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Salvatore, Perkins, & Mearls on Drizzt in RAGE OF DEMONS

There's a brand new video up from WotC in which author R.A. Salvatore and D&D designers Chris Perkins and Mike Mearls discuss the role of Drizzt Do'Urdeon in the Rage of Demons storyline. Note that some spoilers lie within! "Drizzt Do'urden, famed drow ranger and creation of R.A Salvatore, heads into the Underdark to hunt down the madness that threatens to bleed up to the surface world. In the process, he goes a little mad himself. R.A. Salvatore, Chris Perkins and Mike Mearls discuss Drizzt's path so far and hint at what the future might hold in the new Rage of Demons story."

There's a brand new video up from WotC in which author R.A. Salvatore and D&D designers Chris Perkins and Mike Mearls discuss the role of Drizzt Do'Urdeon in the Rage of Demons storyline. Note that some spoilers lie within! "Drizzt Do'urden, famed drow ranger and creation of R.A Salvatore, heads into the Underdark to hunt down the madness that threatens to bleed up to the surface world. In the process, he goes a little mad himself. R.A. Salvatore, Chris Perkins and Mike Mearls discuss Drizzt's path so far and hint at what the future might hold in the new Rage of Demons story."


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Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
I rather enjoyed Archmage, although Drizzt is mostly peripheral to the tale. Gromph, Catti-Brie and Bruenor have the bulk of the action. It has the explanation as to why there are lots of demon-lords in the Underdark (and that's done well), while meanwhile the dwarves are trying to take back Gauntlgrym (again!) Everything comes together in the last half and if you read Archmage, you're all set to understand Out of the Abyss and the rest of the Rage of Demons storylines.

All of the stuff in the video about Drizzt will likely come in the second volume (which also closes the Rage of Demons storyline).

thanks for the review Merric. Once I finish re-reading Exile I will start on Archmage, glad to know its useful for preparation to run OotA.

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I just tried reading the new Companion's Codex novels, I wanted to pick them up and love them the way I used to, but I got half way through "Night of the Hunter" and just quit reading. There's nothing original in these books anymore, they are just shuffled up rehashes of plot lines and characters Salvatore wrote 25 years ago, and you can't forget that for a moment because he make allusions to those past adventures on every other page reminding you of just how stale these stories are. Drow are always backstabbing, Dwarves are always fighting to take back some even more special mcguffin fortress, the Orcs are at the gates, Regis doesn't have a :):):):) to give, Cattie Brie is a stone cold sociopath for some reason, and Wulfgar will never have a original thought in his head because "of that day Bruenor spared me on the battlefield...", you are 150 years old you can live your own life now...

Frankly these books are insulting, Salvatore obviously has no new ideas in regards to what to do with this world or these characters, but he must be on contract for two books a year because he keeps on churning them out. I want to see him write about new characters, new places, or even just a plot line that he hasn't used 2 or three times before...

My understanding from watching RAS talk in a few videos is that it's more like a 'serial'--you know, you tune in this week, see what Drizzt and the gang are up to. Admittedly the paths are well-trodden and there isn't much new ground left, also it's more apparent where the story shifts due to corporate(?) plans.

However...it's more apparent to me, since basically there's just two people writing FR novels these days, Ed Greenwood and RAS. I buy the books more to keep up with the Realms than for any enjoyment. I really wish there were more authors involved (But NOT Troy Dennis!) so that the rest of us can get a reprieve.

Sheese, what about a novel series, based roughly on 'loose ends'? Essentially a series where characters we haven't heard from get an update? Such as:

Liriel Baenre--Has she become a much feared mythological 'witch' (in name only) hiding out in the wilds of Rashemen? Did she come out of hiding with the return of Mystra and Eilistraee?

Aerilyn Moonblade, Elaith, and Elaith's daughter Azariah--There's a story to be told here. Elaith may still be a Masked Lord of Waterdeep, but what happened to his daughter? Still in Evermeet?

What other characters left in the dust over the last 15+ years would pique one's interest in having a story or two told?

M.L. Martin

Aerilyn Moonblade, Elaith, and Elaith's daughter Azariah--There's a story to be told here. Elaith may still be a Masked Lord of Waterdeep, but what happened to his daughter? Still in Evermeet?

What other characters left in the dust over the last 15+ years would pique one's interest in having a story or two told?

The disappointing thing is that a final Arilyn and Danilo novel was announced but never published.


Wonder if it was written but then shelved. I recall Elaine Cunningham having some general ideas of how it was going to wrap up (my words, not hers).


Sheese, what about a novel series, based roughly on 'loose ends'? Essentially a series where characters we haven't heard from get an update? Such as:

Liriel Baenre--Has she become a much feared mythological 'witch' (in name only) hiding out in the wilds of Rashemen? Did she come out of hiding with the return of Mystra and Eilistraee?

Aerilyn Moonblade, Elaith, and Elaith's daughter Azariah--There's a story to be told here. Elaith may still be a Masked Lord of Waterdeep, but what happened to his daughter? Still in Evermeet?

What other characters left in the dust over the last 15+ years would pique one's interest in having a story or two told?

I'd be overjoyed to see more Liriel and Elaith, and their reaction to the recent events. It is sad that Elaine is writing mostly short stories, but heck: even a short story anthology, or chapbooks would be awesome and refreshing.

I know that Drizzt sells, but he alone takes up 2 of the 4 yearly novels. He has already got like 30 books, and I can appreciate the character, but please, some variety. At least Ed tries to add lore and give some details on the Realms as a whole in his novels (and the lore that can be found in Ed's novels is often worth reading the books, for people interested in FR).
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That's the thing. Let the 'big writers' have their quota for the year, but let some other writers' material creep in. There are stories yet to be told, and it's a boring field if we're stuck with just Drizzt and Elminster. Not world-shaking storyline, but worthwhile nonetheless.


Agree, I enjoyed the drizzt books but there are so many now it would be nice to see something different. I guess they are just gonna milk that cow till it dies.

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