WOIN [Question] Gun Punch and unarmed damage?


Yet another Drekin question!

This time I find myself wondering about the Gun Kata martial arts career from N.O.W. and it's Gun Punch exploit

Gun Punch. Once per round, while holding a sidearm, your martial arts attack does the damage of your gun.

Is this meant to completely replace your unarmed damage or just your base damage?

Let's say I'm a human with 1d6 base unarmed damage. I'm also Mighty (the high STR trait) so I gain +1d6 unarmed damage for a total of 2d6.
I have a Glock 17 Pistol in my hand which does 2d6 damage.
Would I do 2d6 or 3d6 damage with Gun Punch? ie. would it be just the 2d6 from the Pistol or would it replace my 1d6 base and still apply +1d6 from Mighty?

Please advise

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
It completely replaces it.

You can use Deadly Strike etc. with it of course, and benefit from higher quality equipment bonuses.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I don't know what you mean by that. There's nothing in the exploit which says all the rest of the game rules suddenly stop working! :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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