scoop: 4e gamma world

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First Post
I am almost positive that this will turn out to be the case.

Me too.

Dunno how much Rich is spilling at D&D XP this weekend, but we've got a pretty exciting and fun system put together here. And I'm sure we'll be talking more about the system and our design directions as we get closer to release. One thing's for sure - gamma world adds a degree of randomness to the setting, and random characters are random, or something like that.

"Now if we can just keep it from exploding" -Ick, Real Genius


First Post
Me too.

Dunno how much Rich is spilling at D&D XP this weekend, but we've got a pretty exciting and fun system put together here. And I'm sure we'll be talking more about the system and our design directions as we get closer to release. One thing's for sure - gamma world adds a degree of randomness to the setting, and random characters are random, or something like that.

"Now if we can just keep it from exploding" -Ick, Real Genius

In the words of a great man.... "WORD!"


World of Kulan DM
Me too.

Dunno how much Rich is spilling at D&D XP this weekend, but we've got a pretty exciting and fun system put together here. And I'm sure we'll be talking more about the system and our design directions as we get closer to release. One thing's for sure - gamma world adds a degree of randomness to the setting, and random characters are random, or something like that.

"Now if we can just keep it from exploding" -Ick, Real Genius
So, is there anything YOU can tell us about the Gamma World RPG. (I'm holding you to idea that it is a RPG and not a CCG.)


Will the game allow players to play non-mutants (and mutated plants)?

How many classes will the game have?

How compatible will those classes be with the 4th edition core rulebooks? (We already know the monsters will be 4E compatible.) Can players import the Gamma World rules into 4E, seemlessly? And vice versa?

Is there an aspect of the game that brings in the Cryptic Alliances?

Will there be DDI support for Gamma World?

Will the product line continue into 2011 as its own game line? How likely is it that we'll see a Mutant Power book or a Monster Manual specifically for Gamma World?

I'll stop now... :D


Honestly, that's exactly what I expect it to be. But it doesn't make me any happier with it.

RPGs and CCGs are different sorts of games, largely because they're not competitive among players. My players shouldn't need to buy randomized booster packs in order to power up their characters. And the rarity of abilities should be dictated by the DM or by the campaign - not by what Rares someone found in a foil-wrapped pack.

The existence of supplements isn't offensive, of course. Random abilities are likewise great - they're a hallmark of many excellent RPGs. It's when you combine randomization with payment for power-ups that it gets icky, to me. A player character isn't a Magic deck, and I don't want either myself or my players to have to buy randomized RPG elements. Or scour second-hand markets to find that perfect combo, for that matter. It's simply not something I want in my RPGs.



randomized boosters?

Wasn't there a rumor way back that something like that would be in D&D 4E? That certainly didn't happen.

I guess what I would not like, would be if I was running this and certain of my players got advantages in the game because they spent more money than other players.

I'm not understanding how these boosters would work. Do you mutations change every week?



First Post
So, is there anything YOU can tell us about the Gamma World RPG. (I'm holding you to idea that it is a RPG and not a CCG.)


Will the game allow players to play non-mutants (and mutated plants)?

How many classes will the game have?

How compatible will those classes be with the 4th edition core rulebooks? (We already know the monsters will be 4E compatible.) Can players import the Gamma World rules into 4E, seemlessly? And vice versa?

Is there an aspect of the game that brings in the Cryptic Alliances?

Will there be DDI support for Gamma World?

Will the product line continue into 2011 as its own game line? How likely is it that we'll see a Mutant Power book or a Monster Manual specifically for Gamma World?

I'll stop now... :D
exactly the questions I want to answer, and I expect to be answered before the product hits the shelves. As soon as the robot overlords let us do so.

Did I say overlords? I meant "protectors"...


Probably gonna have to pass.. the card stuff ain't my bag and I don't want to contribute to it being successful - voting with your dollars and all that. There are alot of homebrew modern rules for weapons (some right here on ENW) that would likely be indistinguishable in a blind playtest.

I'm A Banana

I'm great with randomness (I think it adds a lot of fun).

I am not so great with paying for randomness (I think it adds a lot of frustration).

If I don't know what my dollar is going to buy me, I am not going to buy it. An RPG, for me, is normally about a shared narrative, and if those narrative elements are randomized based on someone's ability to shell out for them, then it moves narrative control from the DM, to whoever at the table has the most disposable income.

It's what drove me away from Magic when I was a teenager, and it's not something I'm interested in even from my card games now.

I don't begrudge those who are interested in it, but it is REALLY not my bag. A lot like minis, honestly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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