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Rathan's Problem Down Under [3.5 OOC/Recruiting One More: Need Arcane Type]


So I'm looking at Jormikfen, just to be contrary. I kind of like the idea of a fighter from a land of scholars. Do you have any more information of the nations, or are they mostly framework so far?

Should I be making up people for my background, or do you already know who's there?

edit: Rough Draft of Edvik

[B]Name:[/B] Edvik the Bastard
[B]Class:[/B] Fighter 3
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 (6 p.)  [B]Level:[/B] 3        [B]XP:[/B] 3,000 / 6,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 13 +1 (5 p.)  [B]BAB:[/B] +3         [B]HP:[/B] 29 (3d10+6)
[B]Con:[/B] 13 +1 (5 p.)  [B]Grapple:[/B] +5     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] --/--
[B]Int:[/B] 13 +1 (5 p.)  [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] --
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (2 p.)  [B]Init:[/B] +1        [B]Spell Save:[/B] --
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 (2 p.)  [B]ACP:[/B] -7         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 50%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +8    +2    +1    +0    +0    +0    21
[B]Touch:[/B] 11              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 20

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      3    +1    +1    +5
[B]Ref:[/B]                       1    +1    +1    +3
[B]Will:[/B]                      1    +0    +2    +3

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Bastard Sword             +7     1d10+2      19-20 
Longbow                   +5      1d8+2        x3

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic

Bonus Feats
Bonus Skill Points

Improved Toughness [Human]
Blind Fight [1st]
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword [Fighter 1]
Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword [Fighter 2]
Mage Slayer [3rd]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 24       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 6/3
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Climb*                    6      +2   --     +1    
Diplomacy (x)             3      +0   --     +3  
Jump*                     6      +2   --     +1
Knowledge: History        2      +1   --     +3
Spellcraft (x)            2      +1   --     +3

*acp: -7

[B]Equipment:                         Cost  Weight[/B]
MW Bastard Sword                 185 gp    6 lb
MW Mighty: 2 Composite Longbow   450 gp    3 lb
 - Arrows (20)                     1 gp    3 lb

MW Full Plate Armor             1650 gp   50 lb
Heavy Steel Shield                20 gp   15 lb

Cloak of Resistance +1          1000 gp    1 lb
Everburning Torch                110 gp    1 lb
Potion: CLW (3)                  150 gp    - lb

Backpack                           2 gp    2 lb
Grappling Hook                     1 gp    4 lb
Silk Rope (50')                   10 gp    5 lb
Water Skin                         1 gp    4 lb
Whetstone                       0.02 gp    1 lb
Winter Blanket                   0.5 gp    3 lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 98 (medium load)

[B]Money:[/B] 419 gp 4 sp 8 cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                 58   116   175   350   875                

[B]Age:[/B] 21
[B]Height:[/B] 5'10"
[B]Weight:[/B] 190 lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Blue
[B]Hair:[/B] Blond
[B]Skin:[/B] Tan
[sblock=Background]Twenty one years ago:

"I still think this is a mistake. Acknowledging the child at all serves no purpose, it will only cause difficulties in the future."

"He is still our first grandchild, whether you wish to accept the fact or not. I will not see him cast aside because of the circumstances of his birth. And you may find there is more benefit here than you believe. If his existence truly concerns you, isn't it better to keep him close at hand, and to have a hand in his upbringing? He is of royal blood, would you ignore him and give him reason to hate you?"

". . . I have already conceeded the point, I am here, am I not? Perhaps some good will come of all this, perhaps our son will learn some sense of responsibility for his own actions."


It all started with a girl I suppose. Her family had come from the North, seeking their fortune, or just trying to leave behind the harsh life of farmers in Hartsboar. If they came seeking fortune, they didn't find it. She was just a chambermaid; but beautiful and tall, fair and exotic enough to stand out from the dark beauties of Jormikfen. I suppose I should stand in her defense and tell a tale of true love, or perhaps a cruel seduction, but reality is never quite as clean as we might prefer. He was the crown prince, and she could certainly see the benefits of his attentions. Neither of them counted on me.

I was born shortly after the prince's engagement was announced. Not to my mother, of course, to a duchess. The overwhelming opinion was that the girl should be given a sum of money and 'encouraged' to leave. But the Queen wasn't having it, she always was stronger than anyone gave her credit for, and her will was not to be swayed. She was the only person who welcomed me. Even my mother found an excuse to leave a few years later, not that I can blame her. Her presence was even less welcome than mine, particularly after the wedding and the new princess's arrival.

