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Rathan's Problem Down Under [3.5 OOC/Recruiting One More: Need Arcane Type]


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Okay, here's my character Eltyr Malacon, Human Wizard.

[SBLOCK=Eltyr Malacon]Eltyr Malacon
Male Human Wizard 3
Experience Points (required): 3,000 (6,000 for 4th level)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Homeland: Jormikfen

Height: 5’1”
Weight: 129lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Age: 22

Strength 8 (-1) [8 base] {0 pts}
Dexterity 14 (+2) [14 base] {6 pts}
Constitution 13 (+1) [13 base] {5 pts}
Intelligence 16 (+3) [16 base] {10 pts}
Wisdom 10 (+0) [10 base] {2 pts}
Charisma 10 (+0) [10 base] {2 pts}

Class and Racial Abilities
Human: 1 extra feat at 1st level; 4 extra skill points at 1st level, and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
Wizard: Summon familiar.

Armour Class: 12 (10 base, +2 Dex) [touch 12, flat-footed 10]
Armour Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 0%
Hit Dice: 3d4+3 (4,1,3)
Hit Points: 11
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30 feet

Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +1/+0

+0 melee [1d4-1; 19-20/x2; piercing or slashing; dagger]
+0 melee [1d6-1; 20/x2; bludgeoning; quarterstaff]

+3 ranged [1d8; 19-20/x2; 80 feet; piercing; light crossbow]
+3 ranged spells

Fortitude +2 [1 base, +1 Con]
Reflex +3 [1 base, +2 Dex]
Will +3 [3 base, +0 Wis]

Skills (36 points; max ranks: 6/3)
Concentration +7 [6 ranks, +1 Con]
Decipher Script +9 [6 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (arcana) +9 [6 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (history) +9 [6 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (the planes) +9 [6 ranks, +3 Int]
Spellcraft +11 [6 ranks, +3 Int, +2 synergy Knowledge (arcana)]
Use Magic Device +0 or +4 (scrolls) [0 ranks (cc), +0 Cha, +4 synergy Decipher Script, Spellcraft]

Eschew Materials [Human bonus]
Scribe Scroll [1st level Wizard bonus]
Spell Penetration [1st level]
Improved Familiar [3rd level] {intending to summon an air elemental as a familiar at 5th level}

Common, Auran, Draconic, Elven

0-level (all) -- acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue.
1st-level (9*) -- color spray, enlarge person, erase, hold portal, identify, mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, sleep.
2nd-level (2) -- knock, Melf’s acid arrow.

* Includes bonus spell from belonging to Gormen's School for the Magicly Gifted.

Prepared Spells (4/4*/3*); Save DC (Int) = 13 + spell level
0-level -- detect magic, light, ray of frost, read magic.
1st-level -- hold portal, mage armor, magic missile, sleep.
2nd-level -- knock, Melf’s acid arrow (2).

* Includes bonus spells from belonging to Gormen's School for the Magicly Gifted.

Dagger [1 lb] {2 gp}
Light Crossbow [4 lb] {35 gp}
20 Bolts [2 lb] {2 gp}
Quarterstaff [4 lb]
Scholar’s Outfit (black)
Signet Ring (from Gormen’s School for the Magicly Gifted) [0 lb] {5 gp}

Mage’s Satchel (as Heward’s Handy Haversack) [5 lb] {2,000 gp}
-- Bedroll [5 lb] {1 sp}
-- Blanket, Winter [3 lb] {5 sp}
-- Case, Scroll [0.5 lb] {1 gp}
-- Courtier’s Outfit (black, the shirt trimmed with silver arcane symbols at the collar and cuffs) [6 lb] {30 gp}
xx – Jewellery for Courtier’s Outfit (silver) {50 gp}
-- Everburning Torch [1 lb] {110 gp}
-- Flint & Steel [0 lb] {1 gp}
-- Hourglass [1 lb] {25 gp}
-- Mirror, Small Steel [0.5 lb] {10 gp}
-- Money (coins), in a belt pouch (28 gp, 21 sp, 7 cp) [1.62 lb (incl. pouch)]
-- Money (gems), in a small cloth bag (550 gp in various gems, two of which are 100 gp pearls)
-- Potion: Cure Light Wounds (2) [0 lb] {100 gp}
-- Rations, Trail (10 days) [10 lb] {5 gp}
-- Rope, Silk (50 feet) [5 lb] {10 gp}
-- Scholar’s Outfit (black, spare) [6 lb] {5 gp}
-- Spellbook [3 lb]
-- Spell Foci (two of each simple focus are carried, one of which will be on his person if the relevant spell is prepared)
-- Spell Materials (no expensive material components are carried at this time except pearls for the identify spell, doesn’t require simple components)
-- Waterskin [4 lb] {1 gp}
-- Whetstone [1 lb] {1 cp}
-- Writing Materials
xx – Candle, for melting sealing wax (2) [0 lb] {2 cp}
xx – Inkpen (2) [0 lb] {2 sp}
xx -- Ink (2 vials) [0 lb] {16 gp}
xx -- Paper (25 sheets) [0 lb] {10 gp}
xx – Sealing Wax [1 lb] {1 gp}
-- Weight Carried in Satchel [47.62 lb (of 120 lb)]

