Scotley's Tomb of Horrors 3.5


RG OOC: Recruiting

You step off the boat in Saltmarsh. Not much of a town to look at, but there seem to be a lot of people about moving with purpose. The smell of the nearby swamp mixed with the salty fishy smell of the harbor and stired up by the slow moving Kingfisher river doesn't fill you with hope. Your mind springs unbidden to the two letters you recieved a fortnight ago from Saltmarsh Sendings. The first was from Ambrose Wythwindle. It seemed upbeat and excited he was on the trail of a great find deep in the Hool Marshes in southern Keoland. He needed competent help to get to the root of a historical mystery and almost as an afterthought he mentioned a great treasure and the dangers. The old rogue's confident excitement made the second letter, dated three days later, but arriving to you at the same time, all the more shocking.

It was from J. Murdle Markman, Esquire. Saltmarsh, Keoland.

'I regret to inform you of the demise of Ambrose Wythwindle, who died of a swamp fever and old age yesterday here in Saltmarsh. I have been appointed executor of his Will and you are listed in the Will. Professor Wythwindle has asked that you attend the reading of the Will as you are named in the Will and a portion of his estate is to be given to you. The reading of the Will is to take place on Water day the 19th of Reeping, 592. Please present yourself no later than twelve noon on the 19th at The Lizard's Boat Tavern. The reading of the Will is set for 1:30 pm and that extra time is to be used to establish your identity as set forth in the Will.'

And now it is the afternoon of the 18th of Reeping and you find youself a new arival in a new town after a long journey. You see a nearby tavern, but it does not appear to be the Lizard's Boat. A sign above the door shows a grossly exaggerated satyr with one of his hoofed feet jammed into his mouth and an expression of shock and worry on his face. Other travelers mill about not sure where to go next, but most gather their things set off with a destination in mind.
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Tagret dons his garb of the hunting cat. He always enjoyed the looks that were tossed his way. He makes his way toward the nearby tavern and strolls up to the barkeep, "Where can I find the Lizard's Boat Tavern?"


The Hoof 'n' Mouth

A dwarf behind the bar looks Tagret up and down. "Now why go way over there when I've got the best prices in Saltmarsh right here. Besides, I only offer directions to those what drink in mah bar." He picks up a slightly grimy mug and begins wiping it with an even grimier towel stuck in the belt around his waist. "Ale for you? Blahg's Black is the best in town for the price." The patrons seem to be local fishermen or sailors who take little interest in the Monk at the bar. As his eyes adjust to the light, Tagert realizes the construction here is new despite the run down even decrepit appearance of the place.


Zorn glances around taking in his suroundings. He notices the tavern but notes that it is not the one he seeks. Allowing his cloak to billow about him as he strides into town, he will go to the nearest haberdashery and inquire about getting a new hat and the location of the Lizard's Boat Tavern.


Scotley said:
A dwarf behind the bar looks Tagret up and down. "Now why go way over there when I've got the best prices in Saltmarsh right here. Besides, I only offer directions to those what drink in mah bar." He picks up a slightly grimy mug and begins wiping it with an even grimier towel stuck in the belt around his waist. "Ale for you? Blahg's Black is the best in town for the price."

Tagret smiles under his cat mask. He taps his gloved nails on the counter. "I am a monk, we do not drink sir." He cocks his head slightly to one side, and looks at a drunken patron sitting at a table, "A pint then, but for that man over there." Tagret begins to reach for his gold, but withdraws his hand. He looks at the barkeep, "Directions please sir. I have agreed to purchase a pint of ale in exchange for information."


First Post
Jason eyes the town, taking note of defenses he can see from his position (if any). Grunting to him self he grabs his gear and heads towards the local temple of Pelor to present him self. Upon reaching the temple he will don his armor, catch up on local temple and general news and spend the evening in prayer for his old travel companion.

In general Jason doesn't wear his armor while traveling by boat. He will wear it all other times though. When traveling through town he has a set of travel gear designed to be lose enough to fit over his armor, and while it does not hide the bulk and flashes of armor can be seen from underneath it does reduce the staring some.



Zorn strides up the first major street he sees and discovers a shop with a large plumed hat on the sign out front. It is a low green wooden structure with only about 10' of frontage. Inside he finds the ceiling uncomfortably low. A middle-age Gnomish woman is blocking a hat at the back of the shop, while the front of the little place has several hats on display. Zorn can see they are made by a skilled craftsman, though her skills mostly run to ornate women's hats. There are some serviceable hats for men as well. She looks up and smiles at Zorn. "Ah you look like you need a new hat sir."


Hoon 'n' Mouth

The dwarf looks at Tagret with some curiosity. "You're a monk and you don't drink, but you want to find a tavern eh? Daft if you ask me." He pulls a pint from a large cask on the bar into the dirty mug and slides it in front of the drunk. The dark thick ale smells vaguely of dirt as it passes. "Two coppers for the ale and the directions are for those that drink in mah bar, but to get rid of the likes of you I'll tell ye. Go up that street out front and hang a right on the main North road. You'll see the creepy place on your left. Look for a sign with a burning ship on it crawling with lizards." Even a non-drinker realizes two coppers for a mug is cheap. Maybe other taverns charge more for clean glasses? The dwarf move off to attend another customer.
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Saltmarsh is surrounded on the landward side by an extensive stone wall at least 20' high. Even from here, Jason can see watchtowers and patrols. He knows that Keoland is at war with the neighboring Hold of the Sea Princes. Many of the citizen carry arms. A few men have the look of soldiers or mercenaries.

Jason has no trouble finding the Cathedral of Pelor, indeed, he saw it as the ship approached the harbor. This impressive cathedral towers over the neighboring buildings, and it may be the tallest structure in the town of Saltmarsh. It certainly presents one of the more impressive landmarks. The white stone walls of the cathedral rise nearly 100 feet into the air and the large dome of red and orange metal atop the square structure adds another 50 feet to the height. The radiant golden symbol of Pelor adorns the walls of the structure proudly and unmistakably.

As Jason turns north along the road to the cathedral he passes, what must be the Lizard's Boat. An intricate sign built to resemble a sailing ship that has caught on fire hangs above the main entrance to this tavern and inn. The fire appears to be real. Half a dozen lizards perch atop the sign, but do not appear to be harmed by the tiny flames only inches away. They look particularly healthy and well fed.

As he approaches the Cathedral, Jason notes that the grandiose building looks a bit run down and dirty. The huge open space inside that serves as a worship area with a central pulpit and numerous pews is virtually empty. A massive holy symbol of Pelor suspended in the dome above radiates a number of continual flames. The Cathedral is part of a walled compound that seems to be the cities' infirmary.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Harrison Jakes:

travel is getting old and with the kindly proffesser's untimely demise, that may be what is needed to shake some sense in the sword smith's mind. perhaps tere will be some cash for him to start a weapon forge here in saltmarsh...there is conflict and therefore a mrket for weapons. if not there is going to be a market for mercenaries and he can do either. He shakes the smells of the city off and procedes on shore. looking about e seeks vender of food an will buy some thing (an apple or two) and ask for the Lizard's boat tavern.

aquiring directions he adds a silver for the trouble of the kindly mrchant and proceds to the indicated location.

Voidrunner's Codex

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