D&D 5E Sigil and the Outlands has Planar Rules

What races do you think will appear in the 5e Planescape book?

Rogue modrons (glitchlings), maybe some revisits of Tiefling and Aasimar... who else?
Glitchling, for sure, I think. The second try at the Ardling felt like it was pulling in a more Planescape-y direction, it didn't get PHB numbers but Crawford said they were positively received and we would see then again, seems a good place.

They may or may not reprint anything from MotM: just saying "anything from MotM would work!" may be fine, but reprints of several options could happen.

They may also throw in some stuff they feel should be there, but I'm not sure how likely that is.

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Similarly, I doubt ardlings will make it in - if anything they seem to need more work pinning down their central conceit, and I don't know if they had the time necessary to hash that out between deciding to drop them from the '24 PHB and Planescape needing to be finalized for print.
The turnaround for putting Species stuff in a book can be only a couple months: Ravnica testes Raves for a November release in a September UA, and made several changes.

The turnaround for putting Species stuff in a book can be only a couple months: Ravnica testes Raves for a November release in a September UA, and made several changes.
More a matter of how the ardling as initially proposed and version we got as a second draft had diverged a fair amount conceptually, and I think that indicates some structural issues with the idea that need to be ironed out.

It will need to have rules for traveling between Sigil, the Outlands, and other planes. I.e. doors, keys, gatetowns. That fits the description of "planar rules". It won't have rules for how any other planes operate, because they are already covered in the DMG.
That hasn’t stopped them before. They tend to use setting books and adventures to flesh out ideas that have some coverage in the DMG, but have never had a spotlight on them within 5e, before.

More a matter of how the ardling as initially proposed and version we got as a second draft had diverged a fair amount conceptually, and I think that indicates some structural issues with the idea that need to be ironed out.
The second draft made a significant flavor shift to tie the Ardlings to the Beastlands...just as the Glitchlings were tied to Mechanus, and the Bariaur are tied to Ysgard or Eladrin to Arborea for that matter. What Crawfoed aid when he confirmed the Ardling wasn't going to the PHB was that the mechanic were well received, but people were unsure about where the Species fits in the world: not an issue for Planescape.

Not amazing they will show up for sure, but it is very possible.

The second draft made a significant flavor shift to tie the Ardlings to the Beastlands...just as the Glitchlings were tied to Mechanus, and the Bariaur are tied to Ysgard or Eladrin to Arborea for that matter. What Crawfoed aid when he confirmed the Ardling wasn't going to the PHB was that the mechanic were well received, but people were unsure about where the Species fits in the world: not an issue for Planescape.

Not amazing they will show up for sure, but it is very possible.
Ardlings already had a built-in tie to the planes - they were designed with three "subrace" options to emphasize ties to LG, NG, and CG planes mirroring the new version of tiefling (perhaps the single most iconic Planescape race) and their options to emphasize ties to LE, NE, and CE planes.

The second pass revision to the Ardling didn't make them "more planar", it refocused them to be almost purely a representation of "animal person", with the ties to the Beastlands basically filling in as a default explanation for why they can represent any type of animal person rather than having separate species statblocks for each a la tabaxi, aarakocra, etc.

They went from representing a new type of broad-ranging celestial planetouched to being very specifically a unified anthropomorphic animal framework. That's not a problem, by any means - though I will admit to liking the ardling more as the former than as the latter - but the two fill different conceptual roles. Moreover, moving the ardling toward "animal person" ends up leaving the big "celestial planetouched" hole they had seemingly wanted the ardling to fill distinctly empty, so it's no longer serving the purpose it was initially created to serve.

I'm not averse to seeing the ardling return, but it still feels like there are some structural issues that need to be worked out, unless they're just ditching the "broad celestial planetouched" aspect entirely.

Unrelatedly, eladrin seem to have been more or less gobbled up by the Feywild, so there's no real telling who the big-time CG outsiders on Arborea are these days...
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Ardlings already had a built-in tie to the planes - they were designed with three "subrace" options to emphasize ties to LG, NG, and CG planes mirroring the new version of tiefling (perhaps the single most iconic Planescape race) and their options to emphasize ties to LE, NE, and CE planes.

The second pass revision to the Ardling didn't make them "more planar", it refocused them to be almost purely a representation of "animal person", with the ties to the Beastlands basically filling in as a default explanation for why they can represent any type of animal person rather than having separate species statblocks for each a la tabaxi, aarakocra, etc.

They went from representing a new type of broad-ranging celestial planetouched to being very specifically a unified anthropomorphic animal framework. That's not a problem, by any means, but the two fill different conceptual roles. Moreover, moving the ardling toward "animal person" ends up leaving the big "celestial planetouched" hole they had seemingly wanted the ardling to fill distinctly empty, so it's no longer serving the purpose it was initially created to serve.

I'm not averse to seeing the ardling return, but it still feels like there are some structural issues that need to be worked out, unless they're just ditching the "broad celestial planetouched" aspect entirely.
Well, yeah, I think they basically dropped that angle entirely to focus on a general and flexible anthromorph Species option. The following video is where Crawford talked about the second take being well received, but not PHB prime time ready, my read on what he says and how he says it makes them a decent candidate for this Planescape product, as the problem people had wasn't the execution but lack of context (not a problem for Planescape):

Again, maybe not...but it would fit.

My problem with ardlings was that they were just a boring race mechanically, I'm not intending to include them when I run games unless they become much much better.

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