• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Project Daedalus (Issue 3)


“I appreciate your concern, Tyrone. But included with my flying and sonic scream elite powers is super-stress management,” Eagle says with a bit of a smile. “Besides, if I’m not working, I get into all sorts of trouble. Seriously, I’ll be fine. And yes, I doubt there will be a long training regiment, as well. That is really unfortunate, but you and the others have done quite well together so far, and you won’t be sent on mission that are too difficult to start, I’m sure.

“There are living quarters there, but we all have our own homes, as well. You’ll be able to sleep in your own bed…for now anyway. From what I hear, the new headquarters will be in LA. But they haven’t even drawn up the plans yet, let alone begun building, so you’re in New York for the a few more months, at least.

“But I’d better go. Hopefully Miguel turns up. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

As you hang up, you notice a couple of emails on your PC from Aaron. Moments later the doorbell rings. “Can you get that, son?” you hear Mama call form elsewhere in the house.

Tyler looks taken aback by what you say. “Sarah, this really isn’t the best place to…” He sees your determined look and sighs.

“Look,” he says, pausing and apparently trying to get his thoughts together. “I know I told you that you hiding your power from me was no big deal. But you weren’t feeling well, and you just came back from being trapped in some hellish hole in the ground for two months, what else was I supposed to say?”

He frowns. “It is a big deal, Sarah. We’ve been together for five years. I can’t believe you’d keep something like this from me for that long. I never thought we had a trust issue between us.

“When you disappeared, after a couple weeks, I assumed the worst. It was really tough, but I was just getting over the fact that you were gone when you suddenly show up on the news, being labeled a terrorist, taking down helicopters and blowing up farms. I almost didn’t believe it was actually you. Now that you’re back, it still seems so surreal, like you’re not the girl I met in high school and fell in love with.”

The pent up frustration begins to pour out. “So now I have girlfriend I hardly recognize anymore that obviously doesn’t trust me. Oh, right, and she can read my mind. So, yeah, excuse me for being ‘distant’,” he says angrily.

Your condo looks less lived in than some of the hotel rooms you’ve stayed at. And now with your new assignment, it’ll be more like a home away from home. Nonetheless, it’s still home, and you find some comfort being there. You check your phone, as is habit for you when you come home. Many of the numbers and messages are relatively unimportant, but one grabs your attention. With the hunt and the re-assignment, you haven’t had time to think of much else. But, you know that relief from painful memories is always only temporary. The message requests a call back: Miller 555-2745.

You phone Summit and are transferred to Mr. Michael Porter, your boss there. “Hello, Jennifer,” he says in his gruff but jovial voice. The large man is wearing a suit and apparently sitting in his office. “How are you?” he asks, having allowed you to take some time off after your accident.

“Wow,” Alita says, watching the cards flutter about at your will. “Hey, we could go to Vegas. If you can count cards as well as you shuffle them, we could be rich,” she says with a grin that signifies that she’s kidding. “Or you could be a dealer…”

You get out of the train and outside, realizing Tyrone’s house is only a couple blocks away. Alita doesn’t say much during the short walk. Reaching the house, you ring the doorbell.

OOC: Yay, I get to combine two of these. Sheesh, Toki, Cal, if either of you think it’d be cool to do an issue in your games with all the players separated, my advice: don’t. :)

“Less than an hour,” Dunn says, looking at the clock on the dashboard.

Only a few minutes later, you reach SFO. Dunn parks the car and all three of you get out. “Well, at least you have no luggage to lose,” Daniels says with a grin. “Want to grab something to eat before we board?”

Shimmering Samurai
“I’ve lasted this long, and plan to stick around for some time,” Kensei says, looking back with smile as he leaves. You go to stand in line to get your ticket, which takes about 15 minutes. After that, you have one last chance at authentic Japanese cuisine (well, okay, airport food, but still…) before heading back to ‘Greasy Burger and Fries Land’.

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Agamon said:
Your condo looks less lived in than some of the hotel rooms you’ve stayed at. And now with your new assignment, it’ll be more like a home away from home. Nonetheless, it’s still home, and you find some comfort being there. You check your phone, as is habit for you when you come home. Many of the numbers and messages are relatively unimportant, but one grabs your attention. With the hunt and the re-assignment, you haven’t had time to think of much else. But, you know that relief from painful memories is always only temporary. The message requests a call back: Miller 555-2745.

