Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

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If history were any indication, we'll be waiting 5 years for the context of that remark. It took that long from the first mention of True Resurrection to the actual post of that run.


First Post
I agree. You can't tell us that Dranko's going to die when we won't find out how for another year or two. Well, you just did, so you CAN, I guess, but you really shouldn't. We can only be sure that he didn't die famous.


First Post
If history were any indication, we'll be waiting 5 years for the context of that remark. It took that long from the first mention of True Resurrection to the actual post of that run.

Sagiro mentioned a time-frame out to the end of the game several months ago. 2 years? 2013?


First Post
Actually, he mentioned it like two years ago and I brought it up again several months ago.

Just for comparison's sake, George R.R. Martin's A Dance with Dragons will be released in three weeks. It's the fifth book of a series that has been in progress about 4 years longer than Sagiro's campaign.


Actually, he mentioned it like two years ago and I brought it up again several months ago.

Just for comparison's sake, George R.R. Martin's A Dance with Dragons will be released in three weeks. It's the fifth book of a series that has been in progress about 4 years longer than Sagiro's campaign.

I think Sagiro's Storyhour and that of that... ummm... other DM in his group (what is that guys name?) have been going on for more than sixteen years at this point. I thought one of those two games was close to twenty...


First Post
Sagiro's game began in 1995, IIRC.

There's another DM in Sagiro's group? I suppose that must be Morningstar. Though there was this guy she was seeing for awhile... hmm... One Certain Step, that's right.


Steeliest of the dragons
Sagiro's game began in 1995, IIRC.

Oh! So just a few years ago then. hahahah. Ugh. Where DOES the time go?!

There's another DM in Sagiro's group? I suppose that must be Morningstar. Though there was this guy she was seeing for awhile... hmm... One Certain Step, that's right.

Yep. Nice pair they made. Shame what happened to him. ;)

LOVE! It's all meant in goodfunlove for this most excellent Story Hour and real life group of exceptional personages! I'm envious with every post I read.


Voidrunner's Codex

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