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Shadows of the Past


" I will make sure that we suffer no other ambushes, " says Kildrak as they prepare to get moving again. " I won't be fooled twice by thinking that the foolish ways of humans don't mean trouble. "

Once they get back underway, he remains extra vigilant, weaving back from one side of the wagon, and front to back, to make sure that nothing can get the drop on them.

It is a relief to him that no one was felled in the encounter. Such a beginnig to a quest would be an ill omen indeed.

( Kildrak uses a healing surge, of course. )

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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
[sblock=OOC]180 xp for the fight.[/sblock]

A little while later you stand before the walls of the city. The gates have already been closed for the night and you make camp beside them, along with another caravan that has come from some other human town. It is a rather safe place, with the guards up on the wall and the human caravan-drivers nearby, but Agnar decided that one dwarf should still keep watch at all times. Felak, being very badly wounded is excused from the duty, despite his insistence that he's really alright and can do his share.

The night goes by peacefully. Your watch beginning at the start of the guard-change on the walls. Dûlin and the guard of the other caravan had made a shared fire and he points it to you, suggesting that it would be easier to stay awake with someone to talk with. It looks like the humans are changing watch at the same time too.


The dwarven ranger had not been thinking about actually having to talk to humans so soon. This could be a very long guard shift, depending on the luck of the draw...

Kildrak trudges over to the shared fire and brusquely introduces himself just as, " Kildrak. "


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
The beardless human looks at you and smiles. It's hard to tell with the humans since they shave their beards but you'd guess he's quite young by their standards. Propably just old enough to fight. But his smile is warm and has a sort of magic in itself, inviting friendlyness.
His chainmail glimmers in the firelight and you notice that it is actually gilded. You never knew that some humans could be so gaudy with their combat-gear. Nonetheless, it seems solid craftmanship.

"Hey there. I'm Uther." He says and offers a hand. After a second of puzzlement you remember that this is a human custom of greeting eachother.


Kildrak cautiously offers his own hand to shake Uther's, and asks, " What sort of trade brings you here, lad, and are you from around these parts? "


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"I'm actually just seeing the world. It's a sort of a rite among my faith." He says and raises an amulet from inside his tunic. It's actually just a big gold coin, with something engraved to it. "I'm a priest you see, and in one point of our training we are supposed to apprentice ourselves to caravan merchant and see the world." He smiles again and digs a waterskin from his satchel. "Mead?" He asks after taking a swig and offers the waterskin. "So what about you? Guarding the caravan, right? I had heard that your people trades with Fallcrest."


Kildrak eyes the skin sceptically. What he has tasted of human drink before has not been, impressive. But, against his better judgement, he takes the proferred skin and has a swig.

" I guess you could say that, " says the dwarf, " But I will not be accompanying the caravan back to our home. I am to stay here among you surface folk in pursuit of an important, - " Kildrak catches himself before saying " quest " and substitutes, " - an important investigation. "


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
The mead is definetly not strong. More of a sweet tasting water, but then again, humans don't know how to brew any good ale, you knew this already, so it's no surprice.

"Sounds interesting. It's not often we hear about dwarves staying away from your halls. Maybe I'll see you around then."


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Your shift passes by peacefully, as was expected and you get to sleep. You wake in the morning at the sound of the gates opening. Agnar suggests you get moving right away and delay the breakfast untill you get to the marketsquare.

As you escort the wagons inside the city gates and along the road you gather quite a crowd around your group. Children start running inside the houses yelling in excitement.
"Dwarves!... There are dwarves!... Dwarves have come!..."

Agnar only smiles at the attention your group receives. They do make this run regularly but it seems that their arrival always gets the attention of the children.

You finally arrive to the townsquare and the wagons are set to an out of the way spot. Agnar walks up to you and lays his hand on your shoulder. "Well son. This is it. From here on you're on your own. We'll be in town for couple of days before heading back." He points to a tavern at the edge of the square. "They serve good meals and I hear you can get a bed there too. That's really the only advice I have to give to you." It seems that he could almost shed a tear... If he was a human that is... Suddenly his face sterns and he gets back his gruff tone. "Be well boy, and come back with the axe!"

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