Single System Monogamy

Not as monogamous as I want to be. I do tend to prefer generic systems with maybe someday the hope of publishing something for one of them. Lately I jump around between BRP, Free League (the T2K flavor mostly), and Savage Worlds.

However, I feel like someday my obsession interest in the hobby will fade and I'll settle in with FUDGE as the go to.

(please brain, just stick with one game)

Well, you can always have the issue that no system quite satisfies you. I'm that way with superhero systems these days (which is funny given I used to have some go-to systems there, but to one extent or another that's faded).

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Not as monogamous as I want to be. I do tend to prefer generic systems with maybe someday the hope of publishing something for one of them. Lately I jump around between BRP, Free League (the T2K flavor mostly), and Savage Worlds

(please brain, just stick with one game)
That’s where I’m at. I’d like to be down to about three systems I use to run everything. I like generic systems.

I think I can get there.
Savage Worlds for most games, especially action games .
PF 1 when I want my preferred flavor of D&D
WHFRP because I really like that experience.

It just leaves me lacking a game for ‘realistic’ games. Right now GURPS is my go to for that feeling.

So maybe 4.

  1. How many of your are monogamous with a single system?
  2. If you are system monogamous (or almost) do you run the same kind of game all the time? (only D&D, only Traveller, whatever...)
  3. If you are system monogamous what system are you faithful to? What kinds of games does it run well, and where does it struggle?
1: Not monogamous at all. Though there are some systems I prefer over others. There are also a bunch of games that I don't quite feel the appeal of so haven't tried them (yet), and some I would love trying, as well as some that I will still play them as a bad game is better than no game.

Depending on how you count, I have over the years (since 1983) played around 90-95 different games (depends on if different versions should be counted as separate games or not. If no, then the bodycount is 83 as far as I can tell. Does that make me a self-proclaimed rpg-slut?).

2: Seldom the GM, but run very different games when I do.

I love playing and running a variety of games. I do have more games than I'll ever run but have enjoyed reading them. I have eclectic tastes and play everything from OSE to Brindlewood Bay to Ryuutama to Star Trek. I like Trad, Neo-Trad, Narrative and Story Now.

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