Quests From The Infinite Staircase

D&D 5E Quests From The Infinite Staircase

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
What a smart way to get in several monstrous plant types in all at once. Just make a base, and then add on special attacks for each variant. This could definitely work in other situations as well.
This is the approach The Monster Overhaul takes. Many of its entries are actually the base entries from which eight, 10, 12, 20 or even more variants are lightly detailed. It's a great system. The Monster Overhaul is, realistically, of most use in OSR games, but it's definitely a system that could work with 5E bestiaries. It's the best monster book of all time, IMO, and should be a must-read for anyone creating a new monster book today.

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Book-Friend, he/him
What a smart way to get in several monstrous plant types in all at once. Just make a base, and then add on special attacks for each variant. This could definitely work in other situations as well.

Glad to see the snapper saw back, that's an old school monster that I used once or twice back in the day...
Yeah, makes so much more sense than making three practically identical stat blocks with a minor difference.

Interesting harbinger of the new MM, perhaps: there are 70 all new stst blocks, bit some of them may be pulling multiple duty.


Book-Friend, he/him
From a quick perusal there is no mention of lillends. @Parmandur have you seen them mentioned?
There's a picture of one in Nafas court: Nafas himself is stated out (and there are some...interesting...elements going on there), but the court isn't really designed as a place that would need a lot of combat? Could be theybwill be in the new MM, and thisnis just an Easter egg, but nothing in the text I have noticed as of yet.


New Publisher
What a smart way to get in several monstrous plant types in all at once. Just make a base, and then add on special attacks for each variant. This could definitely work in other situations as well.

Glad to see the snapper saw back, that's an old school monster that I used once or twice back in the day...
The best way to make different orcs or goblins also.....but no one seems to do this. I do think it is the tiniest bit complex for a DM, and I'd have laid it out ever so differently, but not much differently.


Book-Friend, he/him
Nafas ability "Last Wish" has to be the most hilarious thing I have ever seen in a Minster stat block:



Book-Friend, he/him
@Veltharis ap Rylix regarding the ongoing question of real wide deities in D&D...not only does Amun-Re become Amun Sa in this iteration of Pharaoh, his afterlife curse comes from "a God of death" who remains unnamed, so no Osiris in the background. If anyone more familiar with I3 (I own a second hand copy, but haven't studied it extensively) than me knows of any other real world mythology references in the original cam let me know and I can check and compare. The chapter doesn't shy from Egyptian art and vibes at all (the maps have an Egyptian wall art style), just no gods.

The Green Man has also been changed to "The Gardener" in Beyond the Crystal Cave, another real world mythological reference removed.

There's a picture of one in Nafas court: Nafas himself is stated out (and there are some...interesting...elements going on there), but the court isn't really designed as a place that would need a lot of combat? Could be theybwill be in the new MM, and thisnis just an Easter egg, but nothing in the text I have noticed as of yet.

I suspect it's a sign they are in the new MM.

@Veltharis ap Rylix regarding the ongoing question of real wide deities in D&D...not only does Amun-Re become Amun Sa in this iteration of Pharaoh, his afterlife curse comes from "a God of death" who remains unnamed, so no Osiris in the background. If anyone more familiar with I3 (I own a second hand copy, but haven't studied it extensively) than me knows of any other real world mythology references in the original cam let me know and I can check and compare. The chapter doesn't shy from Egyptian art and vibes at all (the maps have an Egyptian wall art style), just no gods.

The Green Man has also been changed to "The Gardener" in Beyond the Crystal Cave, another real world mythological reference removed.

As a Pagan I find this insulting and pathetic. I mean do they not realize Amun even without Ra is still an Egyptian God Amun - Wikipedia .

Their attempts at respectfulness come off as less respectful then the original versions. Amun Sa, like changing one letter is supposed to do what exactly? What is the point of this pointless sloppy erasure? They are trying to suck and blow at the same time and it's disaster. I am so angry I canceled my pre-order. It's more offensive then the original ever was, because at least the OG version didn't insult Polytheists. The changes also feel very random.

If this is the kind of work they do, this is the last straw, not only do I withdraw my requests for a FRCG type book, I don't want them touching FR until they can find folks with good sense and respect for the lore to do the writing. It's going to trigger the biggest backlash since the Spellplague if they do. Just keep to MtG settings and completely new stuff from now on. PHB and maybe MM will probably be the last new things I buy from WotC.


Book-Friend, he/him
As a Pagan I find this insulting and pathetic. I mean do they not realize Amun even without Ra is still an Egyptian God Amun - Wikipedia .

Their attempts at respectfulness come off as less respectful then the original versions. Amun Sa, like changing one letter is supposed to do what exactly? What is the point of this pointless sloppy erasure? They are trying to suck and blow at the same time and it's disaster. I am so angry I canceled my pre-order. It's more offensive then the original ever was, because at least the OG version didn't insult Polytheists. The changes also feel very random.

If this is the kind of work they do, this is the last straw, not only do I withdraw my requests for a FRCG type book, I don't want them touching FR until they can find folks with good sense and respect for the lore to do the writing. It's going to trigger the biggest backlash since the Spellplague if they do. Just keep to MtG settings and completely new stuff from now on. PHB and maybe MM will probably be the last new things I buy from WotC.
I mean, it is pretty clear at this point from Planescape, the OD&D book and now this that "No Real Gods" is a pretty strict style guide element for WotC now, yes. But it is hardly singling out anybody for exclusion, it is equal treatment for real world religious groups by not starting up deities for destruction.

I will say this Pharaoh chapter is really, really well done, though, the Egyptologist touches are very nice and I think it fully respects the original (which is still available from DMsGuild). I'd still say check it out at the store when it comes out the book is gorgeous.

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