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Recruting Closed: The Ghosts Of Adiel


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same questions as Bob Aberton...

I'm thinking an Elven Diviner Lvl. 6
Name: Aramae Palantir, sister to Bob Aberton's character (lotsa sibling rivalry) :D

and probably Chaotic Good

"Palantir", by the way, means "far seeing" in Tolkien's Elvish

stats and history in progress

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First Post
Sulli said:

what is an Diviner and what rule book are they in.

I'll pass on this game, but for as the question...

Diviners are specialists Wizards who focus on the school of Divination. Check the Wizard entry of the PHB.

Have fun, all!! :)

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Bob Aberton said:
I might be in on it...

Some things I need to know: How often to post?

Also, I don't really know to much about the Forgotten Realms specifically, so you'll have to kind of bear with me...

My character concept:

RAnger, Rogue, or Fighter.

Probably human or half-elf.

Hates nobility of any sort. Real charitable kind of guy. A sort of revolutionist - wants down w/nobility/kings/etc, up with the people. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, that sort of thing.

"Gives to the poor and takes from the rich" Alias: Robin Hood;) :p
saFire might be in on this, too. I'm working up a character stats and background as I type.
You should look into the Holy Liberator PRC. That would be perfect for your character. Unfortunatly at this level...


First Post
i might be in on it...

i hope to post alot with this game. if we have all the characters by tomorow i will porbly post the start before christmas. i might be on hear 24 or 25 but i think i will post the start after christmas.

Bob Aberton

First Post
And here's my character for everyone to see:

Asher the Stroller
Male Half-Elf
(Ranger 2/Rogue1/Fighter3)

STR 14
DEX 18
CON 16
INT 16
WIS 11
CHA 17


Attack Bonuses
Melee: +8/+3 (BaB +6/+1)
Ranged: +10/+5 (Bab +6/+1)



Armor Class

Craft(woodworking) +4 (+3 Ability, 1 rank)
Swim +6 (+2 Ability, 4 ranks)
Knowledge(Nature) +16(+3 "", 13 ranks)
Listen +10(+0 "", 10 ranks)
Move Silently +14(+4 "", 10 ranks)
Hide +14(+4 "", 10 ranks)
Spot +10(+0 "", 10 ranks)
Animal Empathy +5 (+3 "", 1 rank)
Wilderness Lore +20(+0 "", 20 ranks)
Profession(Hunter) +3 (+0 "", 3 ranks)
Diplomacy +11(+3 "", 8 ranks)
Sense Motive +6 (+0 "", 6 ranks)
Bluff +9 (+3 "", 6 ranks)

Leadership ( Base Leadership Score 9 [8 for Followers, 10 for Cohorts])
Iron Will
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Rapid Shot
Two-Weapon Fighting
(Feats in italics are class features and virtual feats. Asher can only use TWF and Ambidexterity when wearing light armor or no armor)

Weapons and Armor
Liberty (+2 Bastard Sword): Atk +12/+5 Damage 1d10+4
Equality (+1 Composite Longbow): Atk +11/+4 Damage 1d8+1

Fraternity (Masterwork Buckler)
Masterwork Chain Shirt

Other Items of Note
2 Potions of Charisma
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
1 Potion of Cat's Grace
Hat of Disguise
Bag of Tricks (Gray)
75 gp in coins
25 gp in gems

Cohorts & Followers
Rilaine, Male Human Rogue5

No Followers Yet

Short, black haired. Grey eyes with a determined look. Normally smiling, but takes his cause very seriously. Scar along left temple. Dresses very humbly.


Asher the Stroller was born a peasant. And, so he was told, he would live and die a peasant as well. Born in the hamlet of Shadytree, he was from the cradle given a steady dose of anti-aristocrat propaganda by the foster father, who was also a peasant, and an embittered one at that. They farmed a tiny, meager patch of hard ground just outside the gates of Shadytree Keep, where the Lord of the town lived.

Hunger was no stranger to Asher's family, and his father and he worked long hours, sunup to sundown, in their little patch of ground, trying to scratch out a living. When the crops failed, the ground dried, or a blight struck, Asher's foster father blamed the Lord of the town. Aristocrats, he said, were the root of all evil.