My childhood existed in a strange limbo between prince and servant. The prince's marriage shortly produced a legitimate heir, and a half-blood bastard was an unnecessary complication. For his part, my half-brother was actually quite accepting of my existence. Not that he showed any particular affection for me, he simply didn't seem to care. He was always a somewhat fey child, very focused on his studies. I never seemed to fare as well at such learning, but the castle tutors spared no opportunity to remind me how lucky I was to even be allowed such an education. I took to spending much of my spare time with the castle guards, who never seemed to care if I were prince, bastard or commoner. I learned much from watching them, and then later training under and with them. My choice of such pastime drew no small number of disapproving glances. Some saw it as beneath me, some saw it as confirmation of by base origins.

Once again, my grandmother was the only one who took interest in my activities. I think she was saddened when I decided not to pursue the life of a scholar, mystic or sage, but she still supported my choice. We would often meet share tea while she talked to me on one subject or another. She spoke of court life, and history, but mostly she tried to instill in me a sense of loyalty and responsibility. This last was a challenge for me, I had trouble justifying devotion to a country who certainly didn't want me. I often considered leaving, and going to seek my own way in the world, but she always convinced me to stay, at least for a little longer.

With the star fall, many things have changed in the land. The darkness has brought fear and uncertainty, and threats against my home. I'm starting to see a little of what my grandmother talks about. The king may not want me, my father may ignore me, but the land itself has a need. Monsters press against the borders, and I ride out with the soldiers to drive off these first probing attacks. My fellow warriors seem heartened by my presence, and I see gratitude in the faces of the common people when I return from battle.

The king wishes me to volunteer for this new mission. His motives are obvious, but I will go nonetheless. I am Edvik the Bastard, and regardless of anyone's opinion, I am a prince of Jormikfen, and I will stand forward to fight for my country.[/sblock]

HP for 2nd Level: 6


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Here's a link to Malhavoc's page for When the Sky Falls. It's a 64 page supplement written by Bruce R. Cordell. A PDF can be purchased from DriveThruRPG for only $7. A six page preview of the PDF is also available for download as is a web enhancement from montecook.com. All in all, it seems to have received positive reviews.


First Post
Ambrus: Sadly... I am between jobs atm... I got a bum rap on the termination of my last job.. but I'd rather not get into that here..... so unfortunately I don't have the money to toss around for a book or pdf for this campaign... unless you know someone who has it or has it yourself and can sent it to me... then I'll have to make due with what I have :-/

Hafrogman: To be completely honest with you... I have not a lot of written information on the campaign.. It's mostly floating in the vast regions of my sanity.. or lack there of some might say heh... you write me a background... names.. places... I gave you the skeleton... now I want to see my players give it muscle and flesh :D.... not to say I'm lazy.. but I feel a player can relate to a world a little better if they have some input in them.. my old group of players when I lived in MI had a BLAST making detailed maps of their hometowns.... names of shops keepers and such in said home town.. I even let them design the territory around their hometown... it just gives the player a REAL sense of home in a world where.. for the most part... they have NO control over.....


Sorry to hear about your work situation. Times are tough. I thought I had a PDF copy but I can't seem to find it now. But take a look at the previews for WtSF. If you think it'd be of use to you let me know and I'll see if I can dig up a copy for you. :)

Regarding the SS earth elemental, I was wondering whether you have any interest in bringing it into line with the standard 3.5 version; updating its Damage Reduction, ditching the free Power Attack feat and increasing its early natural armor. Let me know your preference.


First Post
I'll allow you to switch the Power Attack with another feat.... you have to still meet the prerequisites for said new feat though.... what's the 3.5 version give for alternative DR for the earth elemental again? The early nat armor I do believe I'll leave as is as the artifacts themselves provide adequate recompense(you will see why once they are given to you :))

As for the When the Skies Fall thing Ambrus.... I will allow people to use the feats and such from there as well as PRC's when the time comes to branch into them if they want.. but yea.... for this to be done *I* need a copy of it... so if you can find one for me.. it's in.. and I'll gladly use it after perusing the preview.... if I can't get a hold of it.... (have my roommate looking for it too with no avail) then it's not allowed....:-/

Hafrogman...... I love the chara so far.... give me a background and he should be pretty much all set.... save for reciving his item.... which will be dept with soon...
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Rathan, I sent you a PM concerning WtSF.

