Reward for Capture


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Drogo quickly walks and tacks this note on the corkboard, before scurrying off.

Lady Bhryn of Mount Celestia has suffered an accident, when she tried to attack a man because he claimed to be in love with her. After said man defended himself, this woman fell on the floor, presumbambly dead.

This is a warning. Ghoul does not forget.

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Quietly looks at the boards and then frowns at one post, soon writing something underneath

You're not the only one who doesn't forget. This is your warning for stabbing at my soon-to-be-wife. You might want it to look like an accident but no body is that stupid and will believe that so, you best be on your guard.



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Dribble looks at the message, and smirks. . o O ( Sure. If I really wanted people to believe it was an accident, I wouldn't especify that it is a warning. ) Rolling his eyes, he turns and strolls off.


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*Branth looks at the note, the halflings response, and cracks up laughing. He pens something on the bottom of the halflings note*

You know, funny thing is I know a tavern full of people who WITNESS this attack who would tell you otherwise. How stupid do you really think we are Ghoul? Tsk Tsk little one, the pieces crumble and soon all will fall down.

*he leaves it unsinged, laughing as he walks*
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*a mild smile slivers across his lips as he gently tacs up his own response*

Small and agile little Halfings can only run so fast when hounded at the heels by hungry vines. Think very hard on your next few actions because your coming closer to drawing my actual attention which isnt something i'd want to deal with if i were you and your family of miscrents. Need we all remind you that there are some points of no return and your drawing very close to this my half pint advesary. Take that step back before messures are taken to place you there rather forcefully. And remember, the eyes of the night are watching over you.

Defender of the Leapord Crest


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A similar note to the ones previously pinned there is added, in the familiar blue script.

I think I'd like the opportunity to introduce him to Ragnarok... I'm sure that which I Guard would love said chance.

Paragon of Celestia


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Fowai strolls past the boards, whistling a merry tune. He comes to a stop as the various notes catch his attention. He reads each carefully and decides to scribe one of his own. He pulls out a quill, some parchment, and a vial of ink. Dipping the quill into the ink, he writes a message in graceful, curved script which reads:

To whom it may concern:

I know not whom or what this halfling personage may be, but it is my belief that an injustice has been committed and amends must be made. Perhaps this is all a simple misunderstanding; perhaps it is not. Whichever of the two this act falls under is of small concern. In either case, this 'Ghoul' character must be found and, at the very least, be allowed to plead his case. Otherwise, we are no more than an angry mob with torches and pitchforks, casting judgement and condemning at our leisure. Now, don't get me wrong; I enjoy a good lynching every now and then, but only when I am a part of the mob doing the lynching. As such, I do not know if all the facts are clear in this matter, but just in case, I have my torch and pitchfork on standby, ready to take up in arms when the 'Halfling-or-whatever-he-may-be-known-as-Ghoul' Hunting Mob is formed. Simply keep me posted.

~Fowai Uss


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Another note scrawled in blue-green ink rests below the others.

You know I'm always up to taking your gold...especially since you still owe me what's embedded into the floor of my other lair...


First Post
Draggy said:
Another note scrawled in blue-green ink rests below the others.

You know I'm always up to taking your gold...especially since you still owe me what's embedded into the floor of my other lair...

It was a mistake, alright!?

Voidrunner's Codex

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