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Rathan's Problem Down Under [3.5 OOC/Recruiting One More: Need Arcane Type]


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Rathan's Problem Down Under [3.5 OOC]

Word is spreading around the Prime of an astounding event in the northern part of the main Continent of Tier. A meteor has fallen and in it's wake has left the land for miles scorched and lifeless. It is rumored to have been a curse that caused the star rock to fall from the heavens and now where frozen coldlands once laid, only barrens remain. The meteor burrowed it's way through the planets face of rock and dirt only to reveal a vast and until recently undiscovered entrance into the once thought myth of the Underdark. For months now the surrounding areas of now what is know as the Scorched Northland Territories is riddled with monsters.. and worse.. from the depths of the darkness itself. The surrounding territories have united under an ancient banner, a truce once shared with all of these lands centuries ago, for the time being at least, to discover if it is possible to shut down the influx of the darkness' rage that is spilling into the light of day on the planets surface. All attempts so far have failed, even such attempts made by the combined armies of the now reforged alliance. Small armies have been pulled back to defend the outer edges of each of their respective territories and a call for 5 brave souls to take up the call to seek out and close off the bleeding vein of darkness that spills into the light of day.

Thus is my first delve into PbP DM'ing. I'm going to do my best with what I have to keep the 6 of you I choose from recruitment entertained. I'm going to start everyone off at 3rd level with 4000 starting gold. I do believe I'll go with a 25 point buy for stats and well. I really dislike it when people take the randomness out of this game so I'll just limit it a little with HP... Max HP at first + con mod and even levels are rolled normally for your class HD + Con mod... odd levels are 3/4 max + con mod... (1d4=3;1d6=4;1d8=6;1d10=7;1d12=9) I'm allowing Core Books, Completes, SS, and The Psionics Handbook. at the moment as those are the ones I have with me here to peruse and can viably keep track of. I'd like good alignments if possible as well please and I'd like for people not to go TOO crazy with character concepts as this is my first delve into DM'ing in a PbP setting. Some crazy is ok.. just nothing like 6 PrC's and four races with multiple personalities and the like as we advance.. heh... And as always, take it easy on the newb DM... i.e. ME... and above that.. I hope we can have a bit of fun with this!

"We are the heads of the Alliance. The people of our territories have voted and have decided to bestow upon you five the most valuable treasures that were split among each land centuries ago. First is an amulet depicting an angels feather made of pure platinum, the second a cloud with watchful eyes made of the finest silver in the world and just as the clouds in the sky move so does the silver of this broach as if alive itself, third is a helm and sword depicted over holy light in the background and this visage is set in a the darkest royal blue of a fine royal cloak. Fourth is a coiled snake with glowing golden eyes and feathered wings from it's upper back which is carved into the most beautiful of pale blue crystal, Fifth is an ornate belt fitted with a large intricately caved buckle depicting a large and flourishing oak tree, and last but not least is a large shield made of one massive golden scale of a dragon. We will decide based on your area of expertise who will best benefit from each items known power."

These items are artifacts of various intent. Each of the five of you will have one of them and they will actually end up leveling with you. Each of them will have special effects and bonuses to each character that wields them. Each item will also grow in power as you grow in levels as well thus becoming more powerful. At the end of the items progression something special happens you are told but as to what no one is sure as these items have never made it to pull blown power, or so it's written.

Recoded here will be the six players names and characters:
1 Menhir (Earth Elemental 2/ Barbarian 1) [Ambrus]
2 Edvik the Bastard (Human Fighter 3) [Hafrogman]
3 Lidia (Human Druid 3) [Ghostcat]
4 Eltyr Malacon (Human wizard 3) [Unleashed]
5 Berrek Sandblade (Human Spellthief 3) [Neurotic]
6 Anton Hill (Human Cleric 3) [Ethandrew]

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Nothing hot and heavy.... once a day minimum if at all possible... I'm looking for a good game.. and those take time to form and create with storyline and good RP with gaming mechanics mixed in often methinks... so yea.. I would like one post a day from my players at least.... not a lot to ask for really :)


I'd be interested in joining. I can keep it simple. Fighter is pretty simple, right?

Depending on how it would fit with your background, I'd like to explore a character concept I once tried that had its game die.

Edvik the Bastard.

An illegitimate son of a royal line, his existence alone is somewhat of an embarresment. When the call for volunteers came, the king (father or grandfather, perhaps?) strongly encouraged Edvik to step forward.

The king sees a number of benefits, sending his own blood off on such a mission is a symbol of powerful commitment to the alliance. And should they succeed the dark fear that looms will have been defeated by one of his line. And should Edvik die along the way . . . well then, one less worry for the true heir.

