D&D General Should ENworld Posters Design a D&D?


Aw, man. It sounds like a sweet idea but it'd be like trying to get the Police together. We'd make some beautiful music for a while but then we'd rip each other to pieces over verisimilitude, alignment, or the Warlord class.

I'll probably be doing mist of it was thinking of a solo project.

Anyone with a vastly different opinion can right their own;).

Basic idea is more gritty, less hp bloated cut sone of the things I thought didn't work out well.

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Some ideas drawing upon 4e. I'd like to see the return of Fortitude, Reflex, and Will as saves but like 4e, you have two separate scores that can apply to them.

Level 1, I'd add constitution to the base hit points and remove the con modifier to hit points, as in, a barbarian with a 16 con has 28 hit points at 1st level. I'd then bring back healing surges, the number of which are affected by your Con modifier.

3 saves fort, ref, will. Less hit points is the idea not more there will be expanded second wind mechanics no healing surges.

More HP than AD&D less than 3.5 onwards. 3.0 may be usefull here. Bloat the hit points you just bloat the damage, 6-8 encounters etc.


Here's the thing: any of us can design a 5E, collectively or individually. But a ENWorld 5E, especially a concise one, would never get off the ground because we can't even decide what an RPG is.

Heck, cant even decide if its a game or not!


Not my cup of tea, but fair enough.

I think there is potential to overcorrect here, and make casters just not any fun to play.

Hence why bringing back scaling damage.

Banishment for example has a 75% chance of being successful on a 5E T-rex. In AD&D it has a 75% chance of failure (assume the T-rex is extra planar).

If it's not banishment it's something else.


Victoria Rules
While I understand the intent here, IMO using the non-modular 5e engine and chassis as the basis for this project is an unrecoverable error.

Unless, that is, you intend to add in the prior-edition-sim modularity we were promised in 2013 and never got; in which case there's maybe some hope for this. :)


While I understand the intent here, IMO using the non-modular 5e engine and chassis as the basis for this project is an unrecoverable error.

Unless, that is, you intend to add in the prior-edition-sim modularity we were promised in 2013 and never got; in which case there's maybe some hope for this. :)

I'm not trying for a modular edition.

I could do it with 4E engine but I d9nt gave to explain 5E rules nor write them.

So I can condense it down to 4-8 classes up to level 5 and convert say LMoP.

That's maybe 20-30 pages of light writing.

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