D&D (2024) Regarding the new PHB!

My future self didn't get it, but my alternate self did. He said the artwork is great, there's a special sidebar by Matt "the Man" Mercer, and they created an AI version of Gary Gygax to write an appendix. In all, worth every penny, if you're a D&D nut like bizzaro me is.
If time travel is involved, it's probably Max rather than Matt.

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I wish I could unsee that.

If time travel is involved, it's probably Max rather than Matt.
You mean this kid?

Anyway, alternate, goatee-having Me doesn't time-travel. He just resides in a neighboring universe. He might also tell you that time-travel is impossible, but if you can travel to the right universe, which is only highly improbable, you might end up in a place that makes you feel like you've time-traveled.

Come to think of it, time-travel is also improbable, when dealing with Infinite Improbability Drive physics, so little Max up there could well have a hit internet show...

What if I already have a goatee? Would my alternate universe self have no goatee?

Or maybe they'd have two? That'd sure be suspicious...

Oh no! What if I’M really the alternate universe version of me!?!?

That would be a possibility you could consider.

Note, many guys wear what is technically a Van Dyke, rather than a goatee. If you are among them, you're safe.

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