Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar (Full)


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Still here (or rather back here now after a small business trip). :)

As for the current IC scene, I am a bit reluctant to post my (or Kyalia's) opinion too strongly, because it would be very clearly to turn down that offer (and I am quite aware, that Larry might find it an interesting twist to pursuit ;)).

But I have another idea of what to do right now...


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I am also here and trying to find the words to convey Viator's opinion. My brain is a little addled from the opening weekends shows. I'll be back on it very shortly.


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Well there's my take! OOC I'm cool either way and go for whatever you want [MENTION=99210]larryfinnjr[/MENTION] !
IC a child test subject is obviously going to have a little problem. :) But he'll deal with it if you go that way.

As another curveball option, there is someone who did sacrifice his life for the cause and whose body is probably still warm to be brought back to life if they so wish....


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OH if only Spizz were with us!!!!! :)

Paul - I'm ready for however you wanna play it out.... Velani's made her peace with her "non-decision" - leaving it up to Dol Arrah to show her the way. I didn't bother with a skill check, since really I'm leaving how it turns out to you.

I LOVE the counter ideas in IC! Viator's words mean a LOT, and Kyalia's plea to the Lords is awesome. I think she's a bit detached from motherhood, given she actually has no children yet, so it's not uber-conscious in her mind... Velani's faith in her god and her loyalty to Fallcrest are her two defining attributes. If doing this can reconcile both those things - approval from Dol Arrah with Fallcrest's well-being in the balance - she'd do it.

Play it out as you will, DM!!!!

On another note - is anyone else having HORRIBLE load times over the past week as Paul pointed out? I mean, it's always been a long load time here on this side of the pond, but lately it's beyond the pale... I'm all for taking this game to another board when this leg of the adventure wraps up......


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Load time is currently crap - half the time I think its just not going to happen, and maybe the site's down. If there's a better location I'd be happy to move over at some agreed point.

As for posting on the current situation, it seems such a personal decision for Larry as to how he wants to play it, that its difficult to jump in, but will post a response to Viator in a minute (or 5 depending on load speed!).


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Paul? Very unlike you to go this long with no response... anxiously waiting to hear what the Lords of Rivenroar have in mind for Velani...... :)


Sorry for the away time, been thinking... and I still don't get it. I've had an epiphany- but not in a good way, I used to come home from work and rush upstairs to see who has posted and eagerly get my reply done.

At the start it was fast and furious, with multiple posts by you guys/day- and I loved it, some days I couldn't wait to get home- I would post at work, or else figure out what I was going to say and make notes for myself. These days, well... it's tailed off somewhat, and this isn't a blame thing it's just the reality. So I've stopped rushing home, I've stopped looking ahead- I've mapped out the next adventure (and much of the one after that), as in made all my notes and drawn out the maps for maptools. I've made a city guide for Fallcrest (and maybe one other city), I've even done a crude (one page) mock up of the Fallcrest Flyer with the story of the heroes return... I have a file. I'm a little obssessive.

The problem being the PBP has stopped being the thing I obssess about, it's fallen off the radar somewhat. The pace of the game now may be normal- as I've stated lots of times previously this is my first attempt at a PBP. My problem is I've done all the work, and... things are so slow.

I've spent the last few days not posting and thinking to myself- would I miss the PBP if I stopped doing it, and the answer of course (having read this far) is probably not.

I don't want to just stop without giving you guys the chance (if you want) to make me see things differently, and again- its the pace I have problems with, what was exciting (every day) has become turgid. I feel like I'm having to kick people to get involved, and that's no fun for me or for you guys- it shouldn't have to be like that. I guess busy lives and a story that has become less involved for you (my bad).

Any thoughts, otherwise I think I may have to make my apologies and curtail the game...


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Personally I prefer the slightly slower pace rather than the post-a-day speed. And it sounds like the frequency of posting may be at the core of the problem, so I guess we need to know what everyone else thinks of the rate.

Once we have that, it could allow Paul to go on with those that prefer the higher rate, and maybe fill the other slots with other players.

Whether the slower rate players then do something similar is also another option - maybe giving everyone what they want (I've GM'd plenty of times before, but never on-line and not wth 4E, and have no idea how to do maps on-line, and probably very different style to Paul. But its worth thinking about).

So maybe we can get 2 enjoyable games out of this.


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Fast or slow is fine with me. Life happens too, and I've had my blips in being able to be constantly available.

That said, Paul, just go with your gut. If you're not having fun, call it a day. Gaming is a stress reliever and a source of entertainment. If you're not getting both, it's not worth it.

We've had our challenges as a group of individuals from across the globe being able to keep up at times. We've lost players (and some have returned!). I suspect that would remain a constant unless you were playing with a known group of friends or something (which is just as much an effort too, mind you... I'm running my own PbP with just 4 players, all friends here in town with me, all of whom play on my RL live game, and I can't even keep the pace solid with them!).

I won't fault you if you bail, Paul. But I hope it's clear I want to play. Slow or fast makes no difference....


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I'm fine with the slower speed, but faster is also good. :)

Right now, I think, it is a combination of a slightly overwhelming IC scene, where people just don't really know well how to react and as such tend to wait on someone else making a move, and christmas time getting closer (at least for me, the past 2 weeks were filled with a lot of work (14h each the last three days; gladly that was it, though... the big stuff is done and the coming weeks will be a lot more relaxed)).


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