RPG Evolution: The Half-Edition Shuffle

The next edition of Dungeons & Dragons is finally on the horizon, but it's not here just yet. So when do publishers makes the shift?


A Historical Model​

D&D has been through several editions in recent memory, but few match the recent transition between two compatible editions. Although backwards compatibility is often promised, it's rarely delivered. And there's also the consideration of the thousands of small press publishers created through the Open Game License movement, which didn't exist before Third Edition. Of all the edition shifts, the 3.0 to 3.5 transition seems closest to what D&D is going through right now, so it's a good place to start this thought experiment.

Compatible, Sort Of​

Fifth Edition's transition to Sixth involves tweaks to the game. Those tweaks seemed largely cosmetic, at first. With the release of Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse, it's clear that the spellcasting section of monsters is going to be significantly changed. In short, while players may find their characters compatible with the latest edition of D&D, DMs may find their monsters aren't. And that's a problem for publishers. But mechanically, all of these issues can be addressed. What really matters is what customers think. And that's often shaped by branding.

What a Half-Edition Means​

The transition between Third Edition and 3.5 was more significant than many publishers were expecting. You can see a list on RPG Stack Exchange, which shows just how much the new edition changed the game.

This did not go unnoticed by consumers. The OGL movement was still developing but it caught many publishers by surprise, including the company I wrote for at the time, Monkeygod Publishing (they're no longer in business). When we released my hardcover book Frost & Fur, the only identifier was the D20 System logo. Little did we know that it was imperative to identify the book as 3.5-compatible (which it was), because stores wouldn't carry it and consumers wouldn't buy it if it wasn't.

There wasn't nearly as much communication from WIzards of the Coast back then as to how to prepare for the edition change, much less columns from the company explaining their strategy. More communication about the upcoming edition may mitigate its impact on third-party publishers.

Between the DM's Guild and DriveThruRPG, there is now an ecosystem that can more readily update itself without taking up shelf space or clogging up inventory. Digital products can be changed, covers can be rebranded, and newsletters can announce the update. Wizards of the Coast has also given considerable lead time on the coming changes by announcing the edition well in advance and updating books piecemeal so developers can see what changed. But there's still one important piece of the puzzle.

What Do Consumers Think?​

One of the ongoing concerns for supporting publishers of Third Edition was how the Open Game License would be updated and, at least as important, how to identify that compatibility.

Updating the OGL enables publishers to ensure their products are compatible. The OGL doesn't specify stat block structure, so it may not even be necessary to update the license much if at all.

Identifying compatibility will be even more critical. At some point, publishers will start identifying their products as Sixth Edition compatible. And that will happen when consumers shift their spending habits.

The Changeover​

But first, WOTC has to declare that Sixth Edition has officially arrived. Wizards was hesitant to put a number on Fifth Edition, preferring instead to indicate it was simply D&D to potentially head off edition controversy. Failure to do that in a timely fashion (or worse, failure to recognize a new edition at all and continue calling it Fifth Edition) will cause potential confusion in the marketplace, with both consumers and publishers.

At some point the tide will turn and consumers will expect compatibility with the new edition. That change is complicated by the fact that Sixth Edition should be largely compatible with Fifth Edition. But only consumers can decide that for sure; if they don't feel it is, there will be a sharp drop off in Fifth Edition buying habits. For smaller publishers, they'll stay close to the market to determine when that shift is happening and how to transition smoothly without harming their business model.

Getting it right can be lucrative. Getting it wrong can sink a company. The market convulsed massively when 3.5 came out, wiping out publishers and game store stock that were unprepared for the change. Here's hoping with enough foresight and planning, we don't have a repeat of the 3.0 transition.

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca

I'm not ready for 6E, but I've known it will come sooner or later. Back in the '90s, 2E was kept around for too long and got long in the tooth, looking archaic compared to other, new systems that were coming out at the time (like WoD, GURPS and others). We got the player's options for that version, but it was too little, too late - by the late '90s the system was really showing its age, and the game was buried in junk supplements.

Doesn't quite feel the same at the moment, I still enjoy the base game but I'm not on board with the tweaks coming out in the likes of Tasha's or the Mordy book. Feels like there is still a lot of older edition content (and new) they could still draw on without having to touch the base rules much, if at all.

Guess I'm now the one getting old and out of date, though.
I'm here too. No plans to buy any 5.5 books, or frankly much of anything after Tasha's due to the quality level in Tasha's (not just the blandification of species).
My problem is not enough time to play what we have.