Despite this, however, there were some days that Asher had a few minutes to himself, and so he would spend them in the forest nearby Shadytree. He grew to be a veritable adept at walking unseen and treading unheard in the woods. Some days he would stalk small creatures and kill them with thrown rocks, taking them home to add to his family's stewpot. His father, seeing his success as a hunter, taught him the art of woodwork, and Asher carved a bow for himself.

He began hunting larger game with his new bow, bringing down birds in flight and deer on the run. One day he was tracking an especially large deer when he met an elf in the woods. She told him that they shared something - a father. She was his elven half-sister, Aramae, a seeress and a mage. She helped him to provide for his family.

One day, she told him that she had had a vision. She said that in her dream, the people - the despised common folk - rose up from their fields and smithies and mud farms and overthrew the aristocracy. They deposed the grand lords and kings and mages and ruled themselves with Liberty and Equality and Fraternity. Asher was dumbstruck. He had found his calling! He would gather the common people to him, and he would overthrow the hated upper class. he would usher in the reign of Liberty and Equality and Fraternity.

To remind himself of his newfound crusade, he christened his longbow Equality. And when he had gotten home, he told his parents with fire in his eyes, of his purpose in life. His foster father was frightened. Life and age had dulled the idealism in him, and he knew what happened to peasants like his son that revolted - and also what happened to their families. He tried desparately to dissuade Asher from his fatal course, but all for naught.

Asher talked to the other young peasants in Shadytree of his idea. Most of them laughed him away. Nearly all were too busy just living to join his crusade - besides, they were not about to risk the wrath of the Lord of the town. But Asher was a charismatic young man. He pursuaded one other to help him - an orphan boy named Rilaine. Secretly they plotted various grandiose schemes - they would break into the Lord's mansion and kill him, then free the town. They would rob the Lord's coffers in secret and make the commonfolk rich. They would arm the commonfolk and form an army of freemen and freewomen. But it was all for naught.

For no one can scheme for long in a small town before everyone knows of it. The same thing happened with this town. The Lord soon learned of the plots of Asher and Rilaine, and decided to make an example of Asher. A contingent of soldiers marched up to Asher's hovel. Asher's foster father, realizing what the guards wanted (his foster son), gave in to his hatred of aristocrats, and the Lord of the town in particular, and attacked the guards with a scythe. He was summarily spitted on a spear, and soldiers set fire to Asher's hovel, burning down to nothing but ash and memories. Fortunately, Asher's mother had slipped out the back while Asher's foster father was dying, and so escaped to the Elves.

Asher and Rilaine returned from their hunt to a horrible scene. The body of Asher's beloved foster father lay on the ground in his own blood, spitted like a hog, and the hovel was burned to the ground. Aramae, who had been sent out by her father, found her half-brother and told him what happened.

Asher buried his foster father in their little patch of farmland, choked with grief and guilt.

"I...I'm sorry father...I should never have brought this upon you...."

Then he said goodbye to his mother, shouldered his bow, and walked out of the hamlet of Shadytree, shking his fist at the hateful mansion of the Lord.

"By all the Gods," he cried aloud. "I shall return someday! And the free folk of Faerun shall unite, and I shall bring a terrible sharp reckoning to you, m'lord!"

Rilaine went with him, and so did Aramae. For a long while now they wandered Faerun, adventuring here and there, and always spreading the word to the commonfolk: "Have hope! The time is coming when you will cast off your chains and dance in the halls of your oppressors!" Asher acquired a wondrous magical sword, which he named Liberty. And he acquired also a shield of excellent worksmanship, which he named Fraternity. Although he still only has one follower, he hasn't lost hope yet, and firmly believes that Aramae's vision will come to pass.


I'll post the cohort next.


First Post
how did you get the extra two feats of two weapond fighting and ambidexterity.

also i asked you to e-mail me the characters so i could look them over before you showed them to everybody else. also that way i can post them and give you an item or something.
Last edited:

Bob Aberton

First Post


Oh, btw, the TWF and Ambidexterity are from Asher's two levels of Ranger. They can only be used when he is wearing light armor or no armor (class ability of the Ranger at first level). Unless we're not using the PHB Ranger, in which case I will make the appropriate changes...


First Post
ok your right im sorry i got to read the descriptions of the characters that come after me before i coment. and no problem i don't think that i made it clear, i do the same thing but you got your character to me so it's all good.

Voidrunner's Codex

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