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Rathan's Problem Down Under [3.5 OOC/Recruiting One More: Need Arcane Type]


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I'd be interested in playing Rathan, a mage type from Jormikfen sounds good to me. Now for some questions to get things going...

What races are predominat in Jormikfen? Anything I should stay clear of?

Are there magic schools in Jormikfen or do they favour a more master/apprentice style approach? If there are schools, are there many, a few, or just one everyone studies at? If multiple schools, do they compete or pretty much mind their own business, and do specialists have their own schools or are they part of the normal schools?
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Rathan, in regards to the Power Attack feat, do you believe the earth elemental's slam attack counts as a two-handed weapon for the purposes of the doubling the additional damage from the feat? It might be so based on the fact that they gain 1.5 their Str bonus with their slam attack, just as if they were wielding two-handed weapon. Thoughts?


First Post
Ambrus: That really offers the most viable explanation as to why they would do 1.5 dmg with a slam... I am inclined to agree with that... is there a specific reason you mention this, or is it just a continuation of or earlier conversation about the feat?

Unleashed: Mage is good...... Humans are the most predominant race in Jormikfen... elven and half-elven running a far second and third and then gnomes are far back in the pack race wise.

Jormikfen is usually a Master/apprentice teaching school of thought. There are three major schools for magic for those with a semi wealthy backing. Gormen's School for the Magicly Gifted is the most common of these three and has the least requisite for acceptance into a school of the three. The other two are more of the elitest group schools and PC's are not allowed to start game as part of them thus I really won't discuss them here... yet. Gormens school is large and supports even specialist school magic training. You as a Character would start with 1000 less gp if you wanted to belong to this school at start. To make up for the cost of the schooling though you can start with one extra known spell at 1st level and can cast one extra spell per day for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells (once reaching the level needed to cast said level spells that is. This is above and beyond what extra you would get from specializing in a school of magic). Also, with prompt correspondence written to the school from away, you have access to whatever spell you would like learn at half cost to scribe into your spell book after game start (i.e. they send you a scroll to scribe into your spell book to learn a spell not currently known to you... you pay half... they pay half in essence).
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Ambrus: That really offers the most viable explanation as to why they would do 1.5 dmg with a slam... I am inclined to agree with that... is there a specific reason you mention this, or is it just a continuation of or earlier conversation about the feat?
I bring it up because I was considering taking Power Attack and Cleave as is normal for earth elementals; seems an effective and appropriate combo. It's only a continuation of our earlier conversation in the sense that I'd have to pay for the feat now rather than getting it for free.


First Post
hmmm..... gotta be a solution here.... lets seeeee heeereee.. I'm willing to give you the power attack as a starting feat... but something else needs to be taken for a balancing effect.... is it worth it to you to get the feat for free?... and if so give me a suitable ability to either nerf or take from the earth elemental in exchange for it... as I see it... this is MY world... MY game... the books are guidelines.. if I want to barter with my PC's for stuff like this.. then *I* am allowed to damnit heh.... you give me a 'fair trade' offer and the feat is yours free with the race levels....


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Player interested

Are you still taking?

If so, how optimized/power game enabled characters need to be?

I'd play spellthief (CAdv) or Artificer(Eberron) if allowed(I didn't read in detail initial post, I'll do it over lunch)...

EDIT: OK, found some time to read properly, it seems Eberron is out. So spellthief 3, human.

Any traits or flaws allowed?
Skill tricks from complete scoundrel will be taken for sure. Focus on stealth and trapfinding as there doesn't seem to be rogue in the party.

Short history concept: Member of cabal of mage guild 'guardians' (enforcers) that take care of one mage taking over whole guild or doing forbidden things...

Unfortunately, once Berrek got over his head in what should have been simple scout/probe/information gathering mission on a suspect mage. Instead he was caught in trap and memory wiped or enfeebled. Strange as it is, his abilities somehow interferred with the magic and he was simply left as is with his mind a blank slate. He has no concept of who he is, where he is or why he is.