For Edvik there is only a chance for glory. A chance to prove that despite his low birth, he himself is capable of being the equal, or better of any other man.


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yesss.. yess excellent... give the newb DM cannon fodder for his plot... errr.. I mean... me likes! run with it hafrogman... sounds good to me so far...

The five surrounding territories are as follows:

Hartsboar to the Northwest of the Scorched Northland Territory... This is a place of mostly consists of an underfed populus... mainly because most of its resources are given to the training and support of it's biggest asset... well groomed warriors and barbarians.. most combatants from this area are unmatched in their size and strength.... think viking-esque...

Jormikfen the the South.... this territory is most well known for it's scholars and mages... many of it's best mages in centuries past were thought to have found the strange and powerful artifacts you will soon possess.

Gerpalistar to the East.... little is known about this territory as most of it's inhabitants tend to stick to their land after the great wars that split the territories in the first place... it is said many of the worlds best assassins and thieves come from this mysterious place.

Lorken to the South East... The most well known of the territories.. it is a very diverse center of people... from every background... race.. color.. and creed can be found within it's boundaries....

Bowtorindale to the South West.... This land is said to be blessed by the Gods themselves to be a fertile place of growth and rebirth.... it is mostly ruled by the forests themselves as they engulf ninety percent of this territories vast landscape.
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Hi Rathan,

I'm intrigued by the premise; it sounds very epic in scope. One question though; is this campaign intended to be a largely underdark-centered dungeon delve?

As I'm sure you're aware, I gravitate towards the more unusual concepts and am naturally drawn to your mention of Savage Species. A few character ideas of the top of my head:

Earth's Champion
(earth elemental)

In their haste to assemble their five champions, most who head the Alliance have forgotten that it is the earth itself that has suffered the most grievous wound from the impact of the star rock. Not so for the great druids of the Bowtorindale. The candidate they propose is nothing less than the living earth itself; given form, will and purpose by the elder spirits of the natural world. The druids contend that no better scout or guide exists to lead the expedition into the mysterious Underdark beneath the Scorched Northland Territories.

The Star of Heaven
(ghaele celestial)
The sun, moon and stars have circled in the heavens above for countless eons in accordance with the divine plan. A choir of angels are charged with shepherding the great celestial spheres, but one has gone astray and a great calamity has resulted. The admonished angel responsible for the star rock's errant trajectory has been admonished for its failure, defrocked of its might and cast down to earth. Now it lives as a mortal creature, in a world alien to it, on a sacred mission to make amends for its one tragic sin so that it might again enter into a state of grace.


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actually to be honest with you the Underdark is actually a little far off in the exploits of my plotting in this campaign... you will run into.... well.. other tasks that must be done before the underdark can be reached methinks... I have ideas floating in my head of little side tasks and such but which order they will come in is based mostly on the players decisions within the game....

The players first task however will be to explore an keep which somehow managed NOT to get destroyed in the meteors fiery wake.... the territory alliance wants to know how and more importantly WHY this keep was not destroyed and what importance it might have to much needed answers they must have....

As for your race selections I've sent to a Private Message explaining somewhat why I'd like you to stray from your two choices you have suggested as both races have a bit of importance plot-wise.... I like your celestial warrior idea... just... umm... stray from the race if you will please... I promise it will come to be worthwhile for you later on in the campaign...


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You know on second thought Ambrus the earth elemental would work.... I dunno what I was thinking on that one.... and I love the concept.... the Ghaele I'd still like you to avoid... but the other is fine if you want to run with it....


If the earth elemental works for you then that's great. I'll take a look at the class writeup in Savage Species and try putting a 3rd level one together for your review.

Out of curiosity, are you amenable to the idea of elemental characters halting their monster advancement at the Monster Manual's size/hit dice cutoff points to allow character class advancement or would you prefer they stay with the full monster class progression?

BTW, are you familiar with Malhavoc Press' When the Sky Falls supplement? It covers all the what-ifs involved in a meteor strike within a generic campaign setting. It includes unique creatures, feats, items, spells and prestige classes that might appear in the wake of such a calamity. Just thought I'd mention it in case it might interest you. :)


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actually I'm glad you asked that... I actually like the idea of stopping the progression to add class levels and the like.... you can freely mix and match class levels with levels in a creature class from the SS freely in this campaign...

As to the supplemental I'm not familiar with it but if you have a link to a source for me I'll be MORE than happy to look it over! More fuel for my plot means move excitement for you all!

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