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I'm betting it will be released as "Dungeons & Dragons: The 50th Anniversary Edition" and they will be cheerfully ignoring the question of whether it is 5th, 5.5 or 6th. Why fight an Edition War you can avoid?
yeah I keep having to call it 5.5/6/anniversary edition because no matter what I call it someone on these boards tells me I'm wrong... even that 'catch all' of 3 names sometimes gets me told "It's just 5e stop pretending anything changed"

The Edition wars will rage no matter what... camo the fact that it is a new version wont help... I already expect that next con/game store game will have to explain "is this classic 5e or updated 5e" and even "updated 5e" might mean tasha class modification but not multiverse race...or vise versa.

the funny thing is rewind 10 years ago and this is what I wanted... dials and options... the ability to play a 5e game with the feel of 2e, or 3e, or 4e or some mix... and the DM paid lip service to it but they never realy gave us the dials... maybe they can pitch the 5.5/6/anniversary edition as "just option dials and nobs to change the game to suit your taste"

I can't imagine that GWM and Sharp Shooter will survive the change. They are discussed so often as unbalanced, so they will be tweaked in some way.
so do you expect they will be brought down in power instead of other things brought up to them?

Lucky and Magic Adept are the 2 next feats (Sometimes lucky comes before the two you mentioned) so what happens to them?

so do you expect they will be brought down in power instead of other things brought up to them?

Lucky and Magic Adept are the 2 next feats (Sometimes lucky comes before the two you mentioned) so what happens to them?

In some form they will be nerfed. Maybe
- prof bonus/ +2x prof bonus instead of -5/+10 as it was proposed in a few threads.

I don't think magic adept will be nerfed, instead it will get the "you can cast spells woth slots" addition.

Lucky will probably changed to add advantage to a few checks per day or apply disadvantage.

D&D seems to fall somewhere in the middle. No one NEEDS a new edition. Any given edition will serve perfectly well for a lifetime of play. But most gamers do seem to enjoy consuming/purchasing/reading new games, and enjoy some novelty in rules. A new edition of D&D is, I think for many, a chance to freshen the experience of playing our favorite RPG combined with a certain level of comfort and familiarity not present when we try to learn an entirely new game.

I definitely see different editions of D&D mostly as being variants, at this point rather than iterative improvements. Out of the nine or ten different versions of it I've played, probably my favorites are OD&D, B/X, 4E, and 5E, though each with at least a few house rules.
Just to be clear, I am speaking about RPGs in general and not just D&D. (But also DnD.) The way I see it, a new edition means significant changes to the mechanics of the system, but it is still recognizable as a brand.

Personally, I'd rather see a revised edition or supplemental options to change existing stuff rather than a whole new line of recycled products. Or find more ways to support existing rules set that still seem to be holding up pretty well. You know. Be creative. I hear adventures and settings are a good way to keep these games fresh. And up until now, that's kinda been how 5e has been going and its worked fine so far. After 6+ versions of PHBs and DMGs for the same game, its time to just pick a winner and try some new games. ;)

10 years is a long time for an edition of D&D. The longest duration so far.

With TSR I never had major problems adapting Basic, AD&D1e and AD&2 material from one to the other versions of the game. If 5.5 allows that with 5e material, go for it.
I fondly remember the days of running my older brother’s B/X and 1st Edition adventures in our 2nd Edition campaign (where a number of characters were built straight out of the UA-era Dragonlance Adventures book anyway), at most swapping in a different version of the same monster if I felt like a size or ability shift over time was cooler. Because of how much math was changed between 3.0 and 3.5 without telling us, we overestimate the incapability of running editions together on the same table (those of us who’ve run Heroes Unlimited characters in our Rifts games and vice versa can likewise attest). Pathfinder’s “rewrite the game engine but keep the branding and claim that it’s interchangeable” schtick doesn’t help as a more recent example for the younger player.

There wasn't nearly as much communication from WIzards of the Coast back then as to how to prepare for the edition change, much less columns from the company explaining their strategy. More communication about the upcoming edition may mitigate its impact on third-party publishers.
This is a link to the general articles page. Is there a specific article I should be checking out for their explanation of their strategy?

This is a link to the general articles page. Is there a specific article I should be checking out for their explanation of their strategy?
The one up at the top is the "What counts as canon?" piece, which I presume is the one the OP is referring to.

Is it, or should it be, incumbent on Wizards to put stuff out to give 3pp updates to change their material before the final books come out. Part of me thinks that it would be hard for them to develop packets and information for other publishers.
It wouldn’t be that hard to do. There’s a gap between when the design is set and books are in customers’ hands. Even with last minute tweaks, there should be enough lead time to get something out. That’s not to suggest it would be enough time for 3PP to hit the ground running with updated materials by release day from WotC, but it’s a lot better than having to wait until the street date then starting the updates.

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