Sell me on Warhammer fantasy rpg?

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I love the setting as it has tons to work with. My group voted against continuing 4e as too crunchy and slow b/c of the Advantage mechanic and constant petty modifier lookups. It kind of turned out like another 4e game system in their opinion. We've also used 1e, 2e, 3e, Warlock, Zweihander, and even D&D rules to play in the Warhammer World. I don't want to ruin 4e for you, but that was our experience. On the bright side, there is tons of stuff for the 4e system. Otherwise, just find a game system your group likes and maybe try using the world.

aramis erak

yep, both have the same license holder, but different licensees and rules. Talisman was a 3d6 system, D&D is closer to Warhammer than it is ;)
Talisman Adventures is an awesome game!
It even turns the board game's board into the RPG's setting map...

If you can nab the full set, it's worth it.

It's not the grimdark of WFRP, unless you push really hard to make it so.
base rolls are 3d6 (one is differenced so that it can be checked for 1 or 6)
If skilled (skills are boolean), add the linked aspect (sub-attribute) to the roll
If focused (also boolean) in a relevant subskill, add 2.
compare to TN.
THe two atts have 3 subskills each. Each starting point of the core attribute gives two points across its aspects. the core att then goes up when the aspects are raised enought to
it is class and level, with one power and a point of aspect every level, and a skill or focus (pick) every other. Only special abilities are class-gated...

It scratches much the same itch as WFRP, but without the grimdark. Without the corruption and insanity.


I love the setting as it has tons to work with. My group voted against continuing 4e as too crunchy and slow b/c of the Advantage mechanic and constant petty modifier lookups. It kind of turned out like another 4e game system in their opinion. We've also used 1e, 2e, 3e, Warlock, Zweihander, and even D&D rules to play in the Warhammer World. I don't want to ruin 4e for you, but that was our experience. On the bright side, there is tons of stuff for the 4e system. Otherwise, just find a game system your group likes and maybe try using the world.
So just something to consider. Group advantage completely changes the way advantage plays. Instead of becoming something complicated to remember it becomes a great mechanic for tactically binding the party together.

I found it hard to remember the modifiers at first but then I realized the bonuses all fit into 3 bands +20, +40 and +60. And the negative -10, -20, -30.

So you just need to remember the steps of penalty or bonus rather than precise matching modifier. So I know that you get a bonus for outnumbering 2:1 so that must be +20. And I know you get a better bonus for 3:1 so that must be +40 because it’s the next layer. Just like I know short range gives you a bonus so that must be +20 and point blank is shorter so must be +40. Same applies to penalties like cover.

Makes it tons easier to remember.

The reason to persevere with learning the system and modifier is it actually makes things like outnumbering, and range really matter. Which in turn makes the game more tactical.

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