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Shaman Spirit Companion Problem?


Spending resources killing a spirit companion seems like a huge waste of time to me. For one thing, it's eating up at least one attack. For another, the Shaman can just re-summon it anywhere within 20 squares as a minor action on his next turn.

It seems like a pretty poor way to spend an attack, but then again I haven't seen a shaman in action yet. AFAICT, if a spirit companion gets killed in action, it's doing its part quite well!


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First Post
And if you're a Bear Shaman who worries about AC, you could just take chainmail proficiency. Problem solved.

And if you worry about the "flavor" of a shaman wearing chain armor, just "reskin" the armor to be a robe covered in metal charms/talismans/etc. In the real world there are examples of "shaman coats" like this.


First Post
If the Shaman is suffering he can always withdraw the spirit and keep it close by to heal him/herself before sending it back into battle.

Since you are not your own ally, how? Everything says "Allies adjacent to spirit get candy" not "Allies and also you." (Side note, game I'm in house ruled the also you in.)


First Post
Yeah, since you will never take as much damage as an attack will dish out against the spirit, it's always to your benefit to have monsters attack it. Your DM will eventually learn to stop attacking it, when he realizes what a bad idea it is. And if you go Bear, where you have to spend a feat and build points to get good AC, you will always have surges left over at the end of the day. My bear shaman shelled out for chain, but I'm not even sure it was necessary--most of my damage comes from ranged attacks against my NADs, rather than the spirit's AC.

The healing surge surfeit is why Bonds of the Clan is a good utility--you spread out the hurt a bit, which both keeps enemies from using their full potential and fits with your generally distributed healing style.


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Level 1 Deva Shaman with 18 Int = decent AC. Our group's Shaman constantly thwarts my monsters' plans. It is a very tactical class though, it needs to be played well to be effective.

Mr. Teapot

First Post
I just looked up the various rules, and I think the spirit companion actually could be protected by a shielding swordmage. The aegis never references ally anywhere.

It does say "creature", though, and the spirit is a conjuration, not a creature. So the swordmage couldn't protect the spirit companion, because a shielding swordmage can only protect creatures.

Now, it's unclear if the Swordmage could protect the shaman from the damage when a spirit is destroyed by an attack. The enemy's attack does enough to dismiss the spirit, then the shaman takes damage. But is the enemy's attack hurting the shaman, or is the "Call Spirit Companion" power hurting the shaman?

I think a swordmage wouldn't be able to to stop that damage, since the Spirit Companion power is actually doing the damage. But it seems ambiguous to me. (And if GMing an actual game with a shaman and swordmage PC, I'd just talk with the PCs and come to a reasonable compromise houserule... probably just allow the Swordmage to protect either spirit or shaman.)

Assault swordmages play better with shamans, because the target of the enemy's attack is completely irrelevant to their Aegis. I don't have Arcane Power handy to check the Ensnaring swordmage.

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