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Six From Gate Pass - Chapter 2: The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar


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Alric shakes his head, thoroughly confused about all this dealing with spirits. He sorely wants something he can cut with his sword though feels the dead body of the stag wouldn't entirely satisfy him. Though he is alive and free to leave the forest and there is relief and reason to celebrate in that. And with that thought he smiles easily.

The rapidly cooling air of the forest refreshes him and for the first time in the past few days, he isn't sweating profusely under his armor. He walks up to Kirio and Hrimr and shakes their hands crisply for their adept dealing in this matter, "Well done." and to Hrimr he motions to the Seela and says with a wry smile, "Looks now you have a following."

Alric then uncorks his skin, takes a haul and then hands it to Bannock expecting him to feel similarly about the situation. "Looks now like there is nothing stopping us from leav...", trailing off, Alric realizes this is not entirely true. Leaving his skin of spirit with Bannock he looks out into the smoldering forest and speaks under his breath into the wind wondering if he can hear him: "Come now, your quarry moves away and you're losing your opportunity. Why not be done with it Devil?" Alric speaks the last with a raised voice and with a whisper he adds, "Though you would be too cowardly for that wouldn't you?".

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The Bashar

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Hrimr still dripping from the lake shoves the sword into the ground at his feet and leans against it for a moment.

"We I'll be damned, easier than I thought! Good work their Kirio, your tongue may be a little forked, but it is made of the finest silver."

Hrimr waves and smiles at the cheering Seela. He yells to them:

"What do you people have for ale?! I think a bit of a celebration is in order!"


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Kirio winks at Hrimr "Forked? You wound me druid, I may sometimes be harsh, but I am rarely false in what I say." He looks a little nonpulsed at Alric's words "Really, you are calling him out? NOW?? Can we not just relax a little, if even for a minute? I for one can do without the bite of his diseased beard or serrated glaive, no?"
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"Forked? You wound me druid, I may sometimes be harsh, but I am rarely false in what I say." He looks a little nonpulsed at Alric's words "Really, you are calling him out? NOW?? Can we not just relax a little, if even for a minute? I for one can do without the bite of his diseased beard or serrated glaive, no?"

Alric grimaces at Kirio's words, he would like nothing more than to relax at this moment as well. As well, they are all more than likely safe in the Seela village. Despite this, Alric can't leave his tactical appraisal unanswered and whispers them to Kirio. "He can not kill us at his leisure any longer, we are free to leave the forest and if he waits too long, it will be more a chase for him. Though he is cunning and I believe he will still strike when he has the advantage, and strike he must for his contract binds him to obtaining that case. If it were possible to goad him out I would do so only to meet him on equal footing. Do you have a better suggestion?"


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Papuvin and Tiljann cease cheering to come over to the party and issue their thanks. They invite you back to the village for music and relaxation, but regret that there are no refreshments beyond roasted acorns and water.

Torrent trudges her way out of the murky lake, wringing water from her long hair. She has a look of satisfaction on her face as she stares down at the dead stag and the community of villagers that managed to survive.

"Indeed, some relaxation is in order with our new friends. Lets spend the rest of the day here and head out in the morning." Standing on the shore in a licentious wet linen shirt, her grin fades when she notices Bannock's stare. Hunching her shoulders, she turns red and heads back to the cave in order to put her armor back on.


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Kirio sighs and smiles at Alric "Alric, the actual requirement on the devil was to kill us before we leave the FIRE forest. As the forest is no longer burning, there is nothing compelling him to attack us before we leave. He in fact has much more flexibility now to chose when it is he wants to take the case from us; tomorrow, in a week, in five years... so, pick a girl, grab some acorns, and take a well deserved rest, yes?"


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After the explosive scene, Bannock lets out a jubilant laugh and pumps his fist into the air.

"Wooooooooo! Did you see that!? Haha! Let's do it again," he yells excitedly, and gives Hrimr and Torrent hard pats on their backs.