Misha furrowed his brow slightly as he moved to the living room, as he requested his in home computer system to dial up Miller's number, somewhat surprised to hear from him. He takes off his long trench coat, and lays it on the couch, as he takes a seat and picks through his personal effects as he waits for the line to pick up.


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"Yeah, I'll get it, mama!" he calls down as he quickly reads Aaron's message about the warning and the woman who is in his house. He hammers out a fast response.

"Call me in five minutes, kiddo, and I'll find out if this Winters woman is on the up and up and see what's what with this warning you got. Gotta run. Miguel's at the door. Talk to you shortly." He adds his phone number to the end of the message again.

He hits send and thunders down the stairs. Pulling open the door and seeing Miguel there, he laughs that he was right. "Well, well," he starts. "Looks like we can avoid the city-wide manhunt for you afterall," he says jokingly. "And you brought a friend," he says with a smile to the woman. "You two might as well come in. I need to tell you some shhhtuff anyway," he says mainly to Miguel, waving them inside.

"Yo, mama, we got company!" he calls into the house.

"You still got Angel's cellphone on you?"
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I'm fine, she says, meaning it. Despite being late for an important meeting and getting mind-blasted by another Elite, Jennifer finally felt like she was moving forward, away from the past. She finally had something to look forward to, other than fear and self-recrimination for allowing mere nightmares to scare her.

I can't tell you much about this, but I've been offered a new job from a former employer. While this would certainly reduce my hours at Summitt, it also provides an opportunity for myself and the company, says Jennifer seriously.

Great PR, she adds with another smile. Her boss wasn't stupid, and had probably figured out by now what kind of job offer she meant. I still need to see the details of this new job, but I think I'm also ready to rejoin Summitt. If you'll have me, of course.


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Kiro makes his order and takes it to a seat by a window, looking out on a vast expanse of tarmac, planes and loading vans and people crawling all over it like insects. Kiro rubs his eyes and munches quietly, keeping an eye on the clock and the swarms of people, taking a second to think about what it all meant... no home, no family... no past... "What do I have then? Do I even exist?" He muses to himself silently, grinning slightly, a rice ball disappears down his throat and he stretches his sticks out to a meaty chicken wad but still no answer comes. He watches as a child pulls a parent's sleave eyes pleading, the parent walks on... He sees two teenagers, only a few years younger then himself, staring dreamily into eachother's eyes talking softly in a corner. Eyes darting away to make sure noone has seen them but never leaving eachothers faces for more then a moment... He sees three business men, striding confidently towards the bar, still putting on their stern faces, their casual omnipotence, their masks, he notes the way they casually place their ID tags in their inside coat pockets. "Fun night ahead for them." He thinks as they enter the bar, beginning to laugh jovially already... Kiro drains the last of his soup, lifting it into the air and he stands. He gives his face a quick wash, glances about and center's himself, then nods and heads to his gate.

"I just want some candy..." the child mutters to himself, giving up on getting his mother's attention, he looks around instead. His attention is wrentched towards a young man, who glances away quickly. The child ponders for a moment and takes a closer look, he sees tears on the man's face... He blinks and goes to take a closer look but his mother hauls on his arm almost toppling him over... He fights down his instinct to call out at follows obediently.


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Man, hop a train and they start a city-wide manhunt for you? How's it going Amigo?

Miguel side steps to let the girl go in first, "This is Alita, we met while I was holed up in the Spanish section. Yea, I still got Eagle's phone, was going to start making those 900 numbers. Why?"
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"Naw, the manhunt was just to find you so you could be on American Freedom or whatever they're going to call our team," Tyrone says with a with a grin. "Alita, huh?" Tyrone says with a smile. "Good to meetcha," he adds, offering his hand. "Welcome to my mama's house. And speakin' of which, introductions are in order," he says, leading them to the living room where his mama is watching her shows.

"Hey mama," he says to the large woman seated within who is quickly standing up. "I'd like to introduce the guy you talked to, Miguel, and his girl, Alita."

"I bet this means you think you're gettin' out of goin' grocery shoppin', boy?" she says.

"Of course not, mama. I," Tyrone starts.

