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Recruting Closed: The Ghosts Of Adiel


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Can I still play?

Thtree games isn't enough for me, I want more. I am thinking Halfling Bard (Think Lord of the Dance), or Female human Sorc (with a attitude problem) or Cleric (no concept yet, but I'm looking to play more clerics.)

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First Post
Yo! I'm here!

Laryn Holisethesse
Elven Barbarian (6)
Age: 140
Gender: Female

STR: 15 (+2)
DEX: 18 (+4)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 10 (+0)
(All racial bonuses and lvl 4 stat bonus are counted above)

HP: 66
AC: 19

SKILLS: (points/ranks)
Climb: 9/9
Jump: 9/9
Ride: 9/9
Swim: 9/9
Use Rope: 8/4
Knowledge(Geography): 8/4
Literacy (2)

Weapon Focus(Greataxe)


Melee: +10/+5
Ranged: +11/+6


Chain Shirt+2

Greataxe+1 2320GP
Longbow+1 2375GP
Chain Shirt+2 4250GP
Ring of Sustenance 2500GP
Ring of Jumping 2000GP
Arrows (100) 5GP
GP: 50GP

Elven, Common, Goblin, Orc.

Laryn's mother was an adventurer of no small reknown, But when she stumbled across a tribe of orcs in the wilderness, her abilities failed her. She was taken captive and kept as a slave for many years. She did not know it, but she had been pregnant at the time of her capture, and when she did give birth, the orcs (for they did not know of the great length of Elven gestation) raised the Child, Laryn, as one of their own. Quickly she grew in prominence amongst the powerful barbarians, for though she was not the strongest, not a single one of the tribe could lay a hit on her, and she brought to battle something else unheard of by the Barbarians: Strategy.
Many times she helped co-ordinate defences against Human and Elven attacks, defeating them easily by using their surprise at the orcs' organisation to her advantage. Though she had been brought up with evil surrounding her, evil was not in her heart. She was motivated only by the desire to help her tribe, and defend them from what she saw to be the true evil, the Humans and Elves. However, when she helped plan a successful assault against the elven settlements in the area, and saw the elvish citizens being tortured, raped and murdered by the orcs, her heart was broken. She fled from her tribe, never intending to return.

EDIT: Bio added. Ring of Jumping added, increased enchantment on Armour to +2. Changed Draconic language to Orc to fit the Bio.
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First Post
Fid Quickfeet

Male Halfling, Bard 6
HD: 6D6 (26)
Init: +3
Speed: 20ft
AC: 18 (+3 shield, +4 dex, +1 size)
Attacks: +11 +1 L.Croosbow, +6 MW Short Sword
Damage: Short Sword: 1D6, L.Crossbow 1D8+1
SQ/SA: Bardic Music, Bardic knowledge
Saves: Fort: +2, Ref: +9, Will +6
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +12, Use magic devise +12, Gather Information +12, Hide +12, Listen +13, Move Silently +11, Perform (Fiddle & Tap), Sense Motive +10, Tumble +13
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Point Blank shot, Rapid shot
Appearance: Age 17, height 2'9", 31 lbs, green eyes, red hair
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Yondalla
Languages: Common, halfling, Elvish

Fid is a young halfling ful of joy and Irish Folkdances. He is Impatient, Naïve, and Impetious.

Caster shield (3153)
MW short sword (305)
+1 L.Crossbow (2335)
MW Fiddle (50)
MW Tapshoes (50)
5X Caltrops (5)
Slippers of Spider Climb (2000)
Potions (Enlarge, reduce, 2X Glibbness, Love) (1650)
Scrolls (2X Cat's Grace, 2X endurance, 2X Mage armor, 3X Cure light wounds, 2X soundburst) (975, double quantity if allowed to scribe own scrolls) (3X Haste, Fireball, Fly, Dispel magic) (2250)

Left: 77 GP

Spells per day: 3/3+1/2+1
Spells known: 6/4/3

0-level spells:
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
Read Magic

1st-level spells:
Cure Light Wounds
Mage Armor
Summon Monster I

2nd-level spells:
Cat's Grace
Sound burst.
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First Post
im sorry i have all my characters now. i won't be needeing anymore but if one dies, he he he. i will need another. so ill keep the 2 characters that was posted eariler just in case.


First Post
if you have a character named:

Lilly Whyte
Asher the stroller
Rilaine "The steadfast"(cohart and will be played by above person)
Aramae Palantir(sister to asher)
jemal's character(once i get a name)

if your not on this list then you could be in my reserves.

the reserves are:
Fid Quickfeet
Laryn Holisethesse

for my referance would you please claim your characters, so i know who is playing who. also timmothy i need the rest of the character if im going to use him.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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