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[Re-Recruiting] Invasion. Gathering of Heroes (d20 Modern)

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First Post
Yeah I'm workin on one too. 20 yr old jewish leader of a resistance organization consisting of people who are worried about the growing strength of an antisemitic party in germany. I've got a basic background worked out and filling it in now. Will likely be Fast 2/ Charismatic 2 or 3/Advanced level 1 or 2 or something along those lines. Not quite sure yet as i'm writing the background then the char.


First Post
Concept / background. Needs a bit more polishing but its nearly there. Comments welcome.

[sblock="Background"]Percy is the youngest son of Peter Ambleton-Smythe, 35th Earl of Cookridge. Percy's early life was on of privilege, with nannies, prep-school, boarding school until he finally, followed in the family tradition and went to Eton school.

At Eton, Percy record was rocky to say the least. While he was invariably at the top of his class, he was alway always in trouble. The problem was Percy has a insatiable curiosity coupled with an above average sense of adventure. Thus he was forever poking his nose in places he wasn't supposed to. The crunch came in is final year when he was catch spying on the headmaster and the matron. Originally the headmaster wanted to expel Percy until he pointed out that the headmaster really didn't want his affair to become public knowledge.

Percy then moved on to ?? college Cambridge where he got a double 1st
Class honors degree in Philosophy and history. Nearly been expelled from Eton seems to of calmed him, as he sailed through Cambridge without a blemish.

While at Cambridge Percy met and fell in love with Fiona Hamillton and after they both graduated they were married. However, there was something "not quite right"" about the Hamilltons and Percy's family were all against the marriage. While not quite disowned, it was made known that Fiona was not welcome at the family home.

Following graduation, Percy was at a bit of a loose end. As a younger son, he was never going to inherit the title. However, he was independently wealthy, so did not really need to work. In the end in joined the diplomatic corps. The work did not really suit Percy but it did give him access to a lot of information he would not otherwise be able to access, so kept him interested.

Percy and Fiona were deliriously happy and were both delighted when Fiona became pregnant. Percy's joy soon turned to sorrow when Fiona died in childbirth leaving him with a bouncy baby boy.

Percy sent his son to live with his maternal grandparents while, after a period of mourning, Percy himself transferred to the "Secret Service".[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Love it. Just pay attention to some parts where you seem to mistype, for example:
"Nearly been expelled from Eton seems to of calmed him"
I'm assuming he is British?
Also some details of his family would be good to have.
Are you thinking on a smart or charismatic hero? Or an admixture of both?


First Post
Could be interesting to me. But I have a couple of questions.

1) From what you've said, I gather the technical level is PL4?

2) I didn't see it mention either way so, are any or will any of the 'Campaign Advanced Classes' be available? (Shadow Slayer, Occultist, Telepath, Battle Mind, Mage, or Acolyte)

3) I presume that the D20 Future and the D20 Apocalypse classes are not now and will not be available. Is that correct?

Voda Vosa

First Post
1) You can get any pre and post war(WW2) devices.
2) I'll say no to that, at least in character creation. Afterwards, as characters gain levels, such classes can be "unlocked" by IC actions, so keep that in mind for your build
3) That is correct, at least at the moment. No one knows what destiny will have prepared for our heroes!


First Post
Well, if it was going to be just 1930's and 1940's tech and 'cold war' spying, I'd say I'd pass, but....

Since it appears that there might also be 'men staring at goats' and other mysterious powers being used, I think I'd like to give it a try.

So, how weird and/or beyond normal can I make my character's background?
Can I have a character who is a shaman-in-training with no real powers yet?
Can I have a character who was/is a part of a CIA mind-powers experiments, but hasn't shown any powers yet?
Can I have a character who designs and builds things a level beyond what is normally available? (ex: If they knew how, all the tech was available in the 1930's, or before, to build laser weapons. The batteries wouldn't last for very many shots, but it could have been done.)

Are there any weird/strange/fantastic areas of your world/universe that you might want a character to be involved in? (Some hints could help me start a character in that direction.)

Basically, I'm looking for enough knowledge of any weird/strange/fantastic areas of your world that are available now and/or after game play is running so that I can try to come up with a character concept and background.

I'm not asking you to give away the things you want to save till in-game. Just some pointers of directions might allow my character to eventually become something different or beyond what normal humans are capable of.

It may be that I'm not asking the right questions, but the more I know, the better I will be able to ask about and define my character concept and back ground.

Voda Vosa

First Post
So, how weird and/or beyond normal can I make my character's background?
As wierd as you want, until a 'wierd index' is created and we can cuatify it, heh.

Can I have a character who is a shaman-in-training with no real powers yet?
Yeah, of course, keep in mind that he won't be able to access to most advanced pieces of technology.

Can I have a character who was/is a part of a CIA mind-powers experiments, but hasn't shown any powers yet?
Of course, or the KGB counterbart.

Can I have a character who designs and builds things a level beyond what is normally available? (ex: If they knew how, all the tech was available in the 1930's, or before, to build laser weapons. The batteries wouldn't last for very many shots, but it could have been done.)
I'll love to see a first line scientist. Also, if you have pulp heroes book, you can use the Scientist advanced class, that I have (only that class heh).

Well, if it was going to be just 1930's and 1940's tech and 'cold war' spying, I'd say I'd pass, but....
It is more a pulp heroes-like game. I must buy that book... =P

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