As another detail: he has strange mark on his right hand. He has it since he can remember it and his parents say that he was adopted from orphanage with that tatoo. In time it streched some and lost it's initial bright purple color fading to slight purple and almost looking as strange scar. When call for heroes came he felt drawn there as he is now outcast without anchor or goal except to find out who he is. In backalleys of his home he sometimes has short flashes of memory usualy after some adrenaline ladden event.

With this last you can do what you will :) I'll add details once I'm admitted to game ;)

Finaly, there is some question about the class on different rpg boards (paizo mostly) that class has few illogical things that are easily fixed as it isn't overpowered (and is underpowered by some).
1. low Reflex save for class with trapfinding - add second good save (like ranger, but with will instead of Fort)
2. slow spell progression: advice to take bard progression - not so important for me, but you may consider it
3. Spell grace change to use CHA bonus (like paladin, but only for spells) - this one is strange, +1/+2/+3 is slow progress for whole class, but CHA might be little over the top as the class has limitatios then paladin, but then, it's only for spells...maybe instead add mettle or similar ability?

I'll play with unmodified class, this is simply something that I found around. Low reflex seems really strange, others are more of making the class powergame viable (as is paizo board custom) so not so important...
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you give me a 'fair trade' offer and the feat is yours free with the race levels....
??? :confused: Uhm, I wasn't complaining that I had to pay for Power Attack; tossing out the bonus feat was my suggestion after all. I'm perfectly happy to pay for it normally. No solution necessary. :)


First Post

[sblock=Lidia]Female, Human, Druid (3)
Neutral Good

Height: 6'2", Weight: 118Ilb, Age: 26
Hair: Red, Eyes: Dark Blue, Skin: Suntaned

Languages: Common, Druidic

Str: 10 (+0, 2pts)
Int: 10 (+0, 2pts)
Wis: 16 (+3, 10pts)
Dex: 10 (+0, 2pts)
Con: 12 (+1, 4 pts)
Cha: 13 (+1, 5 pts)

Move: 6 squares, 30'
Initiative: +0

Armor Class: 17 (10 base, 5 armor, 2 shield)

Hit Points: 23 (8+1, 6+1, 6+1)
BAB: +2, Melee +2, Ranged +2, Grapple +2

Fort +5 (base +3, mod +1, +1 Clock of Resistance)
Reflex +2 (base +1, mod +0, +1 Clock of Resistance)
Will +7 (base +3, mod +3, +1 Clock of Resistance)

Concentrate +4 (3 rank, +1 con)
- (Cast Defensively) +8 (+4 Concentrate, +4 Combat casting)
Handle Animal +2 (1 rank, +1 cha)
Heal + 11(6 rank, +3 wis, +2 Self-sufficient)
Knowledge (Nature) +6 (2 rank, +2 druid(1), +2 Survival)
Listen +9 (6 rank, +3 wis)
Spot +9 (6 rank, +3 wis)
Survival +13 (6 ranks, 3 wis, +2 druid(1), +2 Self-sufficient)

Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Combat Casting
Shield Proficiency

Unarmed Strike +2 melee, (1d3, 20/x2)
Oaken Cudgel +2 (1d6, 20/x2)
Sling +2 ranged (1d4, 50ft, 20/x2)

Prepared Spells:
Druid Spells Level 0 (4/day)
Cure Minor Wounds
Cure Minor Wounds

Druid Spells Level 1 (3/day)
Cure Light Wounds

Druid Spells Level 2 (2/day)
Flaming Sphere[/sblock]
[b]Equipment                    Qty Weight Cost[/b]
Explorer's Outfit             1    8     0
Cloak of Resistance +1        1    1 	 1000
Chainmail (Dragonhide)        1    40    600
Darkwood Shield               1    5     257
Oaken Cudgel                  1    3     0
Sling                         1    0     0
Wand of Summon Monster I      1    0.06  750

Backpack (contains 8 lbs)     1    2     2
- Everburning Torch           1    1 	 110
- Waterskin (Filled)          1    4     1
-Rations (Trail/Per Day)      3    1     1.5

