RPG Evolution - True Tales from Stranger Things: The Satanic Panic Comes to School

Stranger Things' latest season incorporates the Satanic Panic into its storyline, but in my experience it wasn't the jocks who became the biggest threat. It was a teacher.

Stranger Things' latest season incorporates the Satanic Panic into its storyline, but in my experience it wasn't the jocks who became the biggest threat. It was a teacher.


The Satanic Panic Was Real​

Depending on where you lived and your family's social circle, the experience of Dungeons & Dragons players with the Satanic Panic could vary greatly. For the most part, my family rarely encountered any prejudices against the game. I've mentioned previously that my aunt was a big supporter of my hobby.

I was introduced to D&D as part of a learning program. It was considered a means of promoting reading and imaginative play and was promoted as such in elementary school. The Satanic Panic backlash came soon after while I was in high school.

The only incident I knew of where someone had a problem with us playing D&D was that my dad mentioned a coworker frantically telling him that I had to stop playing the game immediately as my soul was in danger. My dad told him off.

And that was about the extent of my experience with the Satanic Panic. Until I took an art class in high school.

Meet Mr. P.​

Mr. P. was an art teacher who was not particularly interested in art. Ironically, I met one of my lifelong fellow gamers in his class. It was a drawing class in which we would be asked to draw something and then, since there was no deadline as to when we were finished, sit around talking.

That meant a lot of time for discussions of topics Mr. P. was much more interested in. And once he found out that two of us played D&D, he then spent every class publicly debating me about it.

Mr. P. felt he was doing us a favor. He brought in material that criticized the game, then asked us to refute it. And me, being me, eagerly engaged him in a public debate. For the entire class.

This went on and off for weeks. We would barely do any drawing, then Mr. P. would bring out anti-D&D material, I would refute it, neither of us would budge on our position, and we'd do it all over again the next class. I remember at one point an audible sigh from my classmates, who were sick of the debate and certainly weren't learning anything about drawing.

The "Evidence"​

Mr. P's arguments were wide-ranging and poorly sourced. Here's some of the criticisms in the literature he shared and my response to the criticism:
  • The most powerful character is formed by rolling three sixes on a D6. I didn't even understand that "666" was supposed to be an evil number at the time. I explained there were lots of ways to generate a powerful character, and not just getting sixes.
  • There were demons featuring sexual content in the Arduin Grimoire. I'd never heard of the Arduin Grimoire until Mr. P's pamphlet mentioned it; some of the content in it was obviously for mature audiences. That wasn't in any way "official" D&D though, and I made it clear we didn't play in that setting.
  • The Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide featured "real" magic circles. This was true (see picture, AD&D DMG, page 42), to the extent that they were based on what you could find in text books (I have no idea if the symbols on the magic circle are accurate). For parents concerned about exposing their kids to "occult" topics, I had to admit that it was in the book. It didn't have any bearing on the game though, as never drew these circles or used these symbols.
There was a lot more of course, but this was the kind of thing I spent my art class discussing with a teacher. To get a sense of the arguments leveled against D&D players, see Mike Stackpole's Pulling Report.

Your Tax Dollars at Work​

As a kid, I was excited about the opportunity to debate an adult publicly. My parents didn't fully understand what was happening and I didn't consider it a big enough deal to tell them. Although it was a badge of pride to take on the Satanic Panic so publicly, I also didn't really comprehend what was happening.

As an adult and a parent, I see this exchange very differently. A student and teacher are most certainly not equals, and the literature Mr. P brought in was religious in nature. There are a lot of things wrong with these exchanges, not the least of which being this teacher was bullying a student during school hours on school property and not actually doing his job.

As much as Stranger Things would like to make its villains fellow students, our critics were frequently more powerful, better connected, and protected by entrenched institutions. And they were almost always adults.

Mr. P. was a terrible art teacher, but he taught me an important lesson about how art can be perceived; be it a drawing of a demon, three numbers grouped together, or magic circles. I passed the class (he gave me a B, I think), but I learned a lot from him about what the outside world thought of my hobby.

Your Turn: How did you deal with the Satanic Panic when confronted with it?

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca


Well, that was fun
Staff member
In the 80s and 90s it was the Religious Right. By 2010 it became the woke left. Fanatics will fanatic. I suspect the woke left will suffer the same fate of the Religious Right in the early 00's and fade away by 2025. The question is will the Religious Right have a resurgance after that. My hope is they learned the lesson and wont, but my experience says they will play the same game.
You literally joined a few hours ago. Surely you can remember the rules you agreed to? We're not interested in your theories about the 'woke left', thank you. Keep them off this site.

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I don't belong to either side. I'm over 50 years old and have seen both. If you don't like the comparison then suck it up. You reported me so I don't expect to be here long.


