket, you just need to pick it up.” He takes out a wallet, removing some money and handing it to you. “Here, get your ticket and then get yourself some food, you look pretty hungry. My flight boards in 20 minutes, so I’ll leave you to it.” He bows slightly and offers his hand. “I’m glad to have met you, Kiro. And we will meet again, soon. Good luck in America.”


First Post
Rachel sighs unhappily, knowing that Dunn is right, she really hates to be seen in her half-form, knowing how ugly it is. How could anyone not help feeling disgust at the sight of her, an 8 foot tall furry beast, a monster of fur and muscles, a whirlwhind of teeth and claws. She was something out of horror stories, something that scared everyone, and she was gonna have to show that to everyone, that or show herself being naked, and that wasn't very good either, she was raised better then that. Perhaps she could just shift into her wolf form, nobody would mind that, she wouldn't be so horrid looking then.

"I guess so," she says unenthusiastically, "So, uh, when does our flight leave?" she asks the agents.


First Post
Sarah follows Tyler back into the office, wanting nothing more than to be back in the appartment. Now that the moment was here, she would have prefered to do this privately, at home, but it was too late now. Beside, it was best to get it over with before she had the chance to convince herself that there was nothing to talk about.

"I have a little savings," she says, putting her hands in the back pockets of her jeans and leaning against the closed door. "So money wise I'll be fine for a few months, just unemployed. Truthfully, I didn't expect to get the job back. Between the circumstances of the abduction and the publicity of everything that's happened, I couldn't have gone back even if they wanted me."

She sighs softly. "But telling you all that could have waited, and its not why I'm here. While I was talking to Ben I realized that I have to forget everything and move on with life. Easier said than done, especially when the people in my life are distant. Ever since I got back, Ty, you've been closed off and keeping yourself as far away from me as often as possible. Is it because of my being an Elite, or the fact that I'd kept it secret from you all these years, or is there something else you're not telling me?"


First Post
Agamon said:
Jennifer arches her eyebrow suspiciously. “So is there actually ‘an old friend’ or is this your way getting me to go out on a date with you?” She smiles, “I’m only kidding. I need to be careful doing that, people aren’t used it, it seems. I look forward to seeing you again, Misha. See you tonight.”

Misha smirks, “It is a little of both, more of the latter then the former, but a little of both.”

“You don’t have to worry about me, I rarely get bent out of shape,” he replies, “I look forward to seeing you as well, take care Jennifer.”

Misha then rises and takes his box downstairs and says his final goodbyes, or maybe he just walks out to him it is one in the same. He heads to the subway, pays his fare and then hitches a ride towards his condominium, where he lives in Spartan, yet clean accommodations.


First Post
"It feels more like it's getting rammed through," Tyroc says with a chuckle. "I get a feeling we'll be under trial by fire, unless there's gonna be a long training thing. And the joy of cramming us all in to your HQ should make for some interesting happenings. This isn't like, living arrangements is it? Mama will tan my hide if I up and leave again."

"I'm sure I can find Miguel, Angel. You just relax; you're way overstressed. If you don't, you'll snap and I'll get stuck being spokesman for American Freedom!" he says semi-seriously.


First Post
Miguel casually watches the subway workers until they are out of sight.

Laying low? No. A lot of fun? Hell yea. Miguel tells her with a big grin on his face.

He sits down beside her, "I know, that wasn't the smartest thing to do but I never said I was smart, guess I not a very good role model." He says with a shrug.

Miguel will take out his deck of cards and go through his routine, more to pass the time and entertain Alita then anything else.

Once their stop comes they will get out and continue toward Tryone's house.


Jennifer shrugs. The idea of learning about a job offer before agreeing to it was certainly novel. New York, Freedom Plaza, 9:00 AM. Got it. It's not like I'm late all the time anyway.

Thank you, she says, shaking his hand and inwardly smiling at his inevitable reaction to the cold. She then strolls out of the office, unconsciously trying to wipe the dirt off her sleeve.

Walking down the stairs to the street, instead of taking an elevator, she pulls out her vidphone and dials her bosses number at Summitt, planning on informing them of her resignation, or leave of abscence, or whatever she could get away with.


First Post
(OOC)Predicting that the modern tendancy for the Japanese to love everything Western continues...

Kiro bows lower then Kensai, and shakes his hand gladly, "Doumo arigatou gozaimasu... Kanaka san... I'm in your debt, I promise I'll repay you someday... I always do... Stay alive."


First Post
Agamon said:
“Okay, I’ll try to contact her,” Winters says. “I’m sure you’ll probably have a better chance of getting a hold of your Tyrone than I will. I don’t have his contact information with me.”

You think maybe you could swing him another email or IM if he’s online right now, or maybe give him a call, he gave you his number.

With a broad smile, Aaron starts heading back up the stairs. "I'll send it right now!!" When he gets back to his room (whether that is now or later if he is stopped to talk to Eagle first) Aaron again sends an email to Tyroc pretty much repeating what the earlier one said but also adding the info about the warning about coming back to the US and all the info I gathered through my trace.

Voidrunner's Codex

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