"Nicely done, mates. I'm 'onestly a little downhearted that we didn't have to fight anything, but that was a mighty good fireworks show!"

Hearing that all there is to eat is acorns, Bannock walks over to the dead body of the stag and grabs it by the horns, attempting to drag it into the middle of the village.

"Why not have a little venison tonight?"
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Kirio sighs and smiles at Alric "Alric, the actual requirement on the devil was to kill us before we leave the FIRE forest. As the forest is no longer burning, there is nothing compelling him to attack us before we leave. He in fact has much more flexibility now to chose when it is he wants to take the case from us; tomorrow, in a week, in five years... so, pick a girl, grab some acorns, and take a well deserved rest, yes?"

Lars walks back towards the village from his perch on the shore. He claps Kirio and Hrimr on the back, exclaiming "Woohoo! Way to go boys! That was a mighty smooth tongue, Kirio. And Hrimr, nice tentacles!"

Lars liberally partakes from the acorns and water, and ogles some Seela females suggestively.


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Bannock, the immense stag weighs close to a ton and you huff and puff as you inch it away from the shore. The gaping wound in its flank weeps old lake water and a thick black ichor that you can only imagine are its liquefied internal organs. The smell is horrible and a rotting green tongue lolls out of its lifeless mouth as you stop dragging the corpse. You reckon the stag has been dead since it was pinned to the lake bed forty years ago.

Tiljann grabs hold of Hrimr's arm and pulls him into the village. "Come!" she says as she waves the rest of you forward, "Let us celebrate!"

You all follow back into the village where you spend the remaining hours resting and listening to the strange and beautiful music of the Seela. The songs tell you tales of ancient times and great heroes of old. There are ballads about Akara the Great Wolf who chased away the fox-headed demons, and one about the year without rains. Tiljann sings a song called the Tale of the Longwalker. This old story tells of a seela named Etinifi, a bard who managed to escape the fire forest on a mission to find help but never returned. Lastly, there are songs about Gwenvere's beauty, Anyariel's exploits and Timbre the dryad and her beautiful first tree. The last song brings tears to the eyes of the Seela who know that the dryad likely perished when the song ended. However, they are quick to point out the new beginnings and are happy that she can finally be with Anyariel in the afterlife.

Eventually, knowing that you will likely leave with the dawn, the Seela give you their eternal thanks, each coming up to you one by one to offer an embrace. To Hrimr, each one kisses his forehead and pauses to touch Anyariel's sword, the branch cut from the first tree of Innenotdar. Tiljann cries when she says goodbye and Papuvin offers his hand in fond farewell. He offers you his cave once again and heads out into the much cooler air of the forest.

Content and comfortable on your pallets, you drift off to sleep. Watches are kept as your infernal harrier still desires the case of intelligence, but the night passes without incident. When the sun rises, spells are prepared and bags packed and you follow Torrent out of the village and back up the river.

[sblock="for Lars"]Lars, for the first time that you can remember, you sleep without experiencing intense dreams. The words of Vuhl's true form spin around in your mind as you lay down and you're filled with questions. Who or what is 'Trilla' and why did the entity believe that you shared lineage? Despite these weighty issues, your tired mind eventually yields and sleep comes to you easily. [/sblock]

[sblock="for Hrimr"]Hrimr, the sword is called "The Living Blade" and it is a lesser artifact. It is a weapon of legend and as such, it will continue to increase in strength and abilities as you gain levels. Each time you level up, you may change the shape of the weapon to anything you desire (minus anything with complex parts like a repeating crossbow). Currently, it is a +1 Greatsword. [/sblock]

GM: I'll assume that the party gathers its things and moves on in the dawn, heading back up the river to the bridge and then continuing down the Elf Road and out of the woods. Feel free, if you so desire, to roleplay or post anything that you would like to take place prior to your departure.
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As they get ready to leave, Kirio pauses and addresses the others "If you do not mind, I would like to stop by the elven village on the way out of this once forsaken place. I'm curious about the enchantments in the shrine that maintained the soldier, and whether or not he has awakened?"

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