D&D (2024) Revisiting Classes from OneD&D


So at this point we've seen all but monk in hit the Playtest, but we already know the classes that were in earlier playtests are going to see further revisions. I want to kinda think about what we know and see what changes will/can/might be done to the classes we saw prior to packet 5.

  • Hunter's Mark as a Ranger-only spell. Mirroring the change to Hex, Hunter's Mark will be a Ranger-only spell and scale similarly.
  • Rangers will get some form of Weapon Mastery. I don't know if it will be limited in some way or not.
  • Ranger spells will use a "Spells Prepared" Column. This is going to be repeated for every caster in some way, but I imagine rangers will skill keep the "limited list of primal, prepped per day" method.
  • Hunter will get buffed.
  • Possible other subs: Beastmaster, Monster Hunter, Gloomstalker. I think these fills many of classic niches for ranger without going too far afield.

  • Sneak Attack will revert to being usable on a reaction.
  • I think there will be some general nip/tuck stuff.
  • I don't know if they get weapon mastery, but I feel they will get some method of dual-wielding without a bonus action.
  • Possible other subs: Assassin, Arcane Trickster, Swashbuckler.

  • Viscious Mockery, Dissonant Whispers become bard-only spells.
  • Bards will get a spells prepared column and a return to spells per level like the Sorc/Warlock
  • I think bards will start with a limited list of arcane, but I don't think it be as limited. The big thing is they are going to be able to poach from other lists sooner and more often, which will be balanced by the spells known rather than full lists.
  • Bardic Inspiration will be tied to bard level uses per day.
  • Other possible subs: Valor, Dance (rumored), Glamour or Oratory.

  • Spells will be a Spells Prepared column changeable each day.
  • Domain spells will get 1 free casting per day. (Possible, but not 100%)
  • Channel Divinity will grow/refresh like Channel nature.
  • Other possible subs: Light, Knowledge, War. They seem the most Iconic domains. Trickery, Nature, Tempest are little more niche. I imagine them (and Grave) get in the update book.

  • Paladins will get some type of weapon mastery as well, but probably the weakest of all the multi-attackers. Either later or more limited.
  • Find Steed (and maybe the Smites) become Paladin Exclusive spells
  • Spells will be a Spells Prepared column changeable each day.
  • Channel Divinity will match Channel Nature
  • Ranged Smite will be removed or somehow weaker than melee smite
  • Other Subs: Vengeance, Ancients, Domination. The latter acting as the Oathbreaker replacement.

  • Spells will be a Spells Prepared column changeable each day.
  • Wild Shape will be redone with more customizable/unique stat blocks, with a reordering to allow for options like swim, flight, and tiny sooner
  • Healing blossoms will be upgraded
  • Other possible subs: Land, Shepherd, Spores. Each will give greater options to Channel Nature.

Are there any I missed?

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Sounds about right. I don't really have much to add, other than that eventually they will have to get back to the Warlock and try something else. I doubt that they want to just go back to how they were done before, but they might need to do it for PR sake. A second attempt before quitting would be nice, though, much like I'd rather they try harder with the custom statblock for the Druid's wildshape before they quit and go back to the "use a monster"-style. It wasn't the idea, it was the execution.


Sounds about right. I don't really have much to add, other than that eventually they will have to get back to the Warlock and try something else. I doubt that they want to just go back to how they were done before, but they might need to do it for PR sake. A second attempt before quitting would be nice, though, much like I'd rather they try harder with the custom statblock for the Druid's wildshape before they quit and go back to the "use a monster"-style. It wasn't the idea, it was the execution.
I don't think the warlock (or the druid) is going back to the way it was before. They will at best make some adjustments to mystic arcanum and wild shape stat blocks.

Agree with most of the OP, except I will bet money that sneak attack will not be usable on a reaction. That's an optimization exploit a subset of the community considers essential, but most players have never even thought of.


I don't think the warlock (or the druid) is going back to the way it was before. They will at best make some adjustments to mystic arcanum and wild shape stat blocks.
I think you might be missing how much the designers desire for high-scores on their feedback. I don't know if you played the D&DNext playtest, but there were a LOT of things there that didn't make the 5e books that were great ideas that just needed a little work, but got scrapped due to low-score feedback.

From experience, I think they are more likely to go back to the 5e version (in particular in light of all the recent PR snafus) then they are to keep what they've offered in place, unless they can find a way to get the numbers up. Personally, I'd like to see a few better attempts at what they were going for before we backtrack, but I know there's quite a bit of pressure to cave. Time will tell.


Agree with most of the OP, except I will bet money that sneak attack will not be usable on a reaction. That's an optimization exploit a subset of the community considers essential, but most players have never even thought of.

All the more reason to allow it, I'd think, but who knows?

I really hope the smites don't become paladin exclusive. Want to nab some with feats as an arcane gish.

Searing smite and thunderous smite especially suit elemental themed characters.

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