Pouch (Belt) (contains 5 lbs) 1    0.5   1
- Bullets, Sling (10)         1    5     0.1

Pouch (contains 0 lbs)        1    0.5   1
- Candle (Pouch               1    0     0.01
- Chalk                       1    0     0.01
- Fishhook                    5    0     0.1
- Potion of CLW               2    0     50
- Potion of CMW               1    0     300

Money: 203.08 (353.08 change - 150 as share of CLW wand)
Load: 65 Ils (Medium)

Light Load < 34lbs
Medium Load 35-66lbs
Heavy Load 67-100lbs[/sblock]
[sblock="Background"]Lidia is the last of a long line of wise women who have lived and tended the folk of Appletreewick far back into antiquity.

Traditionally each of the wise woman had a single daughter, who she raised alone in the ancestral cottage, located in a woodland clearing about a mile from the village.

Lidia was born exactly at midnight on mid-summer's eve, the younger of identical twins.

Lidia's birth time proved to be auspicious as even before she could walk she proved to have a greater affinity with nature, with birds singing to her and small mammals visiting her in her crib.

Whether this was a portent or not is still not clear. However, her mother Elasia saw it as a solution to her dilemma and so Lidia was sent to the druidess Kara to be train as a priestess of nature while Aidil her elder sister was trained as her mum's successor.

Time passed. Lidia traveled around Bowtorindale along with her mistress learning the ways of nature and meeting the land's real rulers. Eventually, Lidia achieved womanhood and was finally initiated into the druidic order.

Shortly after Lidia's initiation rumors started circulating about the wounding of the earth and chaos spreading over the land. Soon after this, Lidia received a summons to a meeting with the druidic council. On arriving at the Great Circle, Lidia was taken to Almus, the grand druid, where he summarised the current situation, told her that the circumstances of her birth means that the druidic council believes that she is destined for great things, explained the tasks that they wish her to undertake and asked her if she accepted. Lidia was ecstatic at the honor and immediately volunteered. Almus then went on to explain that in addition to Lidia, the druids proposed to enlist the aid of the land itself. Lidia would act as its representative's mentor and guide while on the surface, with the roles being reversed if and when they entered the Underdark.

Almus then lead Lidia to the Great Circle, were the full council awaited them. The council then preformed a complex ritual of which Lidia understood only the smallest part.

At the end of which, one of the standing stones bursts out of the ground and declares in a booming voice *sound of nails on a chalkboard*. Almus uncovers his ears, turns to his flock and translates the odd creature's terrain speech: "I think it said it's name is... uhm... Tim?".[/sblock]
[sblock="Description"]An extremely tall, willowy, young human female.

Once you get over her height, Your eyes are drawn to the firey red hair that's tied into a single braid that goes all the way down her back and the blue eyes that are so dark that they look black.

What can be seen of her skin is deeply suntaned.

The voice is soft but pleasant.

She dresses in a dark green cloak over leather armor.[/sblock]
[sblock=Animal Companion]Name: Shadow
Type: Animal
Race: Hawk
True Neutral

Str: 7 (-2)
Int: 2 (-4)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 10 (+0)
Cha: 6 (-2)

Move: 2 squares, 10', Fly 60'
Initiative: +3

Armor Class: 20 (10 base, +8 dex, +2 3rd Level Natural Armor Adj.)

Hit Points: 20 (8+0, 6+0, 6+0)
BAB: +2

Fort +3
Reflex +7
Will +3

Listen +5 (3 rank, +2 wis)
Spot +13 (3 rank, +2 wis, +8 race)

Weapon Finess

Animal Companion Traits
Share Spells

Tricks: (6 Handle Animal, +2 Bonus)

Talons +5 melee, (1d4-2)[/sblock]
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I haven't read any mention that the candidates had to be one to a region Ghostcat. I think it'd be fun to have your character be one of the Bowtorindale druids responsible for bringing my elemental into being.

Lidia could have been charged with shepherding it to where it needs to go while acting as a cultural interpreter and friend to it; earth elementals aren't exactly savvy when it comes to dealing with humanoid society I imagine. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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