RPG Market Grew 31% In 2020

During 2020, when the global pandemic hit, tabletop roleplaying game sales continued to rise, with the market in the US and Canada growing from $80M in 2019 to $105M in 2020, according to estimates by ICv2. https://www.enworld.org/wiki/hobby_game_market_size/ The site reports that the hobby game market as a whole reached $2 Billion, and that the RPG segment was led by a grown of 33% for...

During 2020, when the global pandemic hit, tabletop roleplaying game sales continued to rise, with the market in the US and Canada growing from $80M in 2019 to $105M in 2020, according to estimates by ICv2.


The site reports that the hobby game market as a whole reached $2 Billion, and that the RPG segment was led by a grown of 33% for Dungeons & Dragons, making it the highest percentage growth in the hobby game channel.

ICv2 derives its estimates by interviewing retailers, distributors, and manufacturers, along with publicly available data from Kickstarter and other places.

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But D&D is traditionally played in groups, outside of most of the players homes.
The play by computer is a new and fast growing part. I dint think it’ll ever go away, and might eclipse in person gaming, but I still think there will be a boom when in person gaming picks up steam again.
In my experience, D&D is traditionally played in groups, at one of the players' home.
Most weeks of the year, the group around theirs or at mine. One or two days a year in groups at a con.


Solitary Role Playing
Great news! 90% of all my gaming spending in 2020 was on rpgs. Usually it was 40% rpgs and 60% wargames.

Jimmy Dick

I think we may see a dip as people are able to do more this year than last year, but on the other hand the ones that picked up dice and entered the TTRPG community via digital means are still rolling the d20 while I am seeing my players at my lodges who did not play in virtual space return to the table in our first live events this summer.
I want to see how this plays out over the next several months so I have a better grasp of who dropped out, moved away, or has come back to the tables before I make a final determination.


5ever, or until 2024
Taking a look at the longer terms trends:

Picking 2014, we can see then "RPGs growing the fastest" apparently from a very low base.

Overall, hobby gaming has gone from 880 million to 2 billion. RPGs grew almost twice as fast, from 25 million to 100 million.

I also don't think this includes virtual/VTT sales, which have clearly grown much faster (albiet from a very small base).

Its mathematically impossible for growth like this to continue forever, but it could certainly go for a while.

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