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[Sci Fi Channel] "Who Wants To Be A Superhero?"


I'm not sure that dog test was that fair to the women. Cell Phone girl was probably the smallest of the lot - when the dogs hit her, they hit her hard. She didn't have much mass to resist it. But pretty much all the men could carry the dogs (or drag them), while I don't think any of the women could. Which makes Money Woman's feat so impressive - she made it there, but mostly by crawling.

Tyveculous's outfit was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Oh my!

Iron Enforcer did have to be a plant (that's the only way he could have failed that dog test. I mean, I'm not nearly as big as him, nor as strong, yet I play with my 2 dogs (who weigh about 95lbs each) like that - each one grabs and arm and I drag them

But a lot of them also seem too good to be true. As is their ablity to come up with witty rejoiners. I have to wonder if anything on this show is actually real.

It is a nice show though. I really hate to see anyone else kicked off. Most of them actually seem like nice people (or characters), unlike most reality TV shows.

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I agree that it was a great episode, and I have to give it to Monkey Woman for toughing it out, but her old costume fit the character better, to me at least. The Iron Enforcer part wasn't a surprise since he's been acting like a supervilian since the beginning. And i will miss Cell Phone Girl with her good looks, and sexy outfit. I'm glad Tyveculus stayed with his old costume, since Stans idea sucked(but i think that was on purpose, since i don't see how anyone can think that it would look good). I also think that Creature's laughing fit the character at least as far as she has played it. I hope the episodes keep on being as entertaining as they have been so far.


Tuzenbach said:
Can you believe the whole thing is only 6 episodes? That sucks!

On the down side, we lost Cell-phone Girl. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! She was one of my favorites!!!

That does suck and I think the show could have lasted longer if Stan didn't boot two contestants off each episode.

I liked her too but I thought the challenge was unfair to her. Didn't she said that she was bitten by a dog once? I would think that would be her archilles' heel. I admit that I missed her saying that she had a headache before the challenge.


It seems I've missed out on this being in Europe, but it sounds like a blast. I wonder if they'll do a second season? If they do I have a concept kicking around in the back of my mind I'd be willing to submit.


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theburningman said:
My wife and I were wondering if the Iron Enforcer might be another producer plant like Rotiart. Wethought he could become a villain as the show progressed and become one of the challenges for the heroes later on.

Um...for my next prediction, I'm going to win a million dollars!

And the Georgia Bulldogs will win the BCS championship this year!



vulcan_idic said:
It seems I've missed out on this being in Europe, but it sounds like a blast. I wonder if they'll do a second season? If they do I have a concept kicking around in the back of my mind I'd be willing to submit.
One of the commercials on the show last night advertised the fact that there's going to be a "second season" of this show starting in January. That's all I know - maybe if you poke around on the Sci-Fi home page (www.scifi.com) they'll have more info for anyone wanting to enter.



DonTadow said:
I'm wondering was there a secret to it, did the mission definatly end once you said uncle? Maybe i'd have tried to whisper uncle to the dog or say it like .. i am not going to say uncle nope not saying UNCLE
Or try it phonetically: with attack dogs hanging off your arms, look at the camera and say: "Remember, kids - don't do drugs! That junk'll kill you!" Worth a shot, anyway, and if you get caught, you can always claim you were just using your razor-sharp wits in the midst of a dangerous situation.



Oh, and I forgot to mention last night's biggest surprise revelation (to me, at least): Major Victory used to be a male stripper! (I find it difficult to wrap my mind around that one, and the visual portion of my brain is asking me rather desperately not to try!)

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Brown Jenkin

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I'm glad Monkey Woman redeamed herself. She definitely had the right idea in just toughing it out. Not only did she redeam herself to me but more importantly to Stan. It was very nice seeing him single her out for her achievement.

Overall the competition was biased towards the men but then the last one was biased towards the women. For the women it wasn't so much that they din't finish, because they were at a serious strength disadvantage, but it was a question of how mentally tough they were and how long they would stick it out. Cellphone girl should have used the teriffied of dogs excuse instead of the headache excuse, Stan can understand having a weakness but a headache should not be it.

As for Iron Enforcer, I don't think he was a plant. He seemed to me to be genuinly surprised to be eliminated. I agree that Stan was already looking for a villian but I think he was willing to choose from any of the contestants. I figue that there was a clause in all of thier contracts that said if they were eliminated that they could be brought back in another roll if Stan so chose. I saw his emination coming when Stan said there was something not right about the costume. I saw that as one last chance. I think if Iron Enforcer had said, yes your right, I don't need the gun he might have stayed and Tyveculous would have gone for lying.

Overall there seems to me to be lots of production stuff that isn't being shown and that I can except as part of the show. With the little girl challenge I figure that once the went to the "security" office that producers were there saying that this was part of the show and that they were sworn to secrecy until after the challenge (so those who didn't stop were geniounly surprised when Stan revealed it). Major Victory might have picked it up sooner judging from his actions (and the super cheap security signs that were around). With the dog challenge I figure the trainers were just out of camera shot. It wasn't the contestants saying uncle that the dogs responded to but to the trainers listening into the mic feed. At least Monkey Woman also understood that the dogs wouldn't really hurt them since that would be lawsuit alll over it. The contestants were protected and the dogs wern't really trying to kill them (just attack the suit like they were trained) so even if they can't outmuscle the dogs at least they can hang on for awhile while they pull you around.

For the costumes I do like most the new ones better. I agree with Tyveculous that his old one was better (What was Stan thinking with that). The only other one I dissagreed with is Monkey Woman. While I don't think the new one is bad, I think the old one was better.

Lastly Major Victory's former career as a stripper was mentioned in the first episode.


First Post
Go Monkey Woman go. Talk about tenacious.

Cell Phone girl. Wow. I liked you better then Creature, but 4 seconds was fairly bad. I could forgive that, but when Stan Lee mentions the headache line, and you use it again? Eesh.

Fat Momma...I give her extra points because she tried to step out of the box with the donuts. I kept waiting for someone to say 'SIT!' and get by that way, but no dice. Speaking of the dogs, wow. They were knocking people around big time.

Iron Enforcers...eh. I havent liked him since the beginning. I suspect that they were planning to use him as a villain since the beginning and that's why they didnt get rid of him in the first ep. Gives us more time to hate him.

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