"Don't you be interrupting be, boy. I can still whup your hide," she warns. "Well, come over here. Let's have a look at you," she says to Miguel, giving him a good looking over. "Well, he's no Neutron, but I won't mind having another man around the house. Just don't expect no free ride. You get lazy on me, boy and I'll whup your butt as sure as if your name was Tyrone. But we have to do something about you, dear," she says to Alita. "All skin and bones, you are! Your man aughta feed you better than that.

"Well," she says, heading to the kitchen. "Even if my baby boy hasn't got me groceries yet, I'm sure I can whip up something in a hurry before we go shopping. Come on in the kitchen and lets get something in your bellies."

"Hey, Miguel," Tyrone says, before he can follow. "Nice girl. You two..." he asks leadingly.

"I'm glad you decided to come over. Angel was upset that she couldn't find you, especially since she was pullin' your leg about the deportation. She was just pissed at you being a joker. You actually made the team. She says you should call her, but I need to talk to her first, yo. Looks like Aaron is on the team too and he's all freakin' out and I need to find out about some Winters lady so he calms down. He should be callin' any minute on my line. So let me borrow the phone, then you can grill up some bird-lady if you like. Just don't let mama hear you talking foul," he grins, "to a lady."


First Post
Agamon said:
“Less than an hour,” Dunn says, looking at the clock on the dashboard.

Only a few minutes later, you reach SFO. Dunn parks the car and all three of you get out. “Well, at least you have no luggage to lose,” Daniels says with a grin. “Want to grab something to eat before we board?”
"Do they really lose luggage all that often? I've never actually travelled at all, so this is gonna be a first." she tells them yet again, rambling in her anxiousness. She smiles at Daniels and his offer of food, and gives him an impulsive hug. "Your being awfully nice and understanding to me, I know babysitting me probably isn't much fun for you." she says, smiling at the younger of the 2 agents.

"What kind of food do they have in an airport? I'd love a burger and some fries, or whatever they have, I haven't really eaten today." she says, patting her flat tummy to emphasize her hunger.


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"Us? Nah, not that the thought hadn't crossed my mind though." He says with a chuckle.

"What? She was joking? I can't believe it, Eagle actually knows how to make a joke and I bought it hook, line and sinker." He says laughing, he fishes the cellphone and starts to hand it over but pauses before he does.

"Before you talk to Eagle there is something that I wanted to ask you, it's about Alita. She's in a bad way and could use a hand, I was wondering if you could do your thing and hook her up with some sort of job and get her back into school and stuff. Ya'know set her back onto the straight and narrow."

Miguel finishes handing over the cell phone. "Just think about it ok? Let me know when your done and I will talk to Eagle. But for now I'm going to go see what your mom is whipping up."

Miguel will leave the room to give Tyrone some privacy and enter the kitchen. "Good afternoon maam, thank you for inviting us into your home..." his voice trailing off.


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"I'm sure I can help her out there. I'm not exactly super connected, but the local college has adult catch-up classes she can enroll in. I can set her up on a scholarship from my good friend, Mr. Rhymes. And a few of the restaurants around need full time help. It's not much, but it can certainly pay the rent. By the way, it sounds like," he adds, "we'll be paid very well for this gig, so it may be you can continue to be her knight in shining armor too."

He uses the speed dial on the phone to contact Screaming Eagle. "Yo, Angel. It's me. Would you believe I found Miguel already? In fact, I'm using his phone. He's in the kitchen with mama. You'd think he had been on his way over here when you called or something," he says with a chuckle. "He took your joke rather well, by the way."

"I'll let you chat with him in a sec, but Aaron is all freakin' out over some lady who came to get him. Who'd you send up there after him? He's gonna phone me shortly and I wanna get him calmed down and excited about coming, not freakin' about it.

"Oh, and, and this is a kicker, someone sent him an message warning him not to come down, which didn't help. Clever kid did a trace and sent me the info. I think I better send you a copy of what he found and the message; doesn't look like it's a random thing, and they got a hold of him before that lady did and seemed to know he was getting invited. Heck, that means whoever contacted him knows more about membership to this little shindig then I do. Between that and that reporter knowing things, methinks you have a mole in your inner circle that's organizing this thing."

Once she's done, he'll hand the phone to Miguel in the kitchen.

Voidrunner's Codex

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