Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar (Full)


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I'm around and will post, but not until tonight. I want to do it right and it was a pretty wild one last night. :)
I'll have a roast and mull it over. Any advice? To be honest, as tough a combat as it may be, I'm also inclined not to negotiate with terrorists.

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Again, the fine line balance between what -I- would do and what my character would do...

-I- love the idea of bypassing a combat encounter via tactics, tricks, negotiation, etc.... and kudos to Paul to even let the door be open to try...

-Velani- however, was under the impression that these punks were undead against their will, that they would rather have the rest that comes with death. Now that they've shown their malignant nature, she's going to be far less inclinded to, as Raven put it, negotiate with terrorists.

Velani's not going home without that sword, she has nothing to offer them, and as for 'big picture', well, she's not really a big picture kinda gal. She wants to get her people and belongings home. Hell, unless the next leg of this campaign involves Fallcrest, I'm not even sure how/why she'd consider continuing as an adventurer. If you'll recall, she's recently 'retired' and married. And, if anyone was reading between the lines a long time back, she's pregnant.

All that being said, I'm all for someone giving her the nod and then try to get the jump on the Lords, if only to silence this crypt once and for all.


Again, the fine line balance between what -I- would do and what my character would do...

-I- love the idea of bypassing a combat encounter via tactics, tricks, negotiation, etc.... and kudos to Paul to even let the door be open to try...

-Velani- however, was under the impression that these punks were undead against their will, that they would rather have the rest that comes with death. Now that they've shown their malignant nature, she's going to be far less inclinded to, as Raven put it, negotiate with terrorists.

Velani's not going home without that sword, she has nothing to offer them, and as for 'big picture', well, she's not really a big picture kinda gal. She wants to get her people and belongings home. Hell, unless the next leg of this campaign involves Fallcrest, I'm not even sure how/why she'd consider continuing as an adventurer. If you'll recall, she's recently 'retired' and married. And, if anyone was reading between the lines a long time back, she's pregnant.

All that being said, I'm all for someone giving her the nod and then try to get the jump on the Lords, if only to silence this crypt once and for all.

Just read here after I posted, and boy does my post counter yours Larry- you have everything they want.

Not sure how you get to these guys being 'terrorists', they're undead- yep. They're ex-Lords of Rivenroar (their were a number of families that ruled from here remember). Many of the families were rulers of the kingdom, certainly the older families- they were feudal kings and barons (in a time of feudal kings and barons). They lived in an age of monstrous incursions and banditry, the land was certainly less settled.

Sure they helped Frazzle and the Goblins ,but they asked- the point being they're undead stuck in the basement, they don't get out (at all). Therefore they are limited to interacting with the people who visit, they're not that picky- also hence why they started off by chatting with you guys... They're starved of... company, and everything else.

I'm not saying they're the good guys, but likewise in my game worlds the undead don't have to be the bad guys- it's for you to decide. Also I like to give you options, not so much with the soldiery and the run-of-the-mill monster style encounters, but with the movers and shakers (in this scenario the factions)- like the Gnomes for instance (Derek and Big Tony et al) while they appear on the scenario roster as things for you to kill then... that doesn't have to be the case.

As for the Lords of Rivenroar, they're just flesh and blood, admittedly (if they get what they want) your flesh and blood...

This encounter, for me, has turned from a hard fight, into a minor question about morality/ethics and a potential game-changing event.



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Paul - well freakin done. THIS is a once-in-a-character's-lifetime event here. Velani / Larry is just sitting there agape!

From a meta-gaming POV, what an awesome thing... a truly pivotal moment in my character's story that creates a very definite fork in the road. OH how I want to say YES! Take me! Let's do this!!!

But from Velani's POV - oh shiiiiit, seriously? recently married and pregnant? how on earth can I get her to WANT to do that? She needs a VERY compelling argument that doing so would be for the good of the many, beyond just these Lords in the hall.

I'm purposely waiting for Freggo to get in his reply and then see the overall reaction to the challenge before Velani re-engages the Lords in this tete-a-tete. If the offer is still on the table, be ready for some more to WHY Velani should even consider doing this. From what I read, it's so far for just selfish reasons. But if they WERE once good, gods-fearing men of Fallcrest, and their continued existance (however uplifted by Velani's sacrifice) would benefit the greater good/current-day-Fallcrest, then maybe she could be persuaded.

In the end, just to see where it'll go, I really want this to happen. But I can't just up and say "OK, sure!" - there's gotta be a compelling arguement for it.

Damn you, Paul! :)


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I actually havn't seen anything they are offering in return... or did they?

Ok, he kinda said, that he does not care about the sword, so maybe he would trade it. ;)

But yeah, in character that offer is completely unacceptable.



Sorry for lack of response, last night I had internet issues, I could get in to ENWorld forums- but it took absolutely ages- like waiting 1o minutes for a page to load, I started writing up replies and then my internet would crash. Somebody at work told me that this week is the busiest internet shopping week of the year- don't know how true that is but I'm at work now and it's taken me 10 minutes (and two attempts) to get here. I'll update this evening- I've not got into the in-game thread yet... timed out previously.

Cheers PDR


First Post
I can see why Velani would refuse, and there seems to be no real reason why she would accept, but then there's another consideration:

It sounds fun!!!

Remember that not everything has to be logical, and there could turn out to be a valid reason that is as yet unknown. It could just feel right to Velani, maybe spark a memory long forgotten, or maybe she just knows, all of a sudden, that this is her destiny. Most mythologies and religions have characters experiencing epiphanies. The whys and the wherefores can be explored afterwards, I'm sure Paul will be able to weave something into the narrative as the campaign expands.

So, basically its up to you Larry, but personally, I'd say 'go for it'.

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Just wanted to post and say that yes, I am following the events of late. I don't have anything relevant to post IC. OOC, the conversation is entertaining, and I'm good with whichever way larryfinnjr decides to go.



Just wanted to post and say that yes, I am following the events of late. I don't have anything relevant to post IC. OOC, the conversation is entertaining, and I'm good with whichever way larryfinnjr decides to go.


Good to hear that, to be honest this lack of chatter has got me worried... I've messaged Larry about the situation he's in at the moment, and I seriously think that he's looking for some support- in the IC particularly.

From a game POV you're facing off against the climactic bad guy (maybe?) and most of you are stood like statues doing/saying- nada.

I don't want to sound churlish, or like a five year old that's going to take his ball home so no one else can play but... have we imploded- are we done, because if this is what is left then... well, I don't want it- I get there's this thing going on but for weeks, perhaps even the last month or so the pace has dropped to... well, deadly- as in dull.

Christmas- busy, got it.

So, again- either reassure me you're in to this or else we get the end of this scenario (or not) and we call it a draw, or you win, which ever. If the pace doesn't pick up Jan (or whenever) I'll call it myself. Is it me- other people have xp of PBP, is this what happens?

Help, because I'm getting bored with seemingly doing a lot of work for a little back. Cruel maybe, but I'm not after a pat on the back.

Cheers PDR

PS Merry Christmas. LOL.

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