Weight Carried: 16 lb

Carrying Capacity [8 Strength]
Light: 26 lb. or less; Medium: 27-53 lb.; Heavy: 54-80 lb.;
Lift (over head): 80 lb.; Lift (off ground): 160 lb.; Drag: 400 lb.

578 gp, 21 sp, 7 cp (in coins & gems)

Eltyr is a handsome short slender man, with straight shoulder-length black hair. His warm brown eyes show little at first glance, but if you look long enough you can see the workings of a quick and intelligent mind behind their compassionate gaze. He tends to wear austere black robes most of the time, though he does have some finer clothes which only seem to make an appearance when required by the occasion (fine black clothes in the current fashion, the shirt trimmed with arcane symbols in silver at the collar and cuffs, over which he wears an elegant burgundy cloak, while supple calf-high golden brown boots complete the ensemble ... along with a few pieces of elegant silver jewellery). In his hand he usually carries a worn quarterstaff, while on his belt he carries a dagger and when ready for battle a light crossbow.

Eltyr is a good-natured and astute young man, who is always on the lookout for something to challenge his abilities. When not engaged in other pursuits he often spends his time simply pondering the essence of magic, though he never allows such thoughts to completely overtake his mind and distract him from the world around him, unlike some of the other mages he trained with. His most fervent wish is that he’ll discover some as yet undiscovered great repository of magic from ages past, though he’d settle for anything which expands his rapidly growing knowledge of the arcane a little further.

To begin this tale you must first understand the Malacon family. Affluent merchants and wizards, the Malacon’s have controlled a sizable trading concern for generations, dealing in magic as well as items of a more mundane nature.

Eltyr is the eldest son of Owain and Lerral Malacon, and unsurprisingly he spent his childhood surrounded by the wealth acquired by his family over centuries. Enjoying the best life had to offer, he never wanted for anything in his formative years, which probably explains why he’s always sought out challenges far beyond his capabilities ... challenges where his family’s money couldn’t obtain success for him.

As is expected from those in the Malacon family who possess the slightest hint of a magical gift, Eltyr entered Gormen's School for the Magicly Gifted at the age of ten. His parent’s hoping that he would study magic with an eye towards crafting, as they had, to further expand the family’s trading concerns ... though they soon found out he had different ideas about his future, as he took his studies in an another direction entirely. Studying the application of magic with an eye towards the art itself, rather than what could be made using it, Eltyr quickly found an avenue of study which appealed to him greatly and after studying hard, he graduated from Gormen's School in his late teens. His parents, pleased by his success and that he had found a path that seemed to satisfy his adventurous nature, proudly sent him on his way with a mage’s satchel (the one he has now) to help make his journey easier.

Since graduating he has spent his time travelling and exploring, with the blessing of his family, delving into the occasional adventurous pursuit as he slowly expands his arcane knowledge ... however, the fall of the meteor has changed all that. Upon hearing the news, Eltyr returned to Gorman’s School and stated his wish to explore and help close off the bleeding vein of darkness that now threatens them all. With the blessing of his teachers and a letter of recommendation from the school, he set off for his greatest challenge to date, one which he hopes will grant him his most fervent wish...

XP Log (started with 3,000 XP)
Nothing to add yet.[/SBLOCK]
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How much is +1 Ironwood Armor, I suspect it will be too expensive but its worth a shot.
Ironwood isn't permanent in 3.5 ed. Thus it would only be 660 gold to get someone to cast it (with DM permission) but 11 days into the adventure you'd be wearing normal wood.