You are using an Alt-Right trope of “woke left” to make a false equivalence to the religious right. This is disingenuous.
I assume the “ I don’t expect to be here long” is a claim to some form of perceived martyrdom? Your response to Morris seems unnecessarily rude.

I’m not sure what being over 50 has to do with anything, but, hey, happy half century.


The previous post about Inherit the Wind (a great book/movie I still remember to this day) reminds me of something funny - back in my California days, for the 7th grade play (we're talking 1983...) we did The Hobbit. I even got to play the voice of Smaug :) (And Dracula in next year's play - which I'm sure is why I love Ravenloft so much).

There are days I miss the open-mindedness back in CA - just not the prices!


My experience with the Satanic Panic was weird. My parents didn't buy into it - my Dad had other reasons for not liking my obsession with D&D (he thought I spent too much time playing it). We had a maid that came over once a week to help out with the house chores and it turned out she was basically a Christian fanatic. She saw all of my D&D books, comics, fantasy and sci-fi novels, etc... and set about to preaching to me about the evils, particularly of D&D. When I told my parents what happened, she mysteriously stopped showing up at the house - they fired her.
At school, we had a kid passing out the famous Jack Chick tract, "Darkest Dungeons". I got such a kick out of it I wallpapered my locker with the pages. Aside from that, there was the 60 minutes special and of course the Tom Hanks mega hit - "Mazes & Monsters". It was certainly a real thing, but it ultimately just drew more people into the game than it turned away in my opinion.


Staff member
How did you deal with the Satanic Panic when confronted with it?
Only three people ever confronted me about D&D, and only two of them seriously more than once.

The two biggest opponents were my godmother (a woman with a complicated faith journey, and subsequently, schizophrenia), and my HS art teacher who had become born again. I mostly scoffed at them. Though I did have to talk to my teacher about it more than once, he was never personally disrespectful, and we still occasionally talk to each other 40 years later.

The third person was my Mom. She had seen some of the same stuff the others had, and noted with some dismay my increasing interest in the hobby (I’d been playing for 5 years at that point) as well as my discovery of heavy metal. (Which, if you will recall, was having a satanic panic all it’s own.)

I explained that, while evil characters were indeed permitted by the rules, the vast majority of players preferred good, heroic characters to play. The devils, demons, etc.? Those were challenges for the heroes to overcome, just like in some of the stories of certain saints. That’s all she needed.

Two years later, I started a role playing club at my HS. Importantly, said HS was a private Catholic school, grades 5-12. After I satisfied the administrative questions of the faculty sponsor- a monk- there were no further issues. The main games were D&D, Champions and Traveller. I don’t know if the club survived my graduation (I doubt it; it was small), but there was no concerted effort to abolish it.


Follower of the Way
Many parents don't want to take responcibility for their failures and seek an outside source to be angry at. The attitude is as old as the cavemen. I can easily imagine some cave parents sitting around griping about how they lived perfectly well without fire and how their kids are obsessed with fire making them lazy, disrespectful and other such bad things.
It has nothing to do with their failures (though I have also been learning about some of those recently.) It is really really specifically "my parents are sometimes completely uncritical about certain obviously suspicious conspiracy theory claims." Which is nuts, because they totally reject other blatant conspiracy theories as whackjob idiocy. Again, I will refrain from giving any specifics in either direction because that's needless controversy in a thread already likely to draw more than its fair share. Just...trust me that it is a nearly inexplicable openness to certain specific conspiracy theory topics while being explicitly and vehemently opposed to most conspiracy theories. The only thing I will say more specific than that is that those conspiracy theories they have been open to are not ones that are, shall we say, of prominent national importance today, but instead things like the Satanic Panic. (Their rejection of such current-day conspiracies is a major relief for me.)


Reading these posts is making me realize that the rest of the planet is not in a perpetual state of moral panic.
Never experienced it myself either . My dad was into KISS, Metallica, Def Lepards, Led Zeppelin, etc... Grandma had grown up in a boarding school run by nuns and hated her home town's pastor so she was kinda not big into the Religious types...

And we Quebecers threw out the Catholic Church in the 60s and most of our churches sit empty now... Though back in the 80s and 90s we still had catholicism class in PUBLIC SCHOOL (with a 'moral and ethics' class offered as replacement). We mostly drew scenes from the bible in a notebook... Ask anybody my age and they'll all remember Zacchaeus ("the Boba Feat of the Bible" as one of my friend call hims). I've even got all my Catholic rites done and could marry in church if I felt like it! I had a former nun as a teacher in second grade! But like... I don't know anyone who ever goes to Church outside like... funerals or something.

The whole Evangelical Sphere feels like an alien world to me.

You found it! That's the pamphlet he used, or one of them at least. It includes the reference to magic circles as well as the Arduin Grimoire quote (I'll never know if Dave Hargrave really said what he said in that quote, but it sure didn't help matters).
So what's the Arduin Grimoire anyway?
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