


Bhryns second and fourth riddles are easy to answer , number two is an egg I believe and fourth is a glove quite clearly.

Now since my riddles four twere answered I shall supply a few more.

It is high in the sky
And deep within the earth
It is it that fills desert
And you break it even if you name it!

What Am I

A laugh,
A cry,
A moan,
A sigh.

What are we?

Lighter than what I am made of,
More of me is hidden,than is seen,
I am the bane of the mariner.

What Am I?

Two brothers we are,
Great burdens we bear.
All day we are bitterly pressed,
Yet this I will say:
We are full all the day,
And empty when we go to rest.

Of all your posessions,
I am the hardest to guard.
If you have me,
You will want to share me.
If you share me,
You no longer have me

What AM I? (hint not for thee of the dirty mind)

What Am I?

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My mouth is wide, I cannot speak,
In wintertime my skin will keep
The bravest soul form bitter cold,
Unaging, I am never old.
I'm faster when I seek to fall,
I never stop my ways at all.
Though I may disappear at times,
I live in every single clime.
Hot or cold or warm or dry,
You'll always find me passing by.
Traveler that never sleeps,
What is the common name I keep?

I made this one up myself! I'm rather proud of it. So five gold to the winner of this one.



Bhryn Astairre

The guess of a glove is correct, obviously.

The guess of an egg however, is wrong.

Lyrana> A river?



"He-who-answered 'Eclipse', you are correct. Start signing your posts more often, though. Annoying to refer to you by your actions, and not you."

Underneath that, is slower handwriting, yet more delicate, as if the author was thinking something else while writing.

"Lighter than what I am made of,
More of me is hidden,than is seen,
I am the bane of the mariner."

-One of those...mountains of ice, found most commonly in the Sea of moving ice?

"Two brothers we are,
Great burdens we bear.
All day we are bitterly pressed,
Yet this I will say:
We are full all the day,
And empty when we go to rest."


I got it in a forest but didn't want it.
Once I had it, I couldn't see it.
The more I searched for it, the less I liked it.
I took it home in my hand because I could not find it.
What was it?

-A small shard of wood, caught in your hand? Or the sharp end of a pine-needle?

"Of all your posessions,
I am the hardest to guard.
If you have me,
You will want to share me.
If you share me,
You no longer have me"


"And I compliment the one who gave the answer "River", may not be correct...but it certainly outshone the thoughts that had drifted in my mind. Good use of the only tool that grows sharper with use."

The note then seperates the text again, leaving instead a glistening inked signature that read "Gene" in Netherese.




The answer is indeed a river. How about I buy drinks, next time I see you?



First Post
It is high in the sky
And deep within the earth
It is it that fills desert
And you break it even if you name it!

Ah, for this one: "silence"

And I'll add another riddle:

Always on the way
Never comes to stay
Sometimes what you fear
Or count on to appear
When it's here it's gone
And yet it still lives on.
What is it?


First Post
Oh, feh! Yes, either "tomorrow" or "the future" will do... but answered in one minute?! You're too quick, lol!

I don't have another ready to post yet, but I'll hazard a guess at Bhryn's second riddle:

Sometimes it glitters, but often not;
May be cold, or may be hot.
Ever changing though the eye can't measure,
Concealed within may be many treasures.
Some find safety beneath its gate,
While some may die beneath its weight!
Old and broken, it brings forth life.

is the answer "earth"? as in dirt or soil


Bhryn Astairre

-A small shard of wood, caught in your hand? Or the sharp end of a pine-needle?

To you sire, I say "Splinter" and award you winner of that riddle!

is the answer "earth"? as in dirt or soil

To Kat, I say "stone" this time, and give that riddle to you!

~ Bhryn xx


Varnevian D'Saer

Heh, here's a riddle for those of like-mind, almost straight from a medieval riddle book, and I assure you it's got a very proper answer (we'll see if it stays on the boards long enough to get the answer):

A strange thing hangs by a mans thigh, hidden by a garment.
It has a hole in its head.
It is stiff and strong and its use reaps a reward.
When the man hitches his garment away,
he wants that hanging thing to poke the old hole
(of fitting length) it has often filled before.

Now what could that be?

- Varnevian D'Saer

Voidrunner's Codex

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