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Culhwych, as always, is on watch. Seeing the raft further down the river, he turns around, looking for MacLynn, approaches him, and without speaking, he grabs his arm to get his attention, and points the raft to him.

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After the initial rush of activity had faded, and the last traces of the bandit raid had been left far behind, Aiffe found a few moments to sit at the back of the raft, watching the swirling currents trail off in the Cat's wake. Her thoughts then were on what MacLynn had said, and what it might mean for the future.

If he sold the Cat, what would she do? What would the others do, both those she considered her friends, and those she did not know as well? Would they wake up tomorrow destined to go their separate ways in the world? Maybe she ought to take a day or two to go back to the Outpost, to see "Father"...

As the raftmaster began to sing, Aiffe joined in on many of the tunes- she didn't help with the bawdier songs, but on many of the others her high clear voice gave a melodious accompaniment. As he began the most recent song, though, she fell silent and merely listened, remembering the first time she had heard that particular tune, so many years ago...

OOC: Somewhere along the way, she will manage to take a short rest


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Orthanach takes the news of MacLynn selling the 'Cat in bitter stride. Soon the others would have their own fates to decide. Soon, the difference between them and him would be clear again. On the raft, on the river, they were all... equal, in a way. Those he hadn't gotten to know in the relative openness of the Outpost, he'd been forced to get to know by the close quarters of time on the raft.
Culhywch laughs only rarely, and then only with his eyes. The darkness in his soul weighs heavily on him.

Aiffe, when the magic isn't on her, is a spot of cheer and softness amidst the rough characters of the raft. She isn't anything like Fionuir, though.

Breccan does not revel in the powers he has made pact with, but neither does he refrain from using them at need. Before need.

Llewellyn is a decent enough sort. Smarter than Orthanach. Though not smart enough by half to tangle with the fell powers he courts.

Cian cheers or ignores the Dire Works of the demon-touched crew. It would be much easier for Orthanach if he could accept the others as Cian does. Much easier...
Sometimes it seemed to Orthanach that he had fallen in with an accursed lot. Most times he felt apart from them and their fell powers. Safe in his faith. Most times...

Orthanach looks off into the distance toward Lindinis. Or, at least, in the direction he thinks Lindinis is in. Give me strength to meet the tests.

HP 26/26 [13]
Surges 9/10 SV 6
Action Point 0
AC 18, FORT 15, REF 12, WILL 15
All Daily Powers unused

MacLynn looks up at Culhwych's prompting. He squints down the river at the stranded raft.

"Looks to be Captain Maeger's boat. I've been stuck at that very spot before. The way the current moves through there, it is almost impossible to know what lies beneath the water until you are run aground on a sandbar. We won't be able to get past them. We can either wait until they set themselves free, or we can try to help them. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am in no mood to wait around this stretch of the river as they flounder about down there." He sets his pole down and heads for one of the canoes at the prow.

"Breccan, set a watch and put the Cat ashore in a defensible position a short distance upriver from the other raft. I don't want the Cat ambushed because we are messing around in the mud down there. Cian, come with me to find out the state of things down there. We don't want to get too close to the other raft until I know that it truely is Maeger down there. They could have been ambushed as well. Lets get to this. We're burnin' daylight. We have no hope of making The Lost Village by nightfal now, but I would rather not spend more than one more night on the river than I have to, at least until we can call in the Kingsguard to root out those bandits." MacLynn's mood is all business. He begins to push the canoe into the water.
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First Post

“Alright, alright I’m coming, but we better go armed just incase we run into foul play.”
As Cian ready his gear and climb down into canoe his thoughts are still on Maclynn’s last remark “The kingsguard, It’s been awhile since we seen them around here. Do you think they will be looking for help? I mean if you’re thinking of selling the Cat I need to start looking for opportunities, and it’s not like the pay here is that great either.”


First Post
Aye. That sounds like the best plan. Breccan sets about rounding up a watch for the Cat. The first order of business, of course, is to figure out who is going with MacLynn and who is staying.

Watch the shores, too, Cian. There might be more of those bandits waiting to take us when we split up.


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Orthanach shakes himself from a reverie at the change in tone on the deck. He looks at the stranded boat and then scans the shore. Then he looks back at the boat. The gears in his head turn only slowly. "They need help," He says quietly, almost to himself. Meanwhile, the others are already getting a canoe into the water.

The words that were spoken finally trickle through his consciousness. The palms of his hands begin to tingle with what the young man has come to call the Spirit.

He looks at Breccan, "I, I think someone is hurt on the boat, sir."


First Post
Don't tell me, lad, Breccan barks at Orthanach. MacLynn's the man who needs to hear that. He drags the other man to the edge of the raft, calling after their departing employer. MacLynn, there might be some danger on the raft!


First Post
Shaken out of her reverie by the sudden burst of activity, Aiffe made her way up towards the front of the Cat- while she had no wish to join the scouting, she knew there would likely be other work to do.

OOC: Checking in- Aiffe will be staying on the Cat for now.

MacLynn turns at hearing from Breccan. He looks impatient, but it is obvious that he doesn't want to overlook anything. He also obviously trusts his crew.

"That is what I am going to see about. Unless you know something I don't... Is there something else? What makes you think of danger? I mean beyond our encounter upriver and the possibility of an ambush here as well. Quick lad, I'd ike to get this taken care of before something bad happens. If we wait long enough, it surely will. Tell me what you know."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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