D&D General Should ENworld Posters Design a D&D?


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Simple solution for that: use roll-under-stat mechanics for a lot of what are now skill checks. Do that, and every point counts. :)
Or use the full score as the target number for spells and other effects? Like 4e defenses, but instead of doing math with the ability scores, use the ability scores?

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B/X Known World
Or use the full score as the target number for spells and other effects? Like 4e defenses, but instead of doing math with the ability scores, use the ability scores?
Or split the difference. Only use the modifier (because the full score is useless) then treat defenses like any other passive check. 10 + ability modifier. Best of both worlds.

If you use the score and modifiers, the math goes wonky. Two equal scores should have a 50/50 chance of effecting each other. A DEX 20 +5 should have a 50% chance to hit a DEC 20 +5.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I think perhaps a goal and/or expected playstyle should be determined before any more rules discussion. What is the game intended to do?


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Or split the difference. Only use the modifier (because the full score is useless) then treat defenses like any other passive check. 10 + ability modifier. Best of both worlds.

If you use the score and modifiers, the math goes wonky. Two equal scores should have a 50/50 chance of effecting each other. A DEX 20 +5 should have a 50% chance to hit a DEC 20 +5.
Then we are back to scores not meaning anything.

I think perhaps a goal and/or expected playstyle should be determined before any more rules discussion. What is the game intended to do?
And bring about a second Tryanny of Fun? That's a non starter from me.
We must empower the people playing the game to alter the game to best suit their personal taste.


B/X Known World
Then we are back to scores not meaning anything.
Yes. Because they already don’t. Bonuses and scores, with scores as defenses, throws off the math. As I said in the post you quoted.

A DEX 20 +5 character only has a +5 to hit a DC20…which a DEX 20 +5 character has if targeting their DEX. Which is 30% instead of the 50% it should be. So the math doesn’t work.

You either have to change the scores or change the bonuses for the math to work.


Victoria Rules
I think perhaps a goal and/or expected playstyle should be determined before any more rules discussion. What is the game intended to do?
It's intended to give me a good reason to drink beer every Sunday night.

What, you mean that's not the reason we're doing all this? Well, OK then....... :)


Victoria Rules
Or use the full score as the target number for spells and other effects? Like 4e defenses, but instead of doing math with the ability scores, use the ability scores?
Roll-under is mostly used for what would now be skill checks e.g. roll under your Intelligence, the lower you roll, the more you remember about [such and such]; or roll under your Dexterity to squeeze through that narrow gap in the melee line without getting accidentally clobbered.

Spells use their own system, revolving around saving throws.


Roll-under is mostly used for what would now be skill checks e.g. roll under your Intelligence, the lower you roll, the more you remember about [such and such]; or roll under your Dexterity to squeeze through that narrow gap in the melee line without getting accidentally clobbered.

Spells use their own system, revolving around saving throws.

d20+ ability score vs static DC 20 works for ascending numbers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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