Dragonscale armor is the default available for druids. Cost = (Base + 150) x 2, depending one what type of armor you want.

+1 Dragonscale Fullplate = 4,300 gp (out of range)
+1 Dragonscale Breastplate = 1,700 gp


First Post
Neurotic: Lot to mull over here... sorry for the delay.....

1. low Reflex save for class with trapfinding - add second good save (like ranger, but with will instead of Fort)

I'm at odds with this one... a spellthief should have to give up a lot to merge the two classes in a most advantageous way.... I'll give you a choice here... you can either have Refl as a second good save progression... or have bard spell progression... choice is up to you on this one...

2. slow spell progression: advice to take bard progression - not so important for me, but you may consider it

See Above....

3. Spell grace change to use CHA bonus (like paladin, but only for spells) - this one is strange, +1/+2/+3 is slow progress for whole class, but CHA might be little over the top as the class has limitatios then paladin, but then, it's only for spells...maybe instead add mettle or similar ability?

This one is more difficult... here's what I propose though...

+1 competence bouns to saves aginst spells every 3 levels (+1 at first, +2 at 4th, +3 at 7, +4 at 10th, and +5 at 13th....) with a max cap of +5 until you reach epic which I will get into MUCH later if need be..

Ambrus: You were far from complaining.. I was just giving you the option.... if you feel it's not needed.... that's also fine.. I just like to give my players a bit of a feel that they have some control over things... it keeps them interested... the more the character is likable to the player.. the less likely I'll have to go re-recruiting :D.....

Ghostcat: Character looks good so far... as hafrogman mentions ironwood is not a permanent item any longer.... as he said dragon scale would be your best option in 3.5.....

Also.. your character can be from where ever you want to be Ghostcat.... there doesn't have to be a representative from each of the territories... they are just calling upon you all as you are the best hope in the combined areas with the right skills to hopefully come back with more information no how to stop the horrific monster attacks and what is causing them...

Unleashed: Character looks good at first glance... love love love the signet ring from the school... nice touch... you seem to be goo to go.. :)


First Post
alright all... it seems the 5 slots have filled up.. and yet... no real full healer to speak of... this could be...(and more importantly SHOULD be) important....

I have no quams opening up another slot for recruitment... in hopes we get someone that wants to play a healer type... Thoughts?... complaints?... moans and groans?


First Post
I haven't read any mention that the candidates had to be one to a region Ghostcat. I think it'd be fun to have your character be one of the Bowtorindale druids responsible for bringing my elemental into being.

Lidia could have been charged with shepherding it to where it needs to go while acting as a cultural interpreter and friend to it; earth elementals aren't exactly savvy when it comes to dealing with humanoid society I imagine. ;)
Ambrus good idea. I was just assuming that each member of the alliance would put forward a single representative. I know I have broken one of the cardinal rules: "Never Assume".

Anyway, I'll rewrite Lidia's history to reflex this.


alright all... it seems the 5 slots have filled up.. and yet... no real full healer to speak of... this could be...(and more importantly SHOULD be) important....

I have no qualms opening up another slot for recruitment... in hopes we get someone that wants to play a healer type... Thoughts?... complaints?... moans and groans?
Well on one hand, there was Ethandrew who expressed interest. If he's still around, you might offer him a sixth spot if there was one.

Other than that, if you think we specifically need a cleric then we can't really recruit a sixth and "hope" for one. :) We'd need to recruit specifically for one.

With the five, I see either: Everyone chipping in for the traditional wand of CLW for the druid, and chancing it.

Or: If necessary, I could scrap Edvik, as he and Menhir have the most overlap in the group dynamics.


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I've sent a PM to Ethandrew in hopes he's not upset about me skipping over his expression of interest in my game.... depending on what he has for an answer for me will be my suggestion to you hafrogman in regards to making a new character.... I would suggest you guys could really use a healer.. but I'm not going to force a player to change what he wants to play... that's just bad form heh......


First Post
I'm totally in tears over here.

Nah, I was gone for the weekend and when I came back there were five interested players, I watched and lo and behold, my name popped up.

If you're willing to accept a 6th I have no problem creating a healer. I'll take a look at the previously submitted characters, see if I want to make this one a combat-competent healer or focus more on the spellcasting. I'll see if I can't put something together rather quickly tonight.

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