Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. ( CLOSED. )

Dire Lemming

First Post
I don't intent to change Yun's personality, unless there is a good reason for it. I'm just going to stop making posts that take forever to write. That way I hopefully won't get so upset when you miss one, and we'll hopefully avoid situations like this in the future. Heck, if I'd known that everyone else just wanted to get this over with I wouldn't have bothered in the first place, and we would have avoided this incident.

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First Post
As many of you know, running PBP games is tough work. Please do your part to make it as pleasant an experience as possible for our GM!

A friendly message from your neighborhood ex-PBP GM. (I hope to run one again one day, but that may not be until I retire, haha).


Dire Lemming said:
I don't intent to change Yun's personality, unless there is a good reason for it. I'm just going to stop making posts that take forever to write. That way I hopefully won't get so upset when you miss one, and we'll hopefully avoid situations like this in the future. Heck, if I'd known that everyone else just wanted to get this over with I wouldn't have bothered in the first place, and we would have avoided this incident.

I would say post how you want, but when something comes up that you dont like or if it seems you were ignored that you brooch it more tactifully. The whole "Honey vs Vineger" approach usually takes one a lot farther. Well at least with me anyway... ;)

If I felt ignored such as you did I would also feel upset, but I probably would ask;

"Errr did Maridson ignore my flowery speech? Or did you miss my post? :) "

I dont think anyone wants you to change your IC posting at all. But would rather see a change on how it was handled OOC.

I also think Twisted did not intentionally ignore anything but was excited to get to the "Meat" of the adventure.

thats my 2 more coppers worth


First Post
I have no idea what is going on.. I have no way to get ahold of him, so .. I guess he dropped? We have enough people to move along, but I don't want to assume that he is gone and write him out. So. I'll give him a little bit longer.


First Post
In all reality, as long as my profile says that I've been on the site since the last update, I have looked at the thread; Jayla doesn't really have much to say to the trapper.

Voidrunner's Codex

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