So where are you now?


I recently finished a Mistborn Adventure Game campaign. After that, we played a little Star Wars (using Fate Core), Marvel Heroic Roleplaying and Exalted (using Cortex Plus).

I'm preparing to run a mini-campaign (8-10 sessions) in Exalted and later a fantasy campaign with strong focus on myth (using Fate Core).

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First Post
I am actually on a Savage Worlds kick at the moment. I also just picked up Numenera and am trying to put together a game for that. D&D-wise I am still on 4e, Looking forward to the new amethyst book coming out soon!


First Post
My gaming hasn't exactly been great for the past couple of years.

I ran a Savage Worlds game based on Legend of Korra as the gamemaster. I consider it to be my most successfully ran game.

After that, it was all downhill. I ran a game of Rippers in Savage Worlds. It was going good, but now that my group was more comfortable in tabletop gaming, they began powergaming and stopped roleplaying as much for the most part (although one of my players is an awesome mix of roleplaying and optimization). It fell apart right before they faced against the BBEG. Ran a short superheroes game, which imploded after like four sessions because of a few new members to our group. They weren't really a good fit and caused more trouble than good stuff they added.

Finally switched out from Savage Worlds with this group. We played a little bit of D&D Next, but the game fell apart again, although it was because of player stupidity. Attacking each other, they've lost all of their teamwork, and constantly ignored plot hooks. We went two sessions with absolutely no plot development-- just bar fights, picking fights with city guard, and then one of the players attempted to sell his party members into slavery in the Underdark. I canceled the game after that.

Since then, I haven't gamed for about two months. I got some people (a whole new group) who want to play 13th Age, but that pretty much extends to "I want to play 13th Age" but when the agreed session time comes around, no one has a character sheet and we end up playing board games instead. After this happening three weeks in a row, I gave up on it.

I really want to play 13th Age. Hopefully as a player instead of a gamemaster for once.


I would like to to run a savage fantasy campaign at some point, though.

Do it.


Savage worlds is FANTASTIC for "classic" fantasy. Our current campaign started in January, and shows no signs of slowing down. The players like that the system has enough character building options without being rules-heavy. Combat is fun, with lots of team-based tactics coming into play. And I love the fact that most characters can at least TRY anything most of the time and feel like they have a chance at success. It's fantastic, fun, cinematic fantasy.

To me it gives the same general feeling of running BECMI, but with a more elegant rules "core" and more exciting combats. It baffles me that so many GMs complain about "rules bloat" or "system heavyness" or "caster imbalance," but haven't yet given Savage Worlds a serious look.

If the $10 asking price for the Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer's Edition paperback is too much, then something's just downright wrong with you. :)

If anything, the most challenging thing for a lot of groups will be to get the players to NOT play the thing like it's D&D. For example, for the first few sessions, one of my players kept running out in the open in front of archers . . . then wondered why he kept getting seriously injured. He was still used to D&D, where his level 4 fighter could shrug off a 1d6 arrow like it's nothing.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
I'm in the latter stages of running a several-years-long Classic Deadlands campaign.
I'm in the middlish section of a Star Wars Saga Edition game I play in.

I recently finished off playing in a 6-session Spirit of the Century game. I play random games at house-cons and gamedays as they come up.

I haven't been a one-game-only kind of gamer since 1984. I see no reason to become entrenched now.

I'm currently running the Age of Worms AP using the 3.5E D&D rules. The party is around 12th level and we're halfway through the 7th adventure. Baby number 3 is due in February, at which point I'll be taking a gaming hiatus for a few months.

When I do start playing again one of the players in my group plans on running the 3.5E Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil adventure. We game at my house, so me being a player will mean that I can step away from the table to help my wife put the kids to bed, etc. but the game can still go on.

It will be the first time since around 2001 that I've played, rather than DM'd, for more than a single session. That will definitely be a nice change as I've been experiencing a little bit of DM burnout recently.

So I'm not sure how close to the end we'll get to the Age of Worms AP, or if we will go back to it to finish it off at a later point.

I've gotten to the point with 3.5E D&D where I'm starting to see more and more of the cracks in the system. I didn't buy any of the 4E books as I was quite happy with 3.5E at the time and I've only ever played a single session of 4E.

However, I'm pretty sure I'll buy the 5E books and give the system a go. Whether we convert over or not will depend on how well it works for our group.

It baffles me that so many GMs complain about "rules bloat" or "system heavyness" or "caster imbalance," but haven't yet given Savage Worlds a serious look.

If the $10 asking price for the Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer's Edition paperback is too much, then something's just downright wrong with you. :)
True. The Savage Worlds core book is cheap, but filled with so much crunchy goodness!

If anything, the most challenging thing for a lot of groups will be to get the players to NOT play the thing like it's D&D. For example, for the first few sessions, one of my players kept running out in the open in front of archers . . . then wondered why he kept getting seriously injured. He was still used to D&D, where his level 4 fighter could shrug off a 1d6 arrow like it's nothing.
My players learned Savage Worlds tactics the hard way in my WWII Stalingrad campaign. :D Those skills should be equally useful in a fantasy game.

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