SG1: An Old Friend (Wik Judging)


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Corran gathers himself after his healing of the dying guard and the gnome. He tries to brush as much blood off of his clothes as possible, but realizes he'll likely need to just buy a new set.
Finally, knowing that they are far from finished, he will ready his shield and turn to speak to his companions,
That was my last big healing prayer for the day. If you get wounded any further, I will likely be unable to do more than keep you alive.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Coldan tends to the gnomes wounds, and a measure of strength is returned to him. [5 hp, now 8/9hp]

After a few attempts, Mathew manages to activate the stone. He had wanted to pacify the chest, and with the activation, the creature stops moving. Testing, the artificer commands loudly, "Move there!", but the creation remains motionless. He feels no connection to it or to any other homunculi that may be about.
[sblock=Mathew]The stone is a trigger item (UMD DC 20) for each command given, and commands must be given line of sight.[/sblock]A quick search of box by Balnibar and Corran turn up various odds and ends. Most of it Mathew quickly identifies as artificing gear---of little use at the moment---but one of the compartments turns up a pair of scrolls labeled "Light Healing" and an oil in a green class jar labeled "Repairs". The only other oddity appears to be a folio collection of newsprint clippings; a quick glance shows Aldus seems to be featured in all of them.

The unconscious bodies---its seems the felled rogue stabilized during the fight---are dragged to the corner of the room unceremoniously. Corran's tending of the rogue does find what appears to be an aberrant dragonmark, though no such marks are found immediately on the watchmen.

Lorth, by the door, does not see nor hear any activity from without.


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Corran walks over to check out the scrolls of healing. Aldus, would you mind if I took these along, in case we have further need of healing magic?


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Mathew sighs in frustration, "OK aldus how does this thing work? I just need its basic functions. Are there different commands per creation and what are they?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Redclaw said:
Corran walks over to check out the scrolls of healing. Aldus, would you mind if I took these along, in case we have further need of healing magic?
Cheep makes a small wave you suspect is a dismissive gesture. "You be freeing me, you be needing them."
Mellubb said:
Mathew sighs in frustration, "OK aldus how does this thing work? I just need its basic functions. Are there different commands per creation and what are they?
Cheep looks at Mathew. "It be a backup, but I never be having need of it. Simple commands work best, I would figure: 'Follow', 'Stop', 'Guard', or some such. Cannot be helped I did not plan for such emergency."


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Corran puts the two scrolls in his pack, then pats them for reassurance. That puts us in much better shape, although I'd rather not need to use them.


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Mathew looks to Corran "I think it may be best if you give me one of those, in case you go down." He looks around at the rest of the group and says "okay let's clear the rest of the house. Aldus what do you see through your window right now?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Mellubb said:
Mathew looks to Corran "I think it may be best if you give me one of those, in case you go down." He looks around at the rest of the group and says "okay let's clear the rest of the house. Aldus what do you see through your window right now?"
Cheep settles on Balnibar's shoulder has Mathew speaks, looking down at the journal the gnome is flipping through. A bit distractedly, "They be still there. The big one be pacing back and forth, still fuming he not be getting in. The kobold spoke to a thug earlier and sent him off, not sure what that be about. Haven't seen hide nor hair of that rascal that ran off from here."
InVinoVeritas said:
Balnibar steals a glance at all the snipped articles, and takes them along to read more about Aldus' exploits.
The journal is obviously of one who likes seeing themself in print. A quick flipping shows a few stories about something up in north Breland, and something in Metrol before for the Day of Mourning. A couple headlines with the word "Xen'drik" also catches the gnome's eye.
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