I voted varies greatly.
It really depends on the adventure and what the players choose to do.
In wilderness and city adventures, mostly the players are free to rest for an hour whenever they like (light duties). So short rest classes (monk, warlock, fighter) are very strong in these environments. In "living" dungeons, things are generally much more dangerous, there are patrols, making noise puts the place on alert etc - in that kind of environment, "daily" classes are stronger, because there is often no chance for a short rest (we have banned Rope Trick and Leomunds Tiny Hut, btw). To be honest, even in a dungeon, they can usually squeeze out at least 1 short rest - usually to activate HD healing/bandaging up etc - which benefits all classes - but incidentally recharges the short rest classes more.
So in games I DM, and have played in, the number of short rests tends to either be "whenever you want" or "maybe 1 or none". It is rare to meet the magical "2 per day" guideline. Then again, we rarely end up with the "6-8 fights per day" guideline either. Again, it depends on the adventure and what makes sense in all the circumstances.
I tend the view the "6-8" fights guide as a warning for the upper end limit for a day's worth of combat, and the 2 rests again as a guide if you're going to have that matter fights between long rests. But day to day, the players don't know how many rests they'll get, if any.
Note we use slow healing and injuries too. I find this prevents short rest/long rests from being an easy "full reset" button, which reflects my preferred playstyle: the party is typically strongest at the very start of the adventure, and then become increasingly stretched/at risk over time.