D&D 5E So why are you buying 5th edition?


So why are you buying 5th edition?

I personally have not made the decision that I will be buying it (and it seems from other responses that several others have not made that decision yet either.

Having said that, I am looking forward to seeing what the product is like and then i will decide.

I'll admit that chances are good I will end up buying at least the starter info to see what it is like. But that is not a foregone conclusion.

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Steeliest of the dragons
Who said I was buying it?!

I'm just thoroughly enjoying the fun speculation and..."energetic" discourse of people's preferences concerning it.

I will check it out! Most definitely. But I'm not promising to buy anything.

I have a homebrew world and system that is years and years old and never let me (or my players) down. But I'm more than willing to give 5e a look see...perhaps buy it for collection purposes if nothing else...but I'm hoping to have more reason than that to pick it up.



I'll be buying the core books out of sheer curiosity. We'll see if they impress me enough to continue buying supplements.


I don't buy vapourware.

When it can be evaluated on its merits (late open beta or store release), I'll make a determination.

I'll buy it if at least one of the following criteria are met:
  • It fits a particular game niche at least as well as my current "go-to" game for that niche. I have a couple of game-types I reach to versions of D&D for, so it's certainly possible it'll meet this level though the benchmark is quite high -- I like those games.
  • It offers interesting mechanics or viewpoints that I think will inspire me when I run other games. Probably the most likely criterion the designers can meet.
  • Someone else is offering to run it and I think it'll be a game I'll enjoy. I can always hope :)


Because it looks like combining the best parts of every edition thus far. Even in the unlikely event I end up not playing it, I'm curious to see the system they come up with.

Yes, I'm optimistic.

Well, all other things being equal (which is to say that once I actually SEE it and have an idea of whether I will like it at all much less enough to indeed buy it that I WILL buy it), I will buy 5E because I enjoy the idea of being able to put forth a new campaign and run a game where players are not experts on how things work, where I can bend, break, omit, and modify rules to suit myself and my players wherever I want to without anyone - ESPECIALLY players - telling me I'm doing it wrong.

I will enjoy creating new classes, implementing both new and old mechanics, finding new and better ways to play, REDISCOVERING older yet superior ways to play. I will revel in creating an entirely new game world from scratch, or in the possibilities in adapting an old setting to new ways to do things, and celebrate with a huge $&*#-eating grin on my face the FUN I am going to HEAP upon my players whether they're ready for it or not!

I am going to love the freedom 5E will give me to jettison ALL the baggage of the past, laugh at the grumblings of Luddites and Grognards who wouldn't know a good time anymore if they sold it in a game store with a "New and Improved!" sticker on the front, and leap blindly and gleefully into a better future for D&D.

Again, all things being equal. Here's hoping...


First Post
Leak from someone over on dragonsfoot who talked to a playtester; called it a "slightly crappier version of Castles & Crusades."

Given a choice between a streamlined OSR type game with or without 4E implied setting stuff included, the choice for me is easy to make - without, it makes far too much of a mess of classic D&D settings with all the retcons required to kludge in the new races and classes, IMO.

I think WOTC drew the wrong conclusions from the "Case of the Excluded Gnome". They've left in much of the stuff that drove people away as of 4E...for fear of driving people away who liked that. Hmm.


I think the thing that first caught my eye that this edition is worth taking a closer look at was that they were no longer balancing the classes based on the expectation of magical items.

That's a pretty big shift for them, especially from the previous couple of editions. I was a big fan of Iron Heroes back in the day (and like my magic rare, but flavorful!), so needless to say this is welcome news indeed-y.

Then I started taking closer look and (for the most part)... they're saying things I like. Monsters staying relevant over a wider range of levels, simple/complex class options, reducing the complexity of high level play...

Of course, we all have to wait 'n see how it's implemented but at least having this open playtest in the spring means we won't have too long to wait. I figure as long as they have choices other than Vancian, Save or Die doesn't make a encore appearance and gods aren't canon fodder for 10th level characters... it'll at least bear a closer look. ;)

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