D&D 5E Seeking advice from those who've played high level clerics


I would also throw AID into the mix. AID is often underlooked because at 2nd level, its 5 hp....big whoop.

But try it as a 5th level spell, +20 hp for 3 players, it lasts pretty much all day, and NO CONCENTRATION. Its actually a very solid buff spell at higher levels.

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I allow it - it's in the spirit of the spell, and in the spirit of monk design where their body is their weapon, especially at that level.
If your going that route, I would allow it with their standard attack, but not their extra attacks from flurry or just the bonus action unarmed strike.

The reason is, while the main attacks can be weapon or unarmed strike (and so its partly flavor which one you use), the flurry is specifically designed with unarmed strikes, and is basically there to add a specific amount of damage on top (similar to barbarian rage). It is not really designed to start getting all the same benefits as weapon add-ons imo.

But on the other hand, if your the person that thinks monks are weaksauce (especially around the 11th level range), than giving them more buff can't really hurt.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Yeah, but sadly we have no money. The DM is running Avernus like a survival game. We managed to, only now, scrounge enough money to get the material components for a few 'must have' spells: scry, Raise Dead, Greater Restoration.

My DM is allowing me to have the 'small bowl(worth 1kgp) filled with holy water' for scry, double as the material component for heroes feast. But then I don't have the materials for scry anymore.
...broke 12th level characters? Forgive me, I think I need to go lay down and let my brain reboot.


There’s basically two types of adventuring days. You’ll know your campaign and DM. In a very short adventuring day, you would use your higher level spell slots to upgrade your spiritual weapon and your spirit, guardians, etc. On the long adventuring day, level four or five aid and a heal, mass cure wounds or mass healing word will absolutely pay the bills, because this game is biggest resource for long adventuring days is hit points. Also, banish has a ton of mileage in a variety of encounters.

Insect Plague and Summon Celestial can be helpful in the right situations. Insect Plague has a 300 foot range and makes a 20 foot radius difficult terrain. I like to use it as an opener to soften up the enemies or force creatures to leave an area. Summon Celestial gives you range or a second front liner at your discretion. It's mobile, adds damage, and puts another body on the board.

Insect Plague and Summon Celestial can be helpful in the right situations. Insect Plague has a 300 foot range and makes a 20 foot radius difficult terrain. I like to use it as an opener to soften up the enemies or force creatures to leave an area. Summon Celestial gives you range or a second front liner at your discretion. It's mobile, adds damage, and puts another body on the board.
I’m curious about summon celestial. Seems cool but they only have 40hp.

I would also throw AID into the mix. AID is often underlooked because at 2nd level, its 5 hp....big whoop.

But try it as a 5th level spell, +20 hp for 3 players, it lasts pretty much all day, and NO CONCENTRATION. Its actually a very solid buff spell at higher levels.
I use Aid every day as a 4th level spell. It’s a great buff especially for my cleric who needs to tank.

Divination and commune grant information and clues. I've always had some kind of divinatory magic at hand when I've played a high level cleric. Just being able to augury "is the wizard's teleport going to succeed"? has been a literal lifesaver. Although in this edition it has been heavily nerfed.

...broke 12th level characters? Forgive me, I think I need to go lay down and let my brain reboot.
We have the ‘basics’: I have full plate and a magic sword, the wizard has a fancy staff etc… we have ‘gear’. But that’s it. No money. I had 300gp for the longest time and nothing to buy spell components.

We had a bit of a wind-fall in the last session so I got components for scrying and forbiddance. This wind-fall kind of prompted this thread because my funds are still limited so I want to know what’s worth buying and how my spell load out should look.

Divination and commune grant information and clues. I've always had some kind of divinatory magic at hand when I've played a high level cleric. Just being able to augury "is the wizard's teleport going to succeed"? has been a literal lifesaver. Although in this edition it has been heavily nerfed.
I used commune once and it was almost hijacked by a devil and I almost got the wrong info. Now I’m not confident to use it.

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