D&D 5E Seeking advice from those who've played high level clerics

I'm playing a Cleric in descent into Avernus and we are currently 12th.

(side)Question 1: This occured to me as I was buying spell components and didn't notice until my last game:
Protection from Evil/Dispel evil uses silver & iron filings or Holy Water but does not have a GP cost, so I should, therefore be able to cast it with a focus. But, on the other hand, Holy Water cost 25gp to make (using Ceremony). Do I actually need to spend money on spell components or no?

Question 2: I'm playing a War Cleric of Helm. What is the typical load-out for higher level spells in a combat? Specifically, 4th to 6th level spells. Any good synergies I should be thinking about? My 12th level Feat was Mobility, if that makes a difference.

I am the front-line fighter along with the monk. I'm toying with Holy Weapon but it's concentration and Spirit Guardians is a good choice for concentration.

Blade Barrier used to be pretty awesome in 3.5 and was a cleric staple but it seems kind of mediocre now. I save the slot for Heal or Harm, currently.

Dispel Evil is cool but most of the devils are already on their home plane, so the banishment doesn't work well. I've used it to banish good-aligned fey creatures back to their home plane and the protection/Break enchantment is useful.

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Morkus from Orkus
I'm playing a Cleric in descent into Avernus and we are currently 12th.

(side)Question 1: This occured to me as I was buying spell components and didn't notice until my last game:
Protection from Evil/Dispel evil uses silver & iron filings or Holy Water but does not have a GP cost, so I should, therefore be able to cast it with a focus. But, on the other hand, Holy Water cost 25gp to make (using Ceremony). Do I actually need to spend money on spell components or no?
Number 1 is a DM's call. I personally would charge if you use holy water since it has a gold piece cost, but I would also give you 3-4 castings per flask of holy water. Iron and silver filings don't cost gold so I wouldn't charge for those.


I have people pay for any components that have a specific GP cost, so yes you'd have to pay the 25 GP for holy water.

Other than that, I agree with Clint. Spirit Guardians and Spiritual Weapon combo is my general go-to. Whether Holy Weapon makes sense is kind of DM and monk dependent. I've done it for the fighter but a lot of the monk's attacks may be unarmed strikes (depends on options and monk) and it will be up to the DM whether or not you can cast Spiritual Weapon on their unarmed attack. In addition, Holy Weapon is a 5th level spell instead of 3rd for Spirit Guardians. Throw in the number of enemies you fight at once and how often you have more than 1 combat in an hour and it's kind of a toss-up.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Heroes' Feast. It's an amazing spell to cast at the start of each day and has a long-lasting buff. Sure it's expensive, but what else are you going to do with your money?


If you're in the front line Spirit Guardians is hard to beat (usually combined with Spiritual Weapon), but Holy Weapon on a Monk is crazy strong, so I could see either choice, depending on the situation.
This is the Way. You can also upcast both spells for extra oomf.

Heroes' Feast. It's an amazing spell to cast at the start of each day and has a long-lasting buff. Sure it's expensive, but what else are you going to do with your money?
Yeah, but sadly we have no money. The DM is running Avernus like a survival game. We managed to, only now, scrounge enough money to get the material components for a few 'must have' spells: scry, Raise Dead, Greater Restoration.

My DM is allowing me to have the 'small bowl(worth 1kgp) filled with holy water' for scry, double as the material component for heroes feast. But then I don't have the materials for scry anymore.


Whether Holy Weapon makes sense is kind of DM and monk dependent. I've done it for the fighter but a lot of the monk's attacks may be unarmed strikes (depends on options and monk) and it will be up to the DM whether or not you can cast Spiritual Weapon on their unarmed attack.
I allow it - it's in the spirit of the spell, and in the spirit of monk design where their body is their weapon, especially at that level. I had to make the ruling when the party cleric cast it on my spouse's monk's fists. She then made absolute hamburger of the Big Bad. Mercy Monk, so hand of harm on top of regular damage plus 2d8 per hit and...ouch.

Voidrunner's Codex

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