So where are you now?

Scrivener of Doom

Continuing to run 4E in a campaign that has been going for about a year plus...

About to start a brand new 4e campaign with a new group!

Why? I guess I'm still in love with 4e. :)

Much the same on both counts.

I'm also keen to try out 13th Age at some point. As much as I love 4E I am looking for a slightly simpler game for when I feel like trying to convert Dragonstar or Star Frontiers.

Edit: Tried Next/Previous/Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition and it just felt like going back in time. The entire group simply disliked it.

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First Post
I am running a few 3.5 games on Yahoogroups and just finishing up an Epic 4E game tabletop. Our next game will be another 4E game.


First Post
We're still in the middle of our 4e Dark Sun campaign (i.e. approaching level 14), so I expect this will continue for at least another 2 years. After that I doubt we will switch to D&D Next. I didn't like much of what I've seen in the playtest. I'd be more interested in testing 13th Age.



My group is all Savage Worlds (50 Fathoms - think Pirates of the Caribbean meets D&D). I am intrigued by the interview on En's front page about more support for adventures and story. While their track record may not be the best, when they do hit its nice to have a "shared experience" with D&D on the label.

Jan van Leyden

I'm playing in [MENTION=94712]Lindeloef[/MENTION]'s online 4e game as well as a offline one, also using 4e.

My own 4e campaign caters to the same players as the offline game I'm playing in and is thus on hold. I intend to continue (and end) it with Madness at Garmore Abbey, relocated and slightly rethemed to Ptolus.

My on and off game with the youngsters - think two weekends per year - uses 2e and will continue to do so.

My Song of Ice and Fire campaign will end in the next few weeks.

Sounds like I'm a busy person, doesn't it? But apart from the weekly online game everything else is all three weeks or less regular.

The apparent focus on 4e will change in the future. After my campaign's end I won't use 4e for the follow-up campaign. As of today I don't know what system I'll be using, but it'll be something of a more rules light nature.


If I didn't need it as the "engine" for the Forbidden Kingdoms setting, I would be done with D&D. As it is, I still stopped after 3.5, and I admit I don't really understand people who do the "D&D did X I didn't like in edition Y so much that I left, but now here's a new edition so I'll give it a go". While the player pool is more limited, I like my other RPGs more, including other generic fantasy RPGs. That said, I do have to thank D&D for getting me into RPGs in the first place.


I've been running an AD&D campaign every other Friday night --barring all the times we fail to keep that schedule-- for the past 2.5 years. It's kinda a beer and pretzels game, except in our case it's more 'wine and either delicious home cooking or spendy take-out'. Recently, the host's 11 year-old son joined the game.

Running AD&D again after years of 3e & 4e has been a breath of fresh air.

I tried taking over the DM'ing reins of a Pathfinder group. We played 3 mostly-successful sessions before an ongoing family medical crisis took my weekends away. We're aiming to restart in Dec. or Jan. I'd love to switch the system to something else; probably 13th Age. I realize that while I enjoy playing Pathfinder well enough, it really offers me nothing as DM. However, two people in the group really enjoy Pathfinder, so we'll see how that goes.

And I'm playing nothing. Zip. Nada. Bupkis. Until my friend gets his 13th Age campaign off the ground. Then I continue my now well-established tradition of inflicting batty-but-imaginative PCs upon my gaming group!

Playing the occasional D&D 4E game
Running 13th Age and FATE, both getting great traction and likely to run for a long while.
Will be starting up Numenera and Call of Cthulhu towards the end of the year.


I'm in the latter stages of running a several-years-long Classic Deadlands campaign.

That sounds fun. I've been missing our old Hell on Earth game.

We're back on Savage Worlds for Realms of Cthulhu now. Great fun.

Prior, we did Dungeon Crawl Classics for a year. I was there for half of it. It was fun and a good implementation of D&D old school play, but the DM found it unsustainable due to the power of magic.

We tried 4e and Pathfinder but neither took root for us. I liked the 4e adaptation for Gamma World, but it was too light for the players. If I ran it again, I would use Omega World d20 rules.

I expect we will play Savage Worlds for a while. I would run a 3e game but it is tricky due to our group's membership and some real life issues.

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