As for the earth elemental, I didn't mean that I wanted to substitute the Power Attack bonus feat for some other feat; what I meant was that in the 3.5 Monster Manual it doesn't receive any bonus feat at all. Similarly the Damage Reduction system was completely changed between the 3.0 and 3.5 rules. Instead of the DR progression listed in SS, the earth elemental should probably only receive the RAW DR 5/–, probably at around 12th or 13th level. On the flipside, it'd seem to make some sense for the elemental to gain the standard natural armor bonus of a small elemental (+7) before it advances to medium size at 4th level; perhaps +3 at 1st, +5 at 2nd and +7 at 3rd. That's just my two cents though. Decide whatever you like and it'll be fine with me. :)



Earth Elemental 2 / Barbarian 1
N Small Elemental [earth, extraplanar]
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +5, Spot +5
Languages Common, Terran
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 21
hp 24 (2d8+1d12+3)
Immune critical hits, flanking, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning.
Fort +4, Ref 0, Will +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee slam +8 (1d6+8)
Ranged javelin 0 (1d4+5)
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Special Atk earth mastery, push, rage 3/day
Abilities Str 21, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Chr 8
SQ earth glide, elemental traits, fast movement
Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Extra Rage*, Great Cleave
Flaws Shaky, Wild**
Traits Plucky, Stellar Caution***, Stout
Skills Craft (armorsmithing) +5, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +1
Possessions necklace of natural weapons +1 (Savage Species, p.58),
3 cure light wounds potions, spiked chain shirt (17 1/2 lbs veins of iron
ore and crystal prisms embedded into torso)
, heavy steel shield (7 1/2 lbs slabs of
beaten iron embedded in left forearm)
, 5 javelins (5 x 1 lb stalactites), cold iron
spiked gauntlet (1/2 lb veins of iron ore embedded in left hand), alchemical
silver spiked gauntlet (1/2 lb veins of silver ore embedded in right hand),
caltrops (12 lbs of iron pyrite nodules), masterwork artisan's tools (5 lbs),
6 flasks (6 x 1 1/2 geodes), chalk, flint & steel, whetstone (1 lb of minerals
infused into fingertips)
Treasure 1,135 gp
Experience 3,000
Height 4-ft. Weight 80 lb
Background In their haste to assemble their five champions, most who head the Alliance have forgotten that it is the earth itself that has suffered the most grievous wound from the impact of the star rock. Not so for the great druids of the Bowtorindale. The candidate they propose is nothing less than the living earth itself; given form, will and purpose by the elder spirits of the natural world. The druids contend that no better scout or guide exists to lead the expedition into the mysterious Underdark beneath the Scorched Northland Territories.

[sblock=*]EXTRA RAGE [General]
You may rage more frequently than normal.
Prerequisite: Rage or frenzy ability.
Benefit: You rage or frenzy two more
times per day than you otherwise could.
Special: You can take this feat multiple
times. Its effects stack.
(Complete Warrior, p.58)
[/sblock][sblock=**]WILD [Flaw]
Accustomed only to a free life in the wild, you
panic when captured or restrained.
Prerequisite: Survival 1 rank.
Effect: Whenever you are entangled,
pinned, or bound, you immediately become
panicked. Your fear is alleviated 1 round after
you are free of all bonds. Spells and effects
that remove fear do not prevent this effect.
(Dragon Magazine 329, p.95)[/sblock][sblock=***]Stellar Caution [Trait]
You are more than a little apprehensive
about anything pertaining to the Starfall.
Your caution helps to keep you safe, but
makes you slow to react to Starfall threats.
Benefit: You gain a +1 Insight bonus to
AC when dealing with anything pertaining
to the Starfall.
Drawback: You take a -1 penalty on
Initiative checks when confronted with
anything pertaining to the Starfall.
(Campaign specific trait)[/sblock]
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First Post
Can I throw my hat in the ring. If so, I will be looking at some kind of Druid. Probably Human but I am considering a Gnome. If that's OK I can have a character up either tomorrow or Tuesday.


First Post
Ambrus: The Raw DR 5/- at 12th is fine. As for the feat... if we're going to change to the 3.5 line of progression with something we might as well do it all... yea.... lets take the feat right out of there. I'll give you as well the progression of nat armor +2 at 1st, +4 at 2nd, and +6 at 3rd..... sound fair? With your artifacts you will be getting I feel characters that will be 'well buffed and mighty' enough for little changes to be made I assure you....

Ghostcat: Druid is fine... give me a character writeup and come up with a nice background for me :)

hafrogman: waiting on background still.. but otherwise character looks great :)


Hafrogman...... I love the chara so far.... give me a background and he should be pretty much all set.... save for receiving his item.... which will be dept with soon...
hafrogman: waiting on background still.. but otherwise character looks great :)
Okay, okay, hold your horses. :)

Background is up. I still need to go shopping.

I think he's done save for the artifact, obviously.
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First Post
you know I completely forgot about The Psionics Handbook and Complete Psionics... I'm adding those to the list as well of acceptable creation books... I will make note of this in the first post as well...

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