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First Post
:D I finally got to see The Incredibles today. A definite 10! Quite simply one of the best movies I have ever seen.

I am surprised it took until page four of this thread before seeing a picture of the Heatmiser.

Anyone else think of Otilukes Resilient Sphere?

I am glad it was so good because the movies are so pricey. The matinee was $6.75 per ticket and I took four of my nieces and nephews. Gone are the days when I would go see a movie on a whim.


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First Post
Krieg said:
So you are saying that Syndrome is the love child of Jay Leno and Heat Miser? Yikes! :p

The Auld Grump


Just saw it last night. Well, most of it... my wife and I brought our daughter with us, and she's still a little too small to sit through a feature length movie without getting antsy. So, that means...I'VE GOT TO GO SEE IT AGAIN! This movie ROCKED!

A couple more trubutes that I picked up on:

The segment in the beginning with Mr Incredible trying to stop the train, while reminiscent of about a billion other sceens in comics history, was a LOT like the train scene in Spiderman 2.

The bones of "Gazer Beam" in the caverns under Syndrome's island
were obviously supposed to be Cyclops.

There was at least one instance of the "Fastball Special" of x-men fame...ie, the big guy throws the little guy at the bad guy.

...I know I had more, I'm just not thinking of them right now. Any other takers?


First Post
DMH said:
I think the short before Nemo is the insipid one with the snow globe snowman. That is the only short I don't like from Pixar.

That one is one of thier first shorts, i recall seeing it in '90 or '91, but i can't remember what movie it was attached to. (and i really like that one, so far Pixar can do no wrong...)

Mystery Man

First Post
stevelabny said:
This movie is so good that you just wanna punch anyone who says it isnt.
That would be my wife.

I loved it. My kids loved it. My sister loved it. My brother in law loved it. My cousin loved it.

My wife waits until everyone gets into their respective automobiles after the show to comment on the fact that the previews were better than the movie.


And no I didn't punch her.


My wife thinks your wife is a meanie. :)

Seriously, My wife and I saw it about two weekends ago, and enjoyed the heck out of it. Usually she's not into animated films or superhero films of heroes she didn't grow up with (she likes batman and spider-man and superman, but few others), but she cheered with the audience at the highs, was sympathetic to the lows (she loved Mr. Incredible's
"I'm not strong enough"
moment), and just all around got into the characters. She went in apprehensive, but came out a big fan.

My two favorite moments were the scenes with ***
Elastigirl and Edna, and with Elastigirl holding the Winnebago to the rocket:

EDNA: The baby's suit will withstand both high-powered ballistic impact, and temperatures up to 18,000 degress farenheit. I wanted to cover all bases, whatever he will be doing.
ELASTIGIRL: And Just WHAT do you think the baby will be doing?!?!?!

MR. INCREDIBLE: How ya doin' honey!!!?
ELASTIGIRL: (screaming back) Do I really have to answer that!?!!?

Great movie, from the little touches to the broad strokes.


First Post
Spoiler, but hopefully everyone who is going to see it has seen it by now.
Jack-Jack's powers. I count four.

1) Flame On!
2) Turn into lead or some other really heavy metal
3) Vibrate
4) Morph into a demon and kick ass

Rather than figure these for some all-encompassing power, I believe that the creators were piling a ridiculous number of separate powers into him. Y'know, irony. He is supposed to be the normal one, but then he is the powery-est one of them all. He is certainly surpassing a "balanced" number of powers but they are also thematically unrelated. They are just kind of random and extreme. Just curious if there are any obvious references there, given my relatively specific comic book experience, I call on the greater knowledge of the community at large.

1) Human Torch, pretty obvious.
2) I don't know, who turns into metal? I saw a post somewhere that proposed Colossus, but Jack-Jack looked less armored and more like solid metal to me.
3) Speedsters can usually vibrate, but anyone know of a specific vibrate-y hero?
4) I'm thinking Hellboy as a baby.
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First Post
He's a baby. Sometimes they are heavy, sometimes they act like little demons, sometimes they are very hard to handle, and I have no idea what the fire stands for. Dad's big and strong, Mom's flexable, the boy has unlimited energy and the teenager wants to dissapear sometimes (as well as protect herself from others).


First Post
1) Flame On = Human Torch
2) Turn to Metal = Colossus, Metamorpho
3) Vibrate = Vibe (hispanic JLA member from the Detroit days, killed by an Ivobot)
4) Hellboy or maybe Warcraft's Demon Slayer? :)

And I still haven't seen the movie!

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