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Solo Game: Creamsteak's newest character concept...


I've got a lovely character concept I just want to play through, and I want all the attention! No, not really, but it's an accurate anology.

I have this evil character, that just doesn't seem to blend well with any party of characters, and I was thinking, "none of the local DMs would be any fun to run this character with," so I came here, looking for the right kinda Game Master.

And, if you want, I'm willing to run a solo game for someone to be fair. Now, I sit back and wait for questions, and see if it's even possible to get this going.
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Current Development

Brahms' observations on the Mage Lezard Valeth,

Such a fine example of humanity. This young mage perhaps best represents all that his species is made of, is capable of. He is scheming, cold, capricious, power-hungry, and utterly, utterly mad. All of which makes him the most human of any human living on the Material Plane. He, like all of his species, bears a tale of talent completely wasted. One of the most promising and powerful students of the magical academies of Flenceburg, he was expelled by his headmistress for ghoulish experiments involving necromantic practices that made even the most senior instructor there pale in horror. From there, he set out on his own, gathering power and knowledge, so that he could one day challenge the gods. Challenge the gods! Hah! If only he knew how many millions throughout the eons have had the same ambitions, all of whom failed utterly! Perhaps then he would rethink his arrogant ways!

Yet something totally unexpected occurred during his quests: he fell in love. Merely thinking of the object of his affection makes me both chuckle in amusement and shake my head in pity for the poor lady. His newfound adoration has become a second flame, burning hot, feeding the inferno within him that is his lust for power. Soon, his ambitions, his love, his plans, shall all come to a head. While he is unworthy of my attention, perhaps I may cross paths with him yet. While dangerous, it could also be very amusing.

Important Characters

Lezard Valeth (Flenceburg Sorcerer/Necromancer) (Age: 24)

He is an accomplished Alchemist as well as a practitioner of the dark art of Necromancy. Behind his placid facade lies a mad genius who feels that all others are merely pawns to be played on his own handcrafted chessboard. (Male Human, Flenceburg)

Mystina (Flenceburg Sorcerer/Loremaster) (Age: 23)

After graduating head of the class at Flenceburg Sorcery Academy, she worked there as a researcher. She is a perfectionist who hates to lose and admits to being an egotistical narcissist with poor powers of self-analysis. (Female Human, Flenceburg)

Lorenta (Flenceburg Sorcerer/Aristocrat) (Age: 36)

Head Mistriss of the Flenceburg Sorcery Academy. She is as intelligent and refined as she is popular, but for some reason had trouble with her pupils, as is clear from the fact that one of them killed her for reasons unknown. (Female Human, Flenceburg)

Belenus (Swordsman/Head Guard) (Age: 37)

A nobleman holding a high office in Gerabellum; with his powers of leadership he has earned the loyalty of knights and commoners alike. He stands for fiarness and justice in a decadent kingdom. (Male Human, Gerabellum)

Kashell (Heavy Knight/Adventurer) (Age: 24)

Disdaining all profit and personal gain, he travels the land in search of adventure. He wields an enormous sword to prepare himself for his meeting with a certain person. He does not disdain those who fight for their ideals. (Male Human, Gerabellum)

Aelia (Spearman/Adventurer) (Age: 25)

Whether by choice or fate is unknown, but due to the power of the Dragon Gem, she is able to transform into a dragon. However, she has not yet realized that her shape-shifting, a form of Necromancy, is robbing her of her own identity. (Female Draconian, Gerabellum)

Gandar (Wizard) (Age: 67)
A sorcerer in the employ of the Villnore Army. Crafty and ambitious, his path to power is lined with corpses. He is a classic villain in every sense, but his power is unrivalled. He prides himself for having never lost a battle. (Male Human, Villnore)

Brahms (Cleric 20/Fighter 20/Divine Rank 10) (Age: ???)
King of Vampires and Lord of the Undead, he has fought many battles against those forces that would see him destroyed for his very existence. He has taken the spirit of Silmeria, one of the three Goddesses of Fate, but his sense of honor prevents him from every harming a hostage. (Vampire, Divine)
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/me grins evilly.

Oh, could I ever make this work in my world... and it would be incredibly fun, as well... for me, at least - I don't know about for you... :D

Too perfect!

...ahem. Anyway, if you are interested, I could run you. It would take a little while to set up (a week, at most).

While I *could* do this in a generic setting, I would prefer to set it in Adnez. Don't worry - you won't be near the area that the Psionicle is in. This game would probably not affect the Psionicle, and vice versa.

Most of this would remain untouched. Vecna doesn't need to change - he's a deity from an alternate material plane. I might change a few specifics, but your concepts here would mostly stay the same.

Well, here, let me ask a few more questions. For starters: What kind of game are looking for? That will affect my decision. Do you think that my world is appropriate for what you're looking for? The influence of the forces would be minimal, and psionics and tech would be extremely rare (known, but not used).

Your thoughts?


GnomeWorks said:
/me grins evilly.
Oh, could I ever make this work in my world... and it would be incredibly fun, as well... for me, at least - I don't know about for you... :D

Too perfect!

Just going this far in the post... it looks as though the Gnome has taken a liking to my idea.
...ahem. Anyway, if you are interested, I could run you. It would take a little while to set up (a week, at most).
He has, he has...

While I *could* do this in a generic setting, I would prefer to set it in Adnez. Don't worry - you won't be near the area that the Psionicle is in. This game would probably not affect the Psionicle, and vice versa.
Ah, well, I can definitely make some tiny revisions to make this suitable for your world, which you know best, which would suffice just fine.

Most of this would remain untouched. Vecna doesn't need to change - he's a deity from an alternate material plane. I might change a few specifics, but your concepts here would mostly stay the same.
Well, give me a suitable diety that is from this plane and I'll make use of him/her. What matters most of all is the theme, not the name, and the more developed the better. I could see the diety being Brahms, a Vampire that ruled all undead in the Olympian Pantheon (though Wizards forgot about him or something?), or anything specifically suitable from your world. Just give me a list if you can, and I'll look them over.

Well, here, let me ask a few more questions. For starters: What kind of game are looking for? That will affect my decision. Do you think that my world is appropriate for what you're looking for? The influence of the forces would be minimal, and psionics and tech would be extremely rare (known, but not used).Your thoughts?

The world doesn't matter too much, inately. I've set different regions/towns/countries/kingdoms/etc for each character to have an origin from, so assuming you want to cram those little places into your world, it would be mutually beneficial. Divine Magic and Arcane Magic flow well with my character, Psionics as a distant form of "Magic" works sufficiently well, and Tech makes sense for my character to have some proficiency with, and knowledge of, as use of it flows well with certain concepts.


creamsteak said:
Ah, well, I can definitely make some tiny revisions to make this suitable for your world, which you know best, which would suffice just fine.

Everything here works out fine. I've tweaked one item (the Dragon Gem idea) in the concept for the game that I just wrote up. Nothing save the name and appearance changed.

Well, give me a suitable diety that is from this plane and I'll make use of him/her. What matters most of all is the theme, not the name, and the more developed the better. I could see the diety being Brahms, a Vampire that ruled all undead in the Olympian Pantheon (though Wizards forgot about him or something?), or anything specifically suitable from your world. Just give me a list if you can, and I'll look them over.

Unfortunately... well, there aren't any deities that fill Vecna's place. Seriously, there is no deity of magic, or secrets, or any other area that Vecna controls.

Keep Vecna - if it fit your concept, I'll work with it. If you are feeling ambitious, you could make a deity that fills that kind of niche, which I would be alright with. If you don't want to do that, though, just go with Vecna.

The world doesn't matter too much, inately. I've set different regions/towns/countries/kingdoms/etc for each character to have an origin from, so assuming you want to cram those little places into your world, it would be mutually beneficial. Divine Magic and Arcane Magic flow well with my character, Psionics as a distant form of "Magic" works sufficiently well, and Tech makes sense for my character to have some proficiency with, and knowledge of, as use of it flows well with certain concepts.

Ah yes, and your little regions/towns have given much sudden life and depth to a little-detailed part of the world. They fit well.

The only problem with your ideas on how to make the forces work, is Psionics - for reasons that I can't explain *right* now. With the sorcery academy being what it is, psionics is going to be loathed. You're not going to run into any of it, so far as I have planned - and I've planned quite a bit already. Psionics won't be a problem.

If you feel that tech can fit, it can. Like I mentioned earlier, the place I'm planning on putting this in has little detail, and almost no information on how its aligned among the forces.


Everything here works out fine. I've tweaked one item (the Dragon Gem idea) in the concept for the game that I just wrote up. Nothing save the name and appearance changed.
Seems fine, I guess changing the word "gem" probably means something to you... ;)

Unfortunately... well, there aren't any deities that fill Vecna's place. Seriously, there is no deity of magic, or secrets, or any other area that Vecna controls.

Keep Vecna - if it fit your concept, I'll work with it. If you are feeling ambitious, you could make a deity that fills that kind of niche, which I would be alright with. If you don't want to do that, though, just go with Vecna.
Give me 20 minutes and I'll have written em up plenty. Do you have a Lawful-Good god that I can set up as an opposition, or should I work on that too?

The only problem with your ideas on how to make the forces work, is Psionics - for reasons that I can't explain *right* now. With the sorcery academy being what it is, psionics is going to be loathed. You're not going to run into any of it, so far as I have planned - and I've planned quite a bit already. Psionics won't be a problem.

Well, I definitely don't feel like psi fits, so "loathing" it works out just fine =D.

And tech in the region would not have any power to rival magic, as it's predominant. It would have some notice, in particular technological devices that can perform labor would be accepted. Even some "devices" like a refridgerator for necromantic components could be fitting and relatively tasteful...


creamsteak said:
Seems fine, I guess changing the word "gem" probably means something to you... ;)

Just a little. ;)

Give me 20 minutes and I'll have written em up plenty. Do you have a Lawful-Good god that I can set up as an opposition, or should I work on that too?

No, I don't have an LG deity, either. I have LN, N, and CN deities somewhat set up, but not really.

Well, I definitely don't feel like psi fits, so "loathing" it works out just fine =D.

That's good. Keep that feeling. :D

And tech in the region would not have any power to rival magic, as it's predominant. It would have some notice, in particular technological devices that can perform labor would be accepted. Even some "devices" like a refridgerator for necromantic components could be fitting and relatively tasteful...

That last idea is interesting. I'll work on that.


I edited my post above and made the correct changes, Brahms seems like a fitting diety to have the Darkness, Evil, and Repose Domains. A more full write-up will fall together later.

Voidrunner's Codex

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