Geron Raveneye
The principal problem with this is that Fireball is an instantaneous spell, which means it explodes at the destined point as soon as the spell is cast. The second problem is that, even though you can ready a Move action with the trigger "Wizard casts Fireball in my direction", as long as you don't get outside of his reach, it won't really do you much good, since there is no component in the Fireball spell that is influenced by a target moving. The wizard doesn't need to make a ranged touch attack, the destination of the fireball's explosion is set on the count of the wizard, which comes after your move, and there is no bonus to Reflex saves associated with simply "moving around". Also, you are not really interrupting his casting, and as long as you don't move behind cover, you don't interrupt his line of sight either, so he can easily set his fireball so it explodes slightly ahead of you, making you ride into it instead of aiming it exactly on your position. I'm pretty sure I'd hear that argument if I turned the table as DM and enabled a riding opponent to "dodge" the PC's fireball with a readied action. And as Felnar and Delta already mentioned, it would set a bad precedent for scenes with enemy archers..."I ready a move action for when that guy shoots, to move out of the way of the arrow."
The underlying problem is the round-based combat/movement system and the fact that some spells don't have to be aimed by a die roll.
The underlying problem is the round-based combat/movement system and the fact that some spells don't have to be aimed by a die roll.