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"....so we tossed the jerk out...."


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The thread "Unpolite and Happy About It" made me wonder just how many rude/obnoxious gamers we've all encountered in our games before. So, I throw the question open to everyone. Have you ever dealt with a nightmare player whose behavior was just outrageous and/or bad? Get it off your chest, vent a bit, and share your worst player stories. Hopefully, most of them end with "....so we tossed the jerk out...." ;)

And here's my nightmare story. One of them, anyway. More to follow later, maybe! ;)

It's always a tricky thing when someone you invite into the game asks if they can bring in someone as well. At least, if you're inviting someone, you know them ahead of time (as a rule). But when you get to FOAFs (Friend Of A Friend), it becomes a crap shoot.

Emphasis on "crap".

Anyways, one of our gamers wanted to bring a friend in. OK, no prob. I'm a believer in "the more the merrier," and my wife and I try to be good hosts. This guy, who I'll call Crappy McCrapface in order to protect his identity, got off on the wrong foot literally from the first hour he walked in the door.

Early Conversation:
Crappy (looking at my wife and my joint book collection) Oh wow...do you guys worship The Goddess?
Me: Um...no, actually. We just like to be well read. I'm actually a Christian.
Crappy: Oh. They have 12-step programs for that, you know...
Me: ..............

Crappy also was one of these guys whose character had to be radically different than everyone else's. He also enjoyed playing characters...his, those of other people, you name it. Yes, one of those. One of those eager hoseheads who basically start announcing other people's actions for them.

And then the crowning turd on the pile: He started developing just WAY too much an interest in my teenaged daughter. To the point where others began noticing it, and my daughter's two honorary uncles were ready to take him outside and beat him soundly.

He lasted about a half-dozen sessions. He was then let go. :)

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StupidSmurf said:
Crappy also was one of these guys whose character had to be radically different than everyone else's. He also enjoyed playing characters...his, those of other people, you name it. Yes, one of those. One of those eager hoseheads who basically start announcing other people's actions for them.

I've had players who get like this, but fortunately not any of Crappy's other behaviors. Yikes.

About the worst thing I've ever had in a game was players who let their in-game and out-of-game conflicts influence each other. But never to the point where I had to get rid of anybody.

I'm a lucky, lucky GM.


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JimAde said:
I've had players who get like this, but fortunately not any of Crappy's other behaviors. Yikes.

About the worst thing I've ever had in a game was players who let their in-game and out-of-game conflicts influence each other. But never to the point where I had to get rid of anybody.

I'm a lucky, lucky GM.

I hear ya! And don't get me wrong....I've had the pleasure of meeting and befriending some truly amazing, absolutely wonderful people. But after DMing for 27 years and counting, the odds say you're going to run into a few nimrods as well, and let's face it, those encounters make for the more entertaining story! ;)



i've met Crappy. and his brother Stuffingforbrains.

Stuffingforbrains was in his late 40's and brought along his girlfriend, Latestteenageplaything.

She was a very nice person and a great roleplayer. But Stuffingforbrains was loud, obnoxious, cheated, and got into a shouting match with the DM.

DM... 6' 4" 350lbs ex-Marine.... Stuffingforbrains 6' 2" 250lb lard ass.

rest of us spent the whole time just trying to play.

in the end asked them,Stuffingforbrains and Latestteenageplaything, not to come back.


That's Latin for "cool"
The only time in recent (5+ years) we've had a problem it was self correcting. The guy decided he didn't like 3e and we decided we'd rather not play with the guy, though the friendship endured. Nice guy until he sat down at the table. Then he turned into a non-stop stream of compaints. Happened in Warhammer Fantasy Battles too. He'd do that technically legal, but uncool trick of shooting with his gunners before guessing artillary ranges (if you play Warhammer, you know what that's like).

Anyway, he still complains that 3e sucks. We just smile and nod and change the subject.


Poor gamers

I've found that about 1 in 10 gamers doesn't work out with whatever group I'm running at the time. The following problems can occur:

-"Hack-and-slash roll-player" rather than a thoughtful role-player
-Not a team player--a "glory hog" or extreme introvert
-Dubious personal hygiene
-Inflexible regarding Player Character actions, alignment, and development
-Always talks about past campaigns as being better than the current one
-Overly chaotic in combat: cowardly one moment, risking his own and others' lives the next
-Overly dramatic role-player: Has plotted out P.C.'s entire life story, written intricate fiction, and ignores anything that the Game Master or others say that contradict it
-Rules lawyer... 'nuff said!
-Overly chauvinistic out of character--intolerant of minorities, women, etc., some of whom may be represented at the table
-Overly distracted: Always out of character; doesn't bother to learn any rules or keep track of the story
-Wants to co-G.M. without the approval of the G.M. or group
-Thinks he knows the setting better than the G.M. (which is difficult to explain in my home-brew campaigns)
-Consistently comes up with P.C.s that don't fit the genre, such as cyberpunk vampires in a heroic fantasy game, or talking bunny Bards in a Western/horror game
-Eats others' munchies but never brings any; bums rides, but never offers to help pay for gas
-Borrows books or other media, but returns them damaged or not at all
-Noses around host's home, breaks dishes, scares pets/children
-Conducts criminal activities under the guise of gaming gatherings
-Tries to seduce group members in relationships or significant others of group members
-Comes to games armed with deadly weapons without consulting G.M. or host
-Plays with toys, props, fire, etc.
-Comes to sessions as the only one drunk, stoned, etc.
-Laughs inappropriately or is the only one making enough noise to disturb neighbors
-Arrives late, absent, or leaves early without explanation


First Post
diaglo said:
She was a very nice person and a great roleplayer. But Stuffingforbrains was loud, obnoxious, cheated, and got into a shouting match with the DM.
Ah, how familiar this sounds, and I could add quite a few more to the list... except 99% of the time got her way with DM and my story of stuffingforbrains ends with me saying 'good-bye.'

But low and behold the new area is full of gamers, so another group was not hard for me find :D

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