Release Sector-85: Adventures Beyond the Stars


My latest RPG project is finally for sale at

Sector-85: Adventures Beyond the Stars
A science fiction setting book compatible with Stars Without Number




presents a setting inspired by and emulating low-budget science fiction movies and TV series from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

These stories emphasize action and adventure. They are often set in what appears to be the California desert—sometimes Spain, sometimes Argentina. Sets are re-dressed factories and public works facilities decorated with tattered fishing nets, corrugated metal, and piles of junk. Lasers flash in brilliant streaks and go “Pew! Pew!” Anything struck by a laser explodes in a shower of sparks. Abandon any notion of realistic space physics or cutting edge computer science. Robots come in three flavors: sexy android, comic relief, and menacing war-bot. Computers save data on bulky storage media. The good guys wear distressed leather jackets and riding boots. The bad guys are bald cyborgs and maniacal dictators, or both.

The most powerful faction in Sector-85 is the Orion Federation, a noble democratic alliance based on exploration, science, democratic ideals, and the peaceful and equitable resolution of conflicts.

The Orion Federation has fought two wars in the last twenty-five years against a powerful totalitarian regime known as the Nova Concord. The Concord survives today as a covert criminal and terrorist network known as the Nova Underground.

The defeat of the Nova Concord has opened the way for new factions to rise up and expand. The New World Coalition is gaining popularity with the former worlds of the Concord. The recently discovered Ministry of Avon is seeking to exert its influence on its new neighbors. The unstoppable Go-Tan Armada closes in from beyond the sector with no force to stand in its way.


This product is divided into four sections.


A broad-strokes history of Sector-85, designed to slot neatly into existing Stars Without Number timelines.


Brief overviews of the major competing factions of Sector-85 along with game statistics.


A one- or two-page description of each of the star systems in Sector-85. Each system description includes information on every planet in that system. Each system also includes a short plot hook or story idea based on a low-budget movie or TV series from the 60s, 70s, or 80s.


Appendices include game statistics for fourteen spacecraft common to the sector, along with a list of inspirational TV series and movies.

Author’s Note

This sourcebook is created to be a companion to the following RPG adventure scenarios:

  • The Terror-Dome of Warlord Daikhan
  • Six Weeks on Zephyrus-2
  • Crystal City Chornicles
This sourcebook is not necessary for those products and vice versa.
Sector 85 3.png

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