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Send Eric's Grandma a Postcard!


Truth Seeker said:
Forgive me, I have heard this in passing, on Eric's grandmom...being around in the forums.

How did this get started, if anyone wishes to explain.

*okay...I have been greatly perplexed by the legendary status*
It's not all that mysterious... When I established the forums for Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D Third Edition News in early 2000 (the predecessor to these forums), I established three rules: keep it civil, keep it clean, and keep it on topic.

To assist folks with the 2nd rule (keep it clean), I asked them to assume that my grandmother was reading the forums and to avoid offending her. Everyone has a pretty good feel for how to behave around senior citizens if you want to stay in their good graces, and so folks knew that there was to be a limit on profanity, links to inappropriate websites, etc. And when someone would cross the line or get close to it, others would remind them not to offend "Eric's Grandma."

So she's been with us in spirit for many years!

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In the true fashion of a teacher, Eric has used his influence, not to create a Flash Mob, but a Flash Card. :D

I'll send one this weekend!


Here's the explanation I e-mailed her via my mother. Hopefully this will make some kind of sense. I'll see her around Christmas, maybe I can get a picture of her with all of her postcards! :) (and some of the "history" of the site is a simplification for her benefit :))

You are going to be receiving some postcards over the next couple of months and I wanted to explain why!

In 1999 I started a D&D website which I ran for two years. In that time I established an Internet message board where thousands of people post messages about D&D. While I no longer run the website, it still exists and is run by my friend Russ, who lives in England. The website is now called EN World (EN, of course, being my initials -- the site was re-named by Russ in my honor after I "retired") and even though I'm not in charge any more I still post messages there a lot and am sort of treated like a "retired celebrity" or something.

There are over 24,000 members of this community, participating in in almost 100,000 conversations with well over 1.5 million messages. As you can imagine, it would be hard to make this many people behave! On the internet there's a tendency for some people to be rude, obnoxious, crude, etc. And D&D players can get into fights over pretty dumb things.

I found, however, that it was not very hard to keep these thousands of strangers in line while still allowing them to have fun. I established two main rules: "Keep it civil, and keep it clean." And to make it clear exactly what I meant, I explained that I wanted them to pretend that my grandmother was reading their messages. People instantly understood -- they understood that they couldn't use profanity, they couldn't have mean nasty knock-down fights with each other. They had to keep things to a certain level of civility and pleasantness. It worked! Over the years I have been complimented dozens of times that EN World is the "nicest" D&D message board on the internet.

Grandma, I was thinking of you when I established these rules! I was thinking of the many, many mornings at your house before school, and the hours we spent at your house at other times. We kids always had fun, but we were also expected to behave and treat you, as our host, right.

The tone I tried to set at my website was one that said, "Yes, have your fun, but don't be mean to others." That's a value I learned from you, and I passed it along to my 24,000 friends and they all appreciate it because it means there's at least one place on the internet where "Eric's Grandma" expects you to behave while you have your fun. In fact, hardly a week goes by without someone mentioning "Eric's Grandma" -- whether it is to gently warn another person that they might be going over the line or just to say how much they appreciate the atmosphere at EN World.

So, over the next few weeks you will be getting some post cards from people across the country and around the world who just want to say "Thank you" for making a difference in my life, so that I could make a difference in theirs. I hope you find it entertaining!




I know I'm a new poster here and I certainly have no business acting like a moderator, but how would grandma feel knowing her own grandson abused his status and let an off topic post go on for 3 pages now? You still have a lot to learn from your grandmother :(

EnWorld FAQ
Keep it on topic: Ok, so it's not that we actually forbid off-topic conversation. But keep in mind that this is a D&D and D20 site, with many sub-forums on lots of related topics. Try to put your posts in the right forums (it helps people find stuff, for one thing); off-topic posts go in the Off Topic forum. By popular demand, off-topic polls (not posts -- polls) are forbidden. And in this category I should mention the "no religion, no politics" rule -- please refrain from discussion of a religious or political nature. This last may seem a rather draconic rule, but it has helped keep the peace around here for a long time. There are plenty of places on the internet where one could have those sorts of discussion.

*dodges the angry mobs airborn projectiles* :uhoh: It was joke!


First Post
Eric, this is a brilliant gift and a great way to honour your Grandma! It's also a lot of fun. :) Please provide us with lots of feedback on how Grandma and the rest of the family react!

One postcard is on it's way from Melbourne Downunder.


Oryan77 said:
I know I'm a new poster here and I certainly have no business acting like a moderator, but how would grandma feel knowing her own grandson abused his status and let an off topic post go on for 3 pages now? You still have a lot to learn from your grandmother :(
Hey, don't blame me -- I posted this in Meta like a good boy. It's that darned three-legged cat